Things that annoy you beyond reason...(Vol. 7)

Things that annoy you beyond reason...(Vol. 7)



15,022 posts

217 months

Sunday 14th March 2021
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21st Century Man said:
Is there a Honda Cressida?
Cressida owners tend to be dicks smile

Edited by cuprabob on Sunday 14th March 12:26


24,114 posts

232 months

Sunday 14th March 2021
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People who paint their car badges black. Why? Is this some VW Fanboi ste?


13,864 posts

159 months

Sunday 14th March 2021
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MartG said:
The apparent inability of environmentalists to do maths furious

Today's example...

Some are whingeing about 2.3 tonnes of waste being ejected from the ISS to be burnt up on re-entry:

"it should be fired into the Sun" - obviously no idea how much deltaV ( i.e. propellant ) that would require
"it should be returned to Earth for disposal" - exactly how ? Any capacity for returning stuff to Earth is taken by much more valuable cargo
"it should be recycled" - again, just how do you plan on recycling old batteries etc in orbit ? How much would it cost to launch a recycling plant into orbit, as well as a manufacturing plant to use the recycled material ?

And of course they totally ignore the estimated 15,000 tonnes of meteors which enter the Earth's atmosphere every year, consisting of all sorts of materials including many found in the stuff being ejected from the ISS - because "that's natural" rolleyes

Morons !
Or is that just due to the typical misunderstanding everyone has for space stuff? I did my Masters in Aerospace engineering, and even I have to retune my brain from terrestrial automotive engineering for a lot of the topics.


469 posts

148 months

Sunday 14th March 2021
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Approaching the counter in my local BP/M+S overpriced petrol deli.

Me, as clearly and concisely as possible in the Queens finest English “just these please, I don’t require a bag, and I haven’t had any petrol thanks” (puts chocolates/olives/cereal etc on counter)

Guy behind counter “want a bag, any petrol?”

Every bloody time!!!! frown


3,956 posts

116 months

Sunday 14th March 2021
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Ponpiman said:
Muddle238 said:
Is that a parakeet sitting on the far railings?
It’s a cockatoo. Photo is just at the top of my street in Sydney’s north
Strangest dog I’ve ever seen!


2,753 posts

186 months

Sunday 14th March 2021
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"Learn More", "Discover More", "Explore All". The catch phrases now used everywhere on internet sites. Drives me potty. What was wrong with "More information" and, for the latter, simply... "More". It all sounds like buzz phrases to make website activities sound trendy and useful. Grinds my gears far beyond what it should.

Also.. "[number] of people are also looking at this right now". Its effectively a pressure sale and that st doesn't rub off on me. But what it does do is pull me out of the impulse purchase decision, makes me think about looking elsewhere and then double-check for better prices before I commit. ARGOS - I'm talking about you here.


771 posts

111 months

Sunday 14th March 2021
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The "3D" pictures phones can produce.


5,038 posts

186 months

Monday 15th March 2021
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Teams messages that start with, or only contain, the words “have you got 5 minutes?”.

They stay unread for at least a day (unless from the boss!).


12,203 posts

245 months

Monday 15th March 2021
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DavieW said:
The "3D" pictures phones can produce.
Or more to the point, the people who post them in Facebook where (a) there isn't any need, and (b) the rules of the group expressly forbid it. Usually coupled with "admin please remove if not allowed" which is a separate annoyance in itself.


24,114 posts

232 months

Monday 15th March 2021
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droopsnoot said:
DavieW said:
The "3D" pictures phones can produce.
Or more to the point, the people who post them in Facebook where (a) there isn't any need, and (b) the rules of the group expressly forbid it. Usually coupled with "admin please remove if not allowed" which is a separate annoyance in itself.
Not as annoying as over enhanced photos of beaches.


12,516 posts

182 months

Monday 15th March 2021
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What does your eye colour say about you.

chantelle mercedes chose blue eyes,

You are strong and fierce and kind but no one knows all you have suffered in silence through your life. you will defend your friends and be deadly to your enemy.

5 mins later chantelle mercedes friend...

anna marie horsetein.
What does your eye colour say about you.

anna marie horsetein chose brown eyes

You are strong and fierce and kind but no one knows all you have suffered in silence through your life. you will defend your friends and be deadly to your enemy.


57 months

Tuesday 16th March 2021
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Morningside said:
People who paint their car badges black. Why? Is this some VW Fanboi ste?
Those VAG fans certainly do some odd things.

Short Grain

2,996 posts

223 months

Tuesday 16th March 2021
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stepaway said:
Approaching the counter in my local BP/M+S overpriced petrol deli.

Me, as clearly and concisely as possible in the Queens finest English “just these please, I don’t require a bag, and I haven’t had any petrol thanks” (puts chocolates/olives/cereal etc on counter)

Guy behind counter “want a bag, any petrol?”

Every bloody time!!!! frown
Next time maybe answer "yes and fill it up please" Watch the braincell go into limp mode!! wobble


45,899 posts

192 months

Tuesday 16th March 2021
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AliExpress product promotion emails.

They always start with a large image of a product. Much larger than the images for the other products in the email. That image isn't hyperlinked and the product doesn't appear further into the body of the message. Inevitably, it's the item which prompts the most curiosity, but the only way of finding it to is to extract the photo and reverse search the image in Google.

9 times out of 10, that leads you to discover that the item is sold out. rage

Sheets Tabuer

19,230 posts

218 months

Wednesday 17th March 2021
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People that call you on whatsapp.

In fact people who call you, feck off!!


1,354 posts

152 months

Wednesday 17th March 2021
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I hate boxes being upside down at the best of times, but I've just had a delivery where the DHL guy placed the box on my doorstep upside down.

It literally says "INCORRECT WAY UP. PLACING THE PRODUCT THIS WAY UP WILL RESULT IN DAMAGE" on the top and "FRAGILE this way up" on the side, obviously pointing in the wrong direction!



6,477 posts

184 months

Wednesday 17th March 2021
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iacabu said:
I hate boxes being upside down at the best of times, but I've just had a delivery where the DHL guy placed the box on my doorstep upside down.

It literally says "INCORRECT WAY UP. PLACING THE PRODUCT THIS WAY UP WILL RESULT IN DAMAGE" on the top and "FRAGILE this way up" on the side, obviously pointing in the wrong direction!

APC dropped off a parcel to me that had similar dire warnings and was a bit damp. It was a car battery, the delivery driver had battery acid on his hands. He didn't look too pleased when he asked what was leaking and I told him it was acid.


11,512 posts

242 months

Wednesday 17th March 2021
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stepaway said:
Approaching the counter in my local BP/M+S overpriced petrol deli.

Me, as clearly and concisely as possible in the Queens finest English “just these please, I don’t require a bag, and I haven’t had any petrol thanks” (puts chocolates/olives/cereal etc on counter)

Guy behind counter “want a bag, any petrol?”

Every bloody time!!!! frown
I've posted this one before, even when the forecourt is empty and I've walked there they still ask if I bought any fuel... that they would have had to press a button to allow me to pump and clearly didn't as nobody is there.

I presume it's just automatic from saying it all day long or it's a process they have to follow to prevent people driving off after just paying for some crisps and not the fuel they also got.

Maybe if they don't ask the fuel is free?


39,791 posts

287 months

Wednesday 17th March 2021
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Sheets Tabuer said:
People that call you on whatsapp.

In fact people who call you, feck off!!
Got to be better than Teams or Zoom.

PH User

22,154 posts

111 months

Wednesday 17th March 2021
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Cotty said:
Sheets Tabuer said:
People that call you on whatsapp.

In fact people who call you, feck off!!
Got to be better than Teams or Zoom.
Yeah bloody work getting in the way when all you want to do is go out for a drive in the sunshine.