Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?

Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?



3,030 posts

124 months

Friday 25th December 2020
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deckster said:
This is the clever bit. You get to decide yourself! Yes, that's right: each and every one of us can decide who we trust and who we don't!

And, if you want people to think that you're reliable, you can make yourself look so. By, as said, doing research, showing your sources, cross-referencing, and all of that kind of thing. Referring to data, providing links to actual facts. It's not rocket science.

Or you can double-down, repeat stories and allegations with no provenance, or even just provide links to YouTube videos with no corroboration. Which, in turn, gives everybody else an equally sound footing on which to judge your reliability.
Well, it is rocket science! Try getting a rocket into orbit around Mars, say, without research, data, facts, cross-referencing, allowing others to double check your work etc. Or just linking some dodgy youtube videos and Epoch Times should do it...


6,348 posts

205 months

Friday 25th December 2020
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dirky dirk said:
Whenever the subject of smart meters comes up on Fb
i always post saying that when you go out they switch all your stuff on,

youd be amazed how many people believe it,

im sure all kinds of st gos on, that we dont need to know about,
but the theorists are ludicrous,
This is brilliant, I will be using this.


420 posts

48 months

Friday 25th December 2020
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Bungleaio said:
dirky dirk said:
Whenever the subject of smart meters comes up on Fb
i always post saying that when you go out they switch all your stuff on,

youd be amazed how many people believe it,

im sure all kinds of st gos on, that we dont need to know about,
but the theorists are ludicrous,
This is brilliant, I will be using this.
beer , except that I'm not on Facebook. More beer


14,489 posts

241 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Autopilot said:
AW111 said:
paulguitar said:
Back on the conspiracy topic, a pretty funny example from this very website within the last 30 minutes:

There are a couple of contributors there (one in particular) who are fully-fledged, tinfoil hat wearers.
Mad. Quite mad.
What's mad about it? The story has been widely reported. The 'evidence' is disputed by the majority saying it's blatantly not her. I don't know either way and like I said in the post, this is very binary, she's dead or she's not and so satisfactory evidence will emerge so people can put it to rest. If her xmas presents are still under the tree on Boxing day, we can assume the worst.
I watched the video of the zombie like doctors and nurses on the hospital stairs - have to say it's got a distinctly creepy feel about it.

Also thought it just a tiny bit odd for 'Tiffany' (who doesn't look much like Tiffany but the nametag assures us it really is her) to remain silent throughout a video which was supposed to dispel the crazy rumours of her demise.

I'm sure she'll pop up any day now to confirm she's just tickety-boo and it was only because she wanted some privacy that all of her social media accounts were either deleted or have remained dark during the past week or so.

Sophisticated Sarah

15,078 posts

172 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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elanfan said:
The latest one that caught my eye by the conspiracy theorists was that the Covid vaccine is fake because there’s no needle post vaccination. This is because it’s a safety syringe and the needle springs back into syringe after use. I’ve used them myself, brilliant contraption.
I had to use those on my wife after the last c-section. Problem was that the cover shot out over the needles she used with such force after the contents were transferred she was left with little bruises rofl great idea despite that though smile

Sophisticated Sarah

15,078 posts

172 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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V6 Pushfit said:
My SIL is a nurse currently doing care home testing and jabs. She says most of the under 25 staff are refusing the jab because they’ve read about the microchips being injected and regards it as FACT because it’s on Twitter/FB etc.
My wife works in A&E and most staff there won’t have the vaccine. However that’s due to fears of long term side effects vs the risk of covid illness rather than microchips.


4,516 posts

167 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Sophisticated Sarah said:
elanfan said:
The latest one that caught my eye by the conspiracy theorists was that the Covid vaccine is fake because there’s no needle post vaccination. This is because it’s a safety syringe and the needle springs back into syringe after use. I’ve used them myself, brilliant contraption.
I had to use those on my wife after the last c-section. Problem was that the cover shot out over the needles she used with such force after the contents were transferred she was left with little bruises rofl great idea despite that though smile
Not all safety needles are the same!


4,516 posts

167 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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V6 Pushfit said:
If we ignored social media and only read articles by proper journalists the world would be a very different place right now.
Unfortunately there seem to be few proper journalists left these days.

The shift to online and the challenge of finding a business model that isn't click bait really seems to have killed proper journa!ism, at least in the UK.

I despair of the "be the news" and do nothing but create "gotcha" moments that seems to pass for journalism these days. I

Maybe I'm just old and grumpy!


43,915 posts

153 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Hoofy said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
Certainly, I'm in the same camp re opinions. You wouldn't take oncology advice from a teacher over an oncologist. And you wouldn't take legal advice from an oncologist over a lawyer. smile
But unfortunately, if you look at what went on re the Alfie Evans case a coupe of years ago, thousands of people were willing to take advice off shelf stackers and office cleaners whilst trashing the opinions of consultant paediatric oncologists with 40 years experience.

Because all opinions are apparently equally deserving of respect and you risk offending people by telling them they are talking st.

Sophisticated Sarah

15,078 posts

172 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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GadgeS3C said:
Sophisticated Sarah said:
elanfan said:
The latest one that caught my eye by the conspiracy theorists was that the Covid vaccine is fake because there’s no needle post vaccination. This is because it’s a safety syringe and the needle springs back into syringe after use. I’ve used them myself, brilliant contraption.
I had to use those on my wife after the last c-section. Problem was that the cover shot out over the needles she used with such force after the contents were transferred she was left with little bruises rofl great idea despite that though smile
Not all safety needles are the same!
She did mention that the ones she used at work (hospital) are less aggressive, these ones were bloody evil hehe


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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GadgeS3C said:
V6 Pushfit said:
If we ignored social media and only read articles by proper journalists the world would be a very different place right now.
Unfortunately there seem to be few proper journalists left these days.

The shift to online and the challenge of finding a business model that isn't click bait really seems to have killed proper journa!ism, at least in the UK.

I despair of the "be the news" and do nothing but create "gotcha" moments that seems to pass for journalism these days. I

Maybe I'm just old and grumpy!
There’s someone not a million miles from me who has a lot to do with the way journalists are trained. Up to last year there was an emphasis on ethics but now accurate ‘anti fake’ reporting is taking a lead. It’s a difficult sector to regulate as Wayne from Shorpe has as much chance as Kate Adie when it comes to reaching an audience online and regulating the audience to believe one and not the other is impossible.


43,915 posts

153 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Social media has pros and cons, but one of the cons is that it has elevated the village idiot into the global idiot.

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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SS2. said:
Also thought it just a tiny bit odd for 'Tiffany' (who doesn't look much like Tiffany but the nametag assures us it really is her) to remain silent throughout a video which was supposed to dispel the crazy rumours of her demise.
They sure do not look like the same person. I am not sure how you would need to be mad to think this.


3,337 posts

153 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Different lighting, slightly different hair but the eyebrows are the same, eyes spaced apart looks the same, trouble is, the bloody mask makes it hard to decide!.

I *think* it is the same person, but agree the semblance is not striking in the same way one can definitively say 100% off the bat,

I'm certainly no theorist, never have been, but if asked to stake my House and dog on it, my answer would be "No".


24,460 posts

116 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Well if this nurse really died and has been hidden, it quite obviously is going to be discovered and then 'they' will have way more of an issue...


Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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paulguitar said:
Well if this nurse really died and has been hidden, it quite obviously is going to be discovered and then 'they' will have way more of an issue...

I totally agree with you for once!

It makes no sense to cover up her death if that is what happened!

If they are not the same person, my money is on her being ill.


6,329 posts

268 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
They sure do not look like the same person. I am not sure how you would need to be mad to think this.

The hair has been styled differently, but apart from that, they look rather similar to me. If you were trying to fake it, the least you’d do is to style the hair the same way...

The Moose

22,940 posts

212 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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DanL said:
The hair has been styled differently, but apart from that, they look rather similar to me. If you were trying to fake it, the least you’d do is to style the hair the same way...
I’d give that a 99% chance of being the same person.


3,881 posts

59 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Bungleaio said:
dirky dirk said:
Whenever the subject of smart meters comes up on Fb
i always post saying that when you go out they switch all your stuff on,

youd be amazed how many people believe it,

im sure all kinds of st gos on, that we dont need to know about,
but the theorists are ludicrous,
This is brilliant, I will be using this.
Its not as far fetched as you think, maybe not smart meters but the Nest thermostat had a problem the other year due to a rogue update, it switched everyone's heating on full with no user control over it, the only way to turn the boiler off would be the main switch on the boiler or the switched spur.

What I will say about smart meters and its not a conspiracy theory, they have the ability to measure apparent power. Currently this isn't done in domestic properties and the normal meters have no way to measure this but the smart ones do and it is billed for in commercial premises, they usually have banks of capacitors to try and correct the power factor.

Power factor correction is needed when there is a lot of inductive loads on the supply like motors or capacitors. It wasn't too bad in the past as we only has simple electrical items that didn't alter it too much but with the amount of electronic power supplies like LED lights and crappy phone chargers, some have woeful power factors so I would imagine billing for apparent power is on the cards sooner or later.

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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The Moose said:
I’d give that a 99% chance of being the same person.
Would you say you were 99% sure they both have blue eyes?