Missing sister - help me find her car?

Missing sister - help me find her car?



Original Poster:

17,101 posts

243 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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Hello everyone

Apologies for radio silence - especially those who emailed me. I will get back to you all.

We haven't (yet) managed to get a hold of the very detailed cell tower info I hoped for - "operational reasons." But we have now also obtained some additional information that leads us to believe (for now) it is a little bit more likely than not she didn't leave the area. I can't go into that here I'm afraid.

The police enquiry continues, but search activity is being wound down right now unless and until new evidence crops up to inform new search parameters.

In honesty, I've been avoiding coming back to this thread. Not because I don't hugely appreciate the goodwill of those who've commented - I really do - but because I didn't really want to write down what I've put above. None of us really wants to believe she's not coming back. A few things cropped up that gave us cause for hope, but all too quickly those have been dashed.

The rollercoaster of emotions has been - and continues to be - pretty awful.

Meanwhile, if anyone has any practical experience of applying for a Guardianship under the Guardianship (Missing Persons) Act 2017 I'd be really pleased to hear from you. Despite its existence, we haven't yet found anyone who has actually used it. The lawyers we've spoken to seem to be talking-up the complexity (and consequent fees) in a way that doesn't give us much hope. I may have to DIY that.

Thank you again, one and all. It really does mean a lot. And I haven't given up on the cell tower issue; it is just that it has turned out to be rather trickier than I imagined, and potentially overtaken by other events. But I'll email those who reached out about that to see what we can still do.

We haven't given up hope, despite everything. But, as Douglas Adams wrote for Marvin the Paranoid Android: "It's not the despair. I can cope with the despair. It's the hope that gets me."


2,444 posts

81 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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Ugh. Can’t believe the anguish you, the family and friends must be going through.

Was really hoping your post would be to share some news to move things forwards.

We are all rooting for you

Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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Yes, best wishes to you and your family.


3,832 posts

28 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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An awful situation for you.

I hope you have plenty of support from friends and family and can only add my own sympathies and best wishes for a positive outcome,

It must be hard coming back to this thread and no-one expects you to, but if you are at a loss and looking for help or ideas, I do think people here can be a great source in that respect as some have already shown.


11,063 posts

209 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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Thinking of you


3,495 posts

149 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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Such a difficult situation. Thoughts are with you op.


1,461 posts

172 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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Appreciate the update - hope you get some positive news soon.


4,182 posts

137 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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A desperately sad situation for you. The way you’ve written your update is suggestive of a terrible tragedy but you’ll have to stay strong and keep clinging to hope until all hope is lost.
My thoughts are with you and the family as they have been throughout.


6,219 posts

194 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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OP, what are you trying to do with the phone records? The data the Police will have obtained will be fairly simple (likely just the mast location and azimuth) depending on which MNO the data is from and which ‘product’ of data they have.

The likes of cellmapper and similar systems are fundamentally flawed in that you don’t know where has not been ‘surveyed’ so it’s impossible to plot an accurate coverage area from it.


1,349 posts

36 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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skwdenyer said:
Hello everyone

Apologies for radio silence - especially those who emailed me. I will get back to you all.

The rollercoaster of emotions has been - and continues to be - pretty awful.
if anyone has any practical experience of applying for a Guardianship under the Guardianship (Missing Persons) Act 2017 I'd be really pleased to hear from you. ......., as Douglas Adams wrote for Marvin the Paranoid Android: "It's not the despair. I can cope with the despair. It's the hope that gets me."
I'm sure most contributors fully understand your situation, I imagine on a list of priorities posting here will be out of view.

Re - ‘Claudia’s Law’ – The Guardianship (Missing Persons) Act 2017
It may be worth trying to get in touch with Claudia's Mother - Joan Lawrence - Sadly Claudia's father (who I believe played a big part in establishing this law) Is no longer with us but Mrs Lawrence may know someone who helped/advised him, I think he was a solicitor ?

A possible means of contact might be through Radio York - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/2mqrTJf6... - May help, both have been on since the first days of Claudia going missing.

It's a long shot but I'm afraid it's the best I can come up with, hope it's of some use; all the best.

Castrol for a knave

4,901 posts

94 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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Just another person sending kind thoughts your way chap


5,857 posts

158 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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EmailAddress said:
Genuinely. Big love to you and yours.

With all the hope in the world, may your memories sustain you.

Hoping the future brings you all some light.

All the best internet friend.

I can't think of words that say what I want to any better than these.

We are here for you, and our thoughts are with you, and the family.


18,161 posts

285 months

Saturday 19th August 2023
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mattyn1 said:
EmailAddress said:
Genuinely. Big love to you and yours.

With all the hope in the world, may your memories sustain you.

Hoping the future brings you all some light.

All the best internet friend.

I can't think of words that say what I want to any better than these.

We are here for you, and our thoughts are with you, and the family.
Think the above goes for the entire PH community.


104,876 posts

263 months

Saturday 19th August 2023
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Skyedriver said:
mattyn1 said:
EmailAddress said:
Genuinely. Big love to you and yours.

With all the hope in the world, may your memories sustain you.

Hoping the future brings you all some light.

All the best internet friend.

I can't think of words that say what I want to any better than these.

We are here for you, and our thoughts are with you, and the family.
Think the above goes for the entire PH community.
Surely yes.


1,466 posts

90 months

Saturday 19th August 2023
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My thoughts are with you and your family.
I hope for the best.


412 posts

47 months

Saturday 19th August 2023
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Thoughts are with you skwdenyer


25,188 posts

246 months

Saturday 19th August 2023
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turbobloke said:
Skyedriver said:
mattyn1 said:
EmailAddress said:
Genuinely. Big love to you and yours.

With all the hope in the world, may your memories sustain you.

Hoping the future brings you all some light.

All the best internet friend.

I can't think of words that say what I want to any better than these.

We are here for you, and our thoughts are with you, and the family.
Think the above goes for the entire PH community.
Surely yes.
I'd say so.

I've been following this thread from the beginning, it truly is an unspeakably horrendous situation to find yourself in.


99 posts

208 months

Saturday 19th August 2023
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Thoughts are with you and all affected by this awful situation.


5,500 posts

141 months

Sunday 20th August 2023
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My thoughts are with you.


4,572 posts

204 months

Sunday 20th August 2023
quotequote all
EmailAddress said:
Genuinely. Big love to you and yours.

With all the hope in the world, may your memories sustain you.

Hoping the future brings you all some light.

All the best internet friend.
+1 - my thoughts with you, very eloquently put as quoted. You can only do what you can, and you’re doing more than many could or would.