Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



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50,310 posts

201 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Mrs C and I are enjoying cocktails in the East Wing.


Mrs C and I are enjoying pre-dinner drinks in the orangery.


Mrs C is having a G&T and I'm having a beer. We're in the extension watching some masterful flying by the local red kites. They've driven away the sparrowhawks. And eaten everything else.

My dad, a lifelong aeronautical wallah, enjoyed watching birds flying.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Hazel: Mac's got an angle.
Doc: I'm sure he do.

Time to read Cannery Row and Sweet Thursday again.



Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Sunday 23rd June
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spikeyhead said:
Morning all

Cannery row is an excellent book. Most of Steinbeck's work is great

I've nothing planned for the day
Lie back with your dinner bowl on your head.

It's recommended in some quarters.

See above.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Sunday 23rd June
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I must have been slowing down energetically. The back one is not nearly as bad.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Monday 24th June
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Byker28i said:
DickyC said:



I must have been slowing down energetically. The back one is not nearly as bad.
The council have finally settled from our claim from 15 months ago
I can remember thinking I should have a look as it probably caused some damage but can't remember where it was. Not a clue.

It was dark, if that helps.

/self-professed idiot


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50,310 posts

201 months

Monday 24th June
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Thanks everyone. It was a bit weird, really. Yesterday I checked the tyres, found the bulge, had a think and remembered the awful clunk as the car went down the pothole some nights before but not only couldn't I remember where it was, I also can't remember why I didn't investigate it when I got home. Or stop and have a look the first chance I had. My phone has a light, I didn't need a garage or a row of shops to see what had happened. Years ago I would have made a right drama out of it. This time, I was glad it hadn't punctured and just carried on.

Standards are slipping.

Mrs C isn't averse to 4x4s. While I've known her I've had a Range Rover and two Discoverys. More to think about.


While I was contemplating how low profile tyre aficionados must be suffering, I remembered an incident ten years or so ago in traffic waiting at some lights. It was a junction with a right filter. In front of me was a Lamborghini. In front of him was an empty right filter lane. He couldn't join the lane because there were cars in front of him and a kerbed area beside him (median? is that right? sounds a bit legalistic). Eager to get on, he bumped up the kerb. Gordon Bennet. Why would you do that? Watching it made my blood run cold. At best he scraped two alloys, at worst he wrote off two wheels and two tyres. Anyway, the lights changed for straight on but the filter stayed red. He would have done better to wait and not damage anything.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Monday 24th June
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German motivational speech. Hmm.



A Teutonic Tonic.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Monday 24th June
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Bobberoo said:
Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
A day off today to get over the weekend, but we still have cleaning and shopping to do!!

At least the weather looks good for the day, so we might sneak in lunch out too!!

Dicky, as Magoo has already said, I'm afraid that tyre is toast!!

Enjoy your day whatever you're doing!!
Yes, I appreciate that, thanks, Magooeroo. It wasn't an Is This Safe? post. It was a Look What I've Done post. Shortly to be followed by a How Much? post and then by an I've Replaced All Four (4) post.

I know myself well enough to make these predictions.


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50,310 posts

201 months

Monday 24th June
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glenrobbo said:
Bobberoo said:
Dreading having to replace the tyres on Ivor, going to be around £600.
scratchchin Perhaps caterpillar tracks are the answer, Bobbers.
He's thinking much further ahead.


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50,310 posts

201 months

Monday 24th June
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glenrobbo said:
Flippin' 'eck, Dicky, that tyre of yours looks totally Bibendemmed! frown
It's lucky you didn't attempt the drive oop norf to partake in the Brassington, for it may have decided to totally give up the ghost whilst you were proceeding at the approved rate of leptons and sent you hurtling into Oblivionland.yikes
I would advise you to choose a random suitably severe pothole, photograph it with a measuring stick included, and send it with a pic of your tyre damage and a quote or bill from a supplier of black circles to the appropriate authority with a claim for full restitutionness.
Something needs to be done.
I shall write a stern letter to the Trivton Bugle and Gazette.
"He went doing what he wanted."
"Being upside down in a field?"


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Monday 24th June
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Bobberoo said:
Do I have to do everything myself?!?!?
No. There are circumstances when we have to everything for you.

When you've been exposed to Green Trivialite, for example.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Stands the Church clock at ten to three? And is there honey still for tea?


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Tuesday 25th June
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I was cooking a lot of red meat in a pan on a barbecue, which seemed odd and unnecessary. It was all very hot and sizzling but the meat wasn't cooking. The pan was full and I kept turning over the pieces of meat but when I turned them over they were still raw.

And then I woke up to a world where I don't eat red meat anymore because of me old ticker.

It's okay, I wasn't all that keen anyway.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Tuesday 25th June
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New tyres today.


Yesterday, in a timely coincidence, an email from my favourite tyre dealer arrived offering 15% off all Michelins.


I've just entered my reg in their website.



Ah, the joys of Jap imports.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Tuesday 25th June
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I drove to the tyre place.

"Hello, you sent me an email yesterday offering 15% discount on Michelins. "
"Yeah, that's online."
"Which means?"
"We can't see the discount codes."
"Okay, er, could you give the full price and I'll work out the discount and see if I want go ahead."
"No, you have to do it online."
"How about, I drive round the corner, order them online and then drive back?"
"Suit yourself."

They used to be really good. I shall take my custom elsewhere.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Bobberoo said:
Fullook said:
Perhaps it's in disguise. Please confirm the whereabouts of your spare trilby, sunglasses and false nose.
Dicky only ever uses large sunglasses and a blonde wig for his disguises!!!
But even then he still looks like Groucho.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Tuesday 25th June
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According to the Police he died standing up.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Tuesday 25th June
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glenrobbo said:
Alas poor Bibendum; I knew him well, Horatio. frown

A fellow of radial construction, tenacious of grip and long of duration.
A trusty all-rounder, respected by all that pneu him.



I am not worthy.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Tuesday 25th June
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I wish I'd gone for the Yoricks now.