Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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Battert has been on. He'd like us to take more tea, coffee, milk, sugar, bacon and white rolls to Trivtone Henge. He underestimated the number of attendees.

Hold on! If he's down there, who's making breakfast here?


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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Bobberoo said:
Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
It appears to be another beautiful day outside, not yet packed, that's commencing as I type this, Mrs Bobbers feverishly running around muttering to herself as she gathers her stuff together!!!

We aim to be on the way around 0900, with an arrival time of approximately 1500 hrs, obviously this is incredibly traffic dependant!!!

Enjoy your shorts day spikeyhead, we're not allowed to wear shorts at work, cos sharp metal bits!!!
Don't go past the Henge! Turn up Abattoir Lane by the pet shop. It'll bring you out on Straight Road and you'll be clear.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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Biker's Nemesis said:
slopes said:
DickyC said:
slopes said:
One day off and came back to 53 emails. rolleyes
Snowy Slopes, the inspiration behind one of Bruce Springsteen's most popular songs.
A message came back from the great beyond:
There's fifty-seven channels and nothin' on


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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GOG440 said:
This isn't Trivial at all.

Those of you who have been in the towers for a long time may remember Ground Effect ( Scott).
We found out yesterday that he has died, horrific news as he was a really nice guy and way to young to be dying. I don't have any details as to how
Thanks, GOG. Sonic came by yesterday to tell us.

Sad news.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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Biker's Nemesis said:
Today's weapon of choice.

With the rotating blades attachment on the handlebars, I see. Capital, capital.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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Error_404_Username_not_found said:
My daughter called me this morning. I wasn't properly awake and I was sitting on the lavatory.
As normal, she called through WhatsApp.
I didn't notice she had opted for video-calling.
She noticed. We could hear her and we were in the Members Bar with the doors closed.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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Still Mulling said:
Bobberoo said:
Well, whale, wheel, we've made it to Buxton in one piece!!
Traffic was absolutely horrendous on the M42 and M6 before the toll section, but once we were past that and into the Peak District area it was just sublime scenery!!!
Have a picture of Ivor parked outside the Old Hall Hotel.
Hurrah! Have a fab time! driving
I name this beer Bobber-robbo-roo!

Have a superb time.

And don't listen to his, "I'm older than Dicky and I've had 50% more bypasses than he has and I made it here," malarkey. I'm there in spirit. We all are.


Actually, we're not, we're in the Members' Bar auctioning off your stuff.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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hammo19 said:
Mrs H and I just watch Barbie. Funny in places but a bit unusual.
Mrs C and I just watched Dead Man's Shoes.


Different to Barbie.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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1 What every day thing is powered by radio waves?

I didn't put it in the Pequod Memorial Quiz because, firstly I'm not certain I have the description correct and, secondly, there may be other thing powered by radio waves. So it wasn't an ideal question.

When the BBC started broadcasting on long wave, they received complaints about poor signal. When they plotted the addresses of the complaints on a map, they found there was a triangle pointing towards Ally Pally. It was so accurate they were able to pinpoint a house at the apex of the triangle. The householder had set up a receiver so big he could power the lights in his house.


1 What every day thing is powered by radio waves? Debit and credit cards.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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Good innit? Your card doesn't have a battery but needs power to fire up its chip. The aerial runs round near the edge of the card and draws power from the card reader.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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I don't think I dreamt it. I think I saw it on the telly.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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Biker's Nemesis said:
DickyC said:
I don't think I dreamt it. I think I saw it on the telly.
Like Dallas and Bobby Ewing?
Similar, but in my experience the trebuchet is not the hit man's weapon of choice.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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Bobberoo said:
Truth time, I really liked Shake it off, until the vicious bh started being a serial shagger and then using the break ups to to create songs to make herself famous.
Lamont Dozier was doing that for Motown around the time of the Boer War. Get a new girlfriend, break up with her, write a hit song.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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"Is this all the cheese you've got?"

It was a Cheese and Whine Party.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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Error_404_Username_not_found said:
I have never heard Ms Swifts voice.
But I have seen her likeness in the papers.
Why does she go to work in a swimming costume?
Does she expect to get wet?
Tis nought but cheap sensationalism.

I worked for her mum briefly. Taylor Woodrow.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Byker28i said:
DickyC said:
I don't think I dreamt it. I think I saw it on the telly.
With the delicious Hannah Fry explaining?

You're implying I was interested in the less interesting element of the clip.

I see that now.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Saturday 22nd June
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slopes said:
But then she was also a victim of Mr Charisma himself, Harry Styles who only shagged her to further his career after he left that cheesy boy band thing.

So she probably thought if its good for a bloke to do it, it’s good for me to do it too.

Enjoy the Brassington
The phrase 'enjoy the Brassington' is not an invitation to further your career by engaging Mrs Brassington in a meaningless romantic entanglement.

It almost undoubtedly wouldn't.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Bobberoo said:
I'm not sure I'd survive an encounter with Mrs Brassington, of any shape or form!!!
Lord Bobbers of Brassington, good morning. In the Welshbeef thread a poster remembers the days PHers had their usernames with their PH badge adorning their vehicles and claims it doesn't happen now. You could disabuse him of his error.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Saturday 22nd June
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GOG440 said:
DickyC said:
Thanks, GOG. Sonic came by yesterday to tell us.

Sad news.
I really need to buy a new Hamster for my internet connection.
I sent that message about 14hrs before it appeared on PH!
The messenger had to stop overnight in Stony Stratford.

It's all too PC now. In our day we would have ridden through the night and not spared the horses.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Saturday 22nd June
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spikeyhead said:
Alright, who was supposed to be on page 2 duty?

Security tags are powered in the same way as credit card chips.
That should have dawned on me before, the number of times one of us passes the gatehouse at the end of the main drive and sets off the alarm. And Frank Admissionnes complaining about being woken up.