Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



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50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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paua said:
DickyC said:
Reginald Perrin's MiL?
I didn't get where I am today by plundering old sit com gags.

Oh, no, actually, now I think about it, I probably did.



Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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"Eleven minutes late. Hippos on the line near Hampton Wick."


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Etlnsdy said:
Morning all

Wallpaper stripping again today, when will it ever end???

Hopefully today !!!!

It had to be done.


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Right, must dash, these atoms aren't going to split themselves.


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Dermot O'Logical said:
DickyC said:
paua said:
DickyC said:
Reginald Perrin's MiL?
I didn't get where I am today by plundering old sit com gags.

Oh, no, actually, now I think about it, I probably did.

In matters Trivial, I used to work with a girl who was the cousin of the actress who played Reggie Perrin's secretary (Joan?).

Just sayin'.
And therefore linked to Coronation Street.

Unless I'm very much mistaken.

And no mistake. On the cobbles.


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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paua said:
Is it still carpet burn if it happens on th cobbles?
"Ow's yer knees?
An old guvnor of mine married way above his station. He married for money and status, she married for money. Neither of them had any money. She was cut from a different cloth though. He was getting ready for bed one evening, she was already in bed, reading. He realised that following a low level mission over a secretary in his office, he had carpet burns on his elbows. He did his best to conceal them but it was no good. Without looking up she just said, "Forever the gentleman, Brian."


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Etlnsdy said:
DickyC said:
Did you mean




Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Forgive me, I'm putting words into your mouth.


Putting smileys into your post.




Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Etlnsdy said:
Oh, what happened to my laughing emojis?

Who would have thought I spent nearly all my working life in IT?
You have to use the approved smileys or all hell breaks loose.

If you knew the considerations we have to find to facilitate a bit of blind eye turning to serve Battert's Genuine Albanian Absinthe in the Members' Bar, you'd realise Non-PH emojis would never get through without assistance.


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50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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-TorqueR said:
< looks at title, tell us something trivial about your life >

I’m picking up a rental car tomorrow morning, Nissan Qashqai (or similar). What do you trivialities think I’ll get in the rental car lottery?
On a point of order, Mr Chairman.

We are not trivialities. We are Trivialites.


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Mr Magooagain said:
DickyC said:
-TorqueR said:
< looks at title, tell us something trivial about your life >

I’m picking up a rental car tomorrow morning, Nissan Qashqai (or similar). What do you trivialities think I’ll get in the rental car lottery?
On a point of order, Mr Chairman.

We are not trivialities. We are Trivialites.
Desmond Decker?
Wake up in the mornin'
Absinthe for breakfast


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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glenrobbo said:
PS, Will Dicky still be joining us from his FOP in Altrincham? ( IIRC)
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it. Two reasons: I've had a setback with me old ticker plus, we were going to Altrincham on a jolly and I was going to join you for a few hours. Last weekend, Team Altrincham turned up here. Us going up there a week later would be superflew, sooperflious, superfoo, a bit too much.

Have a good time. I'm sure you will. And no mistake.


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th June
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I meant to add mucho apologies.


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50,337 posts

201 months

Thursday 20th June
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Dermot O'Logical said:
Sorry to hear that the old jam tart is on the blink again, Dicky. Do take care of yourself, we need your calming and experienced hand on the tiller, goodness knows what might happen otherwise!
I'm okay, thanks, Dermot, all things considered. Last evening I had an inspirational call from glenrobbo. Inspirational? More, For-Pity's-Sake-Pull-Yourself-Together-Man.

No, seriously, glen very kindly called to check I was still functioning and as we compared notes I deduced that I'm not dancing on the edge of the abyss after all. The Cardiac Hell glen has emerged from was considerably worse than mine. My 'episode' feels simple and straightforward in comparison. It was good to talk to a fellow traveller. The key to dealing with bypass surgery, to my mind, is the realisation that it's not a cure. The surgery circumnavigates the worst of the problems and, after rehabilitation, leaves you fitter and healthier. But you still have heart disease and have to look after yourself. The first cardiac consultant I spoke to said, "Have the operation and we'll get you another twenty years." The second consultant said, "Have the operation and we'll get you another ten years." I was careful to avoid the conversation after that.

A while back my GP made arrangements for me to see the Cardiology Team at hospital but, post Covid, the wait times are longer. The appointment is in July. Feeling ropey, I went back to the GP and saw a different doctor who has juggled my meds - mostly increased dosages - and I have gone back to carrying a Nitroglycerine spray. It's known as Glyceryl Trinitrate in medical circles. Same stuff. LOCAL MAN FOUND TO BE CARRYING EXPOSIVES.

Another important aspect of this whole sorry business is the level of discomfort and pain. You hear folk talking about levels of pain they've never experienced before. With me, at worst, it was at the thick end of uncomfortable. All the typical twinges are referred to as Angina Pains as a general heading even if they're not actually painful, which mine weren't then and aren't now. And that, I suspect, is how many people get into real problems. Indigestion, wind, bit out of shape, need more exercise? Well, actually, you might have a heart problem. That day I couldn't walk a hundred yards without stopping for a rest, someone else might have toughed it out and kept going. I wasn't in a hurry and had time to stop and I'm a complete wuss, which helped.

Take care of yourselves. I will. And with the full force of the NHS and Trivial Towers behind me, I may be the invisible hand on the broken tiller of this rudderless ship for another decade. I wonder what the world will be like in ten years.



Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Thursday 20th June
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Dermot O'Logical said:
Dicky, if you're using a Nitroglycerine spray, do the instructions say anything about not shaking it before use??? I do hope so.

And don't forget, Carroll Shelby used to take Nitroglycerine for a heart condition, and look what he achieved!

Perhaps you just need a remap?

My boys and I met Carroll Shelby at Le Mans. amongst other things, he was promoting his Heart Foundation. Lovely chap. Very kind to the boys, who were little, as we organised a photo of him shaking hands with both of them at the same time. He certainly was a good advert for heart surgery.


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Thursday 20th June
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paua said:
Quite a short day here on th morrow.
Do you have anything you can spray orange?

It's a tradition we have here.


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Thursday 20th June
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I'm in Boots to collect my meds. My order - promised for 11 this morning - hasn't been made up. It will be another 20 minutes. I'm sitting in the seat reserved for old people.


Oh, yeah.


I are a old people.

And no mistake.


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Thursday 20th June
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We'll sue the Pratchet estate for plagiarism.


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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glenrobbo said:
nismocat said:
English or Spanish?
Probably yes.


Could be Merkin.
He's from Barcelona.


Original Poster:

50,337 posts

201 months

Friday 21st June
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slopes said:
One day off and came back to 53 emails. rolleyes
Snowy Slopes, the inspiration behind one of Bruce Springsteen's most popular songs.