Misfits, Dad's Army Types et al...

Misfits, Dad's Army Types et al...



10,120 posts

220 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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Impasse said:
Sometimes when you try too hard to make a joke funny it isn't.
Fortunately not the case here!


Original Poster:

8,099 posts

192 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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Disastrous said:
Fortunately not the case here!
Shall I continue with my picture guide? I am sometimes a poor judge of humour.


7,194 posts

130 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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wildcat45 said:
Impasse said:
Sometimes when you try too hard to make a joke funny it isn't.
Oh OK, I'll stop then. I was just trying to brighten people's day a bit. :-(
No, keep going Wildcat! When you pulled the 900,000 tonne cruiser off the rocks, did you use low range or did you use a kinetic tow rope?


10,120 posts

220 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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wildcat45 said:
Disastrous said:
Fortunately not the case here!
Shall I continue with my picture guide? I am sometimes a poor judge of humour.
I'm enjoying it so please do.

I'm a fantastic arbiter of humour too, so you're all good wink


56,660 posts

172 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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wildcat45 said:
Car clubs attract these types. I am not a joiner by nature. I was in the Cubs for a week when I was 8 and that was run by a tosser. I think that set me on the path of not joining.

I was browsing one car clubs site once when I found a page entitled something like: "How to enjoy your day out with us."

I'll fkin well decide how I'll enjoy my day out with or without you. Thank you.

It was clear that there was a rank structure based around a leader (and his wife) and a trusted lieutenant (and wife).

The rules for this allegedly enjoyable day out were that you mustered at some shop car park or motorway service at NO LATER than X o' Clock.

The leader would lead at all times, with the Lieutenant at the back of the convoy. All participants were expected to have a walkie talkie (approved make and model no doubt.) No doubt also there was a strict comms protocol.

The day out involved the convoy moving from one alleged point of interest to another.

The page was littered with comments similar to:

At 12.30 we will stop at the shill Peak cafe for brief refreshment. For those of you who insist on breaking with the group for lunch you will find the Badger and Cock approximately 4 miles down the B6478 in the village of Clunge. PLEASE MAKE SURE all members are back at the shill Peak car park by NO LATER than 13.00. We will not wait for you and it will be your responsibility to meet us at the Aldi car park at Suckwilly-on-Flange by 1800.

Then there was the evening "entertainment" at some pub or other where you had to choose your food sixteen months in advance and send the money to some treasurer.

How on the face of the weeping earth is that fun? A day out driving in a line of cars between pre-determined destinations to a strict timetable while being bossed round by a self-appointed command team.

I was tempted to go, and take my socially unacceptable when drunk pal along for the sport.

I didn't because life's too short.

Edited by wildcat45 on Friday 13th May 13:55
Well it can't have been an MG club as there was no obligatory PowerPoint presentation on why the MGB is superior to the EType in the itinerary. smile


6,787 posts

166 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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Forget Ops Herrick, Telic, Banner and even Flavius, what you want is to behold the majesty of OPERATION RAMBLER.

Here you'll see the South East 4x4 Response (SE4x4R) getting to grips with the gnarly business of:

1) Driving down a perfectly normal road with all your fking hazard lights and after market flashers on

2) Standing around an easel with words on it 'deploying' your men

3) Driving across a field at the same time as listening in to squawks from the 2way radio

4) Wearing hi-viz with AUTHORITY



918 posts

126 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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Inform others you are a 4x4 Response vehicle.

With this 4x4 fluorescent sign

This Self adhesive sign is made especially for use by the national 4x4 RESPONSE network. visit www.4x4response.info Please provide your membership number/details so I can verify them.



Edited by cootuk on Friday 13th May 15:13


Original Poster:

8,099 posts

192 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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Okay, so full authority from the chaps to proceed withTHE guide.

Muchas Grassy Arse Moochachos!

In the boot - it's actually the "Mission Bay" in a Disco - you're gonna need some sort of cage. This MUST restrict your visibility.

Edited by wildcat45 on Friday 13th May 15:58


1,457 posts

100 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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Good find!

That seller is ripe for some PH trolling, asking him inane questions.


15,877 posts

237 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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Turquoise said:
Good find!

That seller is ripe for some PH trolling, asking him inane questions.

Are you honestly saying you've nothing better to fill your time with? I dislike a made up illegality probably more than the next man but it is just someone making a living from a business selling signs.

Spare tyre

9,858 posts

133 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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benjj said:
Forget Ops Herrick, Telic, Banner and even Flavius, what you want is to behold the majesty of OPERATION RAMBLER.

Here you'll see the South East 4x4 Response (SE4x4R) getting to grips with the gnarly business of:

1) Driving down a perfectly normal road with all your fking hazard lights and after market flashers on

2) Standing around an easel with words on it 'deploying' your men

3) Driving across a field at the same time as listening in to squawks from the 2way radio

4) Wearing hi-viz with AUTHORITY

Excellent video

"Have you got a spare 4x4?"

"Yeah, we got loads"

Made me chuckle


53,299 posts

258 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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Impasse said:
Sometimes when you try too hard to make a joke funny it isn't.
yes This thread really needs no help. Which is ironic, when you think about it.


Original Poster:

8,099 posts

192 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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The cage has to be equipped with a 64 lever high security Thatcham lock.

For the simple reason that it performs one single essential role.

That humble cage is the thin dayglo line between civilisation and out an out anarchy. It exists purely to protect your one, your single most vital asset.

Your symbol of authority over others. The one thing who defines what you are......

Gentlemen I give you....

The High Visibility Vest.

All my posts and indeed this thread are intended as a gentle Micky take. No malice is intended, against any individual or organisation engaged in voluntary activities. Let's remember there are lots of good people out there with good intentions.

I hope I've made you smile at least.

Edited by wildcat45 on Friday 13th May 15:30


7,194 posts

130 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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Is it illegal to say something's illegal when clearly it isn't illegal?


1,457 posts

100 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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markmullen said:
Turquoise said:
Good find!

That seller is ripe for some PH trolling, asking him inane questions.

Are you honestly saying you've nothing better to fill your time with? I dislike a made up illegality probably more than the next man but it is just someone making a living from a business selling signs.
We can't all be as sensible as you.


5,597 posts

126 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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ChemicalChaos said:
austinsmirk said:
back to traction engine v walts.

they did in fairness drag it. but it wasn't trying to drag them, it was just a dead weight.

but honestly a vintage truck/bus and steam rally really attracts people who are likely to be on some sort of register or about to be pounced on by operation yewtree.

although secretly stream traction engines and lorries seem quite cool ! I like the old technology.

oh and there was a static display of minature engines. FFS.
SO, having denoucned the 4x4 response community, youve now turned to insulting every single person who is involved in the preservation of our industrial and motoring heritage for future generations?

Any other groups you'd like to smear and slander whilst you are at it? You really are a pathetic berk.
If you note, I actually said " although secretly stream traction engines and lorries seem quite cool ! I like the old technology. "

and genuinely I get it and the importance of preservation. But its a certain crowd of people that are a bit creepy and free of ladies and free of soap that seem to be involved. No different to the car park barryesque car mod'ing scene. i.e. a bunch of chavs who will most likely die wrapping their car/quad around a lampost leaving a 15 year old pregnant called Kylee. all a bunch of weirdo's.

any other groups I'm not keen on ? yes the obese, the tatooed and professional benefits claimants.

and miscellaneous in case I've missed anyone.


6,787 posts

166 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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Do you know what really scares me?



3,008 posts

142 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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cootuk said:


Inform others you are a 4x4 Response vehicle.

With this 4x4 fluorescent sign

This Self adhesive sign is made especially for use by the national 4x4 RESPONSE network. visit www.4x4response.info Please provide your membership number/details so I can verify them.



Edited by cootuk on Friday 13th May 15:13
What weapons grade helmet wrote that?


10,923 posts

191 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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benjj said:
Forget Ops Herrick, Telic, Banner and even Flavius, what you want is to behold the majesty of OPERATION RAMBLER.

Here you'll see the South East 4x4 Response (SE4x4R) getting to grips with the gnarly business of:

1) Driving down a perfectly normal road with all your fking hazard lights and after market flashers on

2) Standing around an easel with words on it 'deploying' your men

3) Driving across a field at the same time as listening in to squawks from the 2way radio

4) Wearing hi-viz with AUTHORITY

That was quite excruciating to watch.

Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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austinsmirk said:
If you note, I actually said " although secretly stream traction engines and lorries seem quite cool ! I like the old technology. "

and genuinely I get it and the importance of preservation. But its a certain crowd of people that are a bit creepy and free of ladies and free of soap that seem to be involved. No different to the car park barryesque car mod'ing scene. i.e. a bunch of chavs who will most likely die wrapping their car/quad around a lampost leaving a 15 year old pregnant called Kylee. all a bunch of weirdo's.

any other groups I'm not keen on ? yes the obese, the tatooed and professional benefits claimants.

and miscellaneous in case I've missed anyone.
PH is getting very good at listing all the "others" people hate.

How bloody depressing it's all getting.

Edited by Eric Mc on Friday 13th May 16:45