Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



35,661 posts

153 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Yay!!! bounce
This morning's Elbow Test has revealed:

Gude Moaneve and Happy Sunday indeed to Wernan Awl.wavey

Yesterday at the vaccination clinic, I took advice from the northwest's leading immunologist's secretary's trainee assistant, Heather, who assured me that there was no proven link to heart or circulation problems consequential to administering the influenza jab, as long as the operative didn't accidentally prick their finger.
On that basis, I was sufficiently convinced to sign the disclaimer and submit to both jabs essential to protect me through the dreadful epidemic that is planned for this coming winter, especially for those that have put their clocks forward one hour to pretend it's summer.
I came away with Covid in my right upper arm and 'flu in my left, protected up to me eyeballs but apprehensive about the sigh defects I may or may not have to face in the subsequent aftermath.
I managed to break through the Five Hour Barrier with no drastic collapses, apart from a bit of a Saw Rarm. My dicky ticker was still doing its' best under the circumstances as I lay busily on my recliner watching Sky Arts, the Ruggerby game, and the PBS Channel until bedtime and slightly beyond.
Eventually I made my way up the apples to Bedfordshire and spent the night with a gently throbbing shoulder and the usual frequent trips to Looe.
My best kip was from 07:00hrs until 10:00, which was surprising as I usually need a wee every 2 hours or so.
I thought I'd better let Mrs Robbo know that I had survived the night and proudly announced to her: "I'M ALIVE!", but she didn't seem all that impressed. Indeed her face was not bothered. If anything, all I detected was a small sigh of resignation.
Or it may have been disappointment, it was hard to tell really.

And so here I am, with nothing worse than a slightly stiff right arm, a gently throbbing shoulder and a bit of a ruddy doze with occasional sneezings.

Welcome back Bomma & Futtette wavey
I would give you a warmer welcome if I could muster up a couple of handfuls of centipedes, but they are in scarce supply at the mo.
I've got some on order, so watch this space.

To Pequod, may I wish you good luck for your impending surgical procedure, whatever it may be.
I hope you have chosen wisely from the catalogue:
You don't need anything too large, it would upset your equilibrium* and probably cause a list to port. Or other fortified wine. drunk

Nice work on that door, spikeyhead, but it dies look a bit out of place on the Atom.
I realise you're only trying to prevent the draughts, but have you considered the effect that doors have in restricting the all-important ventilation when you are carrying an apprehensive passenger?

Just sayin'.

Ah well, Up! & Atom indeed.

Please play nicely amongst yourselves and no fighting! nono
Remember this is NOT N, P&E! nono

Edited by glenrobbo on Sunday 24th September 11:54


35,661 posts

153 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Bomma R1 said:
I've just had a chat with Grandbomma on the phone:

"Did you have a nice holiday, Pappy?"

"Yes, it was lovely, thanks"

"And what was your favourite part of the holiday?"

"When Futtette wet her shorts in the sea"

Oh dear.
Bomma, I think you'd better watch out.

I expect you'll be getting another surprise shower very soon.

Or perhaps you're into that sort of thing...???


39,277 posts

101 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Technology, I'm not a fan of I'm honest, and the reason for that is when it doesn't work it downright fking annoying, as per trying to book our holiday next year, failed to accept Mrs Bobbers card due to her banking app not working properly, then when we tried to book our cottage for next year it failed yet again, luckily it worked for my banking app.

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
Technology, I'm not a fan of I'm honest, and the reason for that is when it doesn't work it downright fking annoying, as per trying to book our holiday next year, failed to accept Mrs Bobbers card due to her banking app not working properly, then when we tried to book our cottage for next year it failed yet again, luckily it worked for my banking app.
Couldn't agree more old boy. Futtette tried to pay for something on holiday with her card for our joint account, "Not Authorised" despite several attempts, yet my card for the same account worked straight away. She used the same card to pay for something else later and it worked fine confused

Mr Magooagain

10,211 posts

173 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Bomma R1 said:
Morning all bounce

Oh thanks Bomma! A very apt colour format after Irelands heroics last night.

Bobbers it’s crossed my mind that Mrs Bobbers is a lot sharper than you might give her credit for! Bank app not working! My left foot!

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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"Maybe there's not enough in your half of the account"

"fk off, Bom"

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Mr Magooagain said:
Oh thanks Bomma! A very apt colour format after Irelands heroics last night.
I must admit I hadn't made that connection at the time, old boy.
However, having seen the highlights of the game, let's have a :

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Incidentally, I'm not of Irish descent but they did play bloody well.

I did go on a stag weekend in Dublin many moons ago, went into a bar at around ten in the morning:

"Seven pints of Guinness, please"

"Oi'm sorry, sir, we can't serve alcohol before 11"

"Oh bugger"

"Would yous like a pint while you're waitin'?"


2,481 posts

54 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Bomma R1 said:
"Maybe there's not enough in your half of the account"

"fk off, Bom"


39,108 posts

190 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Bomma R1 said:
"Maybe there's not enough in your half of the account"

"fk off, Bom"

Her Ladyship and I have seperate accounts, she has her money and i give her my money


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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All or nothing.

Which reminds me...


8,997 posts

141 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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'Joint' account?

Artnoon all!

A day of sorting out the last heavy lifting for your correspondent b4 my operation ante meridiem, and delivering Barnfind to the lads at that there stable to be treated to an excess of grub, and no mistake! Thank you glenners for your best wishes... I shall report on progress should the Lord spare me and the surgeon holding the scalpel is accurate and sober...

IOTN: I enjoyed a bottle or two (2) of that there Erdinger last eve at the 50th Anniversary of a Friendship gathering cos I was driving. An excellent driving beer and I shall peruse the aisle of ale at my next visit to Mr M's emporium of comestibles, to be sure.

IOOTN: Rattus rattus minor has appeared 'neath the bird feeder, and shall be dealt with as and when my recovery from surgery enables the shouldering of my weapon of choice for such invasions.

C'mon Scotland....


Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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pequod said:
'Joint' account?
Indeed old boy, it helps us to keep track of what we spend on illicit substances.

"Shouldering a weapon?"

I've not shouldered mine for a good while now, use them from the waist these days.

Bit like the fella with the Minigun in "Predator", that sort of thing.

Probably why I hit everything bar the bloody target. Never mind.


8,997 posts

141 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Bomma R1 said:
pequod said:
'Joint' account?
Indeed old boy, it helps us to keep track of what we spend on illicit substances.

"Shouldering a weapon?"

I've not shouldered mine for a good while now, use them from the waist these days.

Bit like the fella with the Minigun in "Predator", that sort of thing.

Probably why I hit everything bar the bloody target. Never mind.

I must say, my strike rate is 3/1 using the shouldering method but I might try yer recommendation and bring out the ol' blunderbuss... a proper job when multiple targets appear in your correspondents eye....



35,661 posts

153 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Or just hand Bomma a well-shaken can of Keo!

- It don't miss a darned thang!


Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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pequod said:
Bomma R1 said:
pequod said:
'Joint' account?
Indeed old boy, it helps us to keep track of what we spend on illicit substances.

"Shouldering a weapon?"

I've not shouldered mine for a good while now, use them from the waist these days.

Bit like the fella with the Minigun in "Predator", that sort of thing.

Probably why I hit everything bar the bloody target. Never mind.

I must say, my strike rate is 3/1 using the shouldering method but I might try yer recommendation and bring out the ol' blunderbuss... a proper job when multiple targets appear in your correspondents eye....

My old Remy's alright if it's on automatic with the seven shot mag in it.

Just have to keep an eye on where the Chief Constable is... whistle


15,875 posts

109 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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DickyC said:
All or nothing.

Which reminds me...
Splendid stuff Dicky, top hole what. See also The Yardbirds in '68 during their period as a four piece, just before they morphed into The New Yardbirds and then Led Zeppelin...

By some weird quirk of fate, I ended up chatting to the drummer Jim McCarty about Mini Coopers last year on facebook!

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
Or just hand Bomma a well-shaken can of Keo!

- It don't miss a darned thang!

Bugger off, you cruel old sod .How dare you mock the unfortunately moistened? hehe


8,997 posts

141 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Bomma R1 said:
pequod said:
Bomma R1 said:
pequod said:
'Joint' account?
Indeed old boy, it helps us to keep track of what we spend on illicit substances.

"Shouldering a weapon?"

I've not shouldered mine for a good while now, use them from the waist these days.

Bit like the fella with the Minigun in "Predator", that sort of thing.

Probably why I hit everything bar the bloody target. Never mind.

I must say, my strike rate is 3/1 using the shouldering method but I might try yer recommendation and bring out the ol' blunderbuss... a proper job when multiple targets appear in your correspondents eye....

My old Remy's alright if it's on automatic with the seven shot mag in it.

Just have to keep an eye on where the Chief Constable is... whistle
I haven't shot a fifty (50) bird flush for some time, yet I recall my pal, with his seven (7) shot auto, missed most of the presented clays.... I think the trapper was connected to the CC?

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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pequod said:
Bomma R1 said:
pequod said:
Bomma R1 said:
pequod said:
'Joint' account?
Indeed old boy, it helps us to keep track of what we spend on illicit substances.

"Shouldering a weapon?"

I've not shouldered mine for a good while now, use them from the waist these days.

Bit like the fella with the Minigun in "Predator", that sort of thing.

Probably why I hit everything bar the bloody target. Never mind.

I must say, my strike rate is 3/1 using the shouldering method but I might try yer recommendation and bring out the ol' blunderbuss... a proper job when multiple targets appear in your correspondents eye....

My old Remy's alright if it's on automatic with the seven shot mag in it.

Just have to keep an eye on where the Chief Constable is... whistle
I haven't shot a fifty (50) bird flush for some time, yet I recall my pal, with his seven (7) shot auto, missed most of the presented clays.... I think the trapper was connected to the CC?
Oh, I'll have that beaten, old boy. Miss the bloody lot, I would. Without a doubt.

Gawd help anyone in the surrounding area, though...