Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



39,122 posts

190 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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Due to being a bit of a fool, i managed to give myself an ingrowing toe nail and when i cut it, it has become infected.
I know....i know

Anyway, my tried and trusted method of dealing with it is to pop the infection and soak it in water with dettol or a lot of salt, works a charm.
And that brough me onto my trivial point, does anyone remember the story of a departed trivialist who once made the mistake of rubbing dettol directly onto his chap in response to his then young maiden informing him she had thrush?


Just me then tumbleweed

So the tale went, she laughed like a loon when he told her and said he was a berk as he should have put the dettol in water and bathed it.

Which reminds me of the guy i knew who once tore a hole in his foreskin due to his then young lady being quite petite and him being a.....larger....fellow. He asked for remedies so i said bathe it in salt water and specified a pinch of salt. Daft bugger emptied a kitchen salt bottle into water and dunked his chap into it

Oh how i laughed

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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psi310398 said:
Bomma R1 said:
We're back in the UK now, has anyone been fiddling around with the thermostat? Bloody chilly, it is.

Never mind. Got Halloween, bonfire night and Christmas to look forward to now. Yay.

A stubborn pozidrive screw? Milwaukee impact driver old boy, rarely seems to fail. I have the Hades bd 5.0aH one, otherwise drill the bugger out.

Use a good drill bit though, otherwise you'll be in a world of pain. Have a look at Milwaukee Red Helix, won't go too far wrong with those buggers..
That Mr Bomma, he speak sense!

I've never come across anything that combination won't shift.

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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slopes said:
Due to being a bit of a fool, i managed to give myself an ingrowing toe nail and when i cut it, it has become infected.
I know....i know

Anyway, my tried and trusted method of dealing with it is to pop the infection and soak it in water with dettol or a lot of salt, works a charm.
And that brough me onto my trivial point, does anyone remember the story of a departed trivialist who once made the mistake of rubbing dettol directly onto his chap in response to his then young maiden informing him she had thrush?


Just me then tumbleweed

So the tale went, she laughed like a loon when he told her and said he was a berk as he should have put the dettol in water and bathed it.

Which reminds me of the guy i knew who once tore a hole in his foreskin due to his then young lady being quite petite and him being a.....larger....fellow. He asked for remedies so i said bathe it in salt water and specified a pinch of salt. Daft bugger emptied a kitchen salt bottle into water and dunked his chap into it

Oh how i laughed
I know I've related the tale on here of the Junior Tech, the infection and application of Fiery Jack before.

Be careful, out there...


39,122 posts

190 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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Bomma R1 said:
slopes said:
Due to being a bit of a fool, i managed to give myself an ingrowing toe nail and when i cut it, it has become infected.
I know....i know

Anyway, my tried and trusted method of dealing with it is to pop the infection and soak it in water with dettol or a lot of salt, works a charm.
And that brough me onto my trivial point, does anyone remember the story of a departed trivialist who once made the mistake of rubbing dettol directly onto his chap in response to his then young maiden informing him she had thrush?


Just me then tumbleweed

So the tale went, she laughed like a loon when he told her and said he was a berk as he should have put the dettol in water and bathed it.

Which reminds me of the guy i knew who once tore a hole in his foreskin due to his then young lady being quite petite and him being a.....larger....fellow. He asked for remedies so i said bathe it in salt water and specified a pinch of salt. Daft bugger emptied a kitchen salt bottle into water and dunked his chap into it

Oh how i laughed
I know I've related the tale on here of the Junior Tech, the infection and application of Fiery Jack before.

Be careful, out there...
You must have been around for the Dettol incident Bom

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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slopes said:
You must have been around for the Dettol incident Bom
Is that the one involving a wire brush? I've been told not to talk about it since he stopped flying helicopters.

Anyhow, we're home now. Proper cup of tea and a bacon roll, etc etc.

Nice to be home, though smile


39,122 posts

190 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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Bomma R1 said:
slopes said:
You must have been around for the Dettol incident Bom
Is that the one involving a wire brush? I've been told not to talk about it since he stopped flying helicopters.

Anyhow, we're home now. Proper cup of tea and a bacon roll, etc etc.

Nice to be home, though smile
Don't think so.
We had a guy who used to frequent the Towers who was a bit of a character - i believe he has been banned - and amongst other things, he had a young lady who once had a case of thrush. She told him and when he asked what he should do.
Bathe it in Dettol said the maiden
So silly bugger that he was, he just rubbed neat dettol onto it, then called her in a panic as it started to swell up and turn a delicate shade of purple.

Mind you there was the story of getting caught once filming his shenanigans and i'm leaving that one there eek


35,670 posts

153 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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Well done Ireland! clap

Really happy for you, Magoo! Brilliant! bounce


35,670 posts

153 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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Byker28i said:
slopes said:
G-wiz said:
Cannot remove 2 screws in the wheel arch of my 11 year old BMW diesel, to change a blown bulb in the headlight.

Extremely frustrating.

Have dowsed in WD40, but the screws are not coming off/ turning. Posi-driver fits perfectly, but the screws are not budging.

Planning next strategy.
Ask Bomma, he’ll have something to shift them

Most likely the rest of the car too but the screws will have been sorted
Hold the screws/screwdriver steady and rotate the car? biggrin
I think it's time to re-hire that Terminator T-1000.
Apparently it proved most efficacious for Byker's little problem. smash

Edited by glenrobbo on Saturday 23 September 22:33


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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My really nice pair of casual shoes I wear a bit often have worn through the soles. A new pair is £85. I took them to the repairers in town. There was a time when I would have just left them there and dealt with the money issue when I collected them. I'm glad I asked for an estimate. £69.

"Well, yeah, but, y'see..."
"No, you're all right, mate, I'll buy a new pair. Thanks."


35,670 posts

153 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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scratchchin I wonder if blackbirds get thrush?

A mixture of Dettol, Fiery Jack and Nitromors should shift most stubborn rashes, but I would advise wearing a pair of blue neoprene gloves before applying it to the old chap.
It's best to apply it outside where it's well ventilated and there's plenty of space to run around without any trip hazards.

Think safety. smile


62,468 posts

220 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
Byker28i said:
slopes said:
G-wiz said:
Cannot remove 2 screws in the wheel arch of my 11 year old BMW diesel, to change a blown bulb in the headlight.

Extremely frustrating.

Have dowsed in WD40, but the screws are not coming off/ turning. Posi-driver fits perfectly, but the screws are not budging.

Planning next strategy.
Ask Bomma, he’ll have something to shift them

Most likely the rest of the car too but the screws will have been sorted
Hold the screws/screwdriver steady and rotate the car? biggrin
I think it's time to re-hire that Terminator T-1000.
Apparently it proved most efficacious for Byker's little problem. smash

Edited by glenrobbo on Saturday 23 September 22:33
I returned it yesterday, apparently its £2400!

Up early this morning watching Japn F1. Really wet here

Mr Magooagain

10,219 posts

173 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
Well done Ireland! clap

Really happy for you, Magoo! Brilliant! bounce
Thanks glenrobbo! What an epic game. We stayed in it when things didn’t go our way but it levelled out with them having a bad kicking game.
Brutal it was.

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Morning all bounce



5,979 posts

146 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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We've just moved th big hand on th clock t' summertime, it's been pissssing all day & winter has returned. 10 centipedes after 24 a couple days ago.


5,274 posts

199 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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What a lovely cheerful Snoopy to wake to, thanks Bomma.

Today we will be mainly wearing more clothes for our trip home to colder, wetter Angleterre.


17,549 posts

200 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Morning most, evening Paua,

I've awoken to grey skies and a long list of jobs to tackle in the house.



39,298 posts

101 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
Apologies for my abstinence abscess abolition absence last night, we were over friends until about half ten and then I watched the England v Chile game, a decent enough game, Chile did put up a decent defence, but their lack of experience showed, a good effort though for their first ever world cup appearance.
I haven't seen the Ireland game and it appears I missed a cracker!!
A day in the garden today, followed by more rugby for me, enjoy your Sunday all!!


39,298 posts

101 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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A correction to my last post, we won't be spending the day in the garden due to it having rained quite heavily and everything being soaked!!? grumpy


9,310 posts

206 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Morning all.

Up late after getting home from dinner with a friend at 0200. I’m too old for staying out three hours past normal bedtime!

At least, today is a day of doing very little.

Enjoy, all.

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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I've just had a chat with Grandbomma on the phone:

"Did you have a nice holiday, Pappy?"

"Yes, it was lovely, thanks"

"And what was your favourite part of the holiday?"

"When Futtette wet her shorts in the sea"
