Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?

Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?



1,508 posts

5 months

Monday 24th June
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Jim H said:
Hi Ken, I hope all is well with you?

I think it’s a bit of a shame that you persist with this angle.
Why? You invented this top physicist who was awfully rich and who gave you evidence that the moon landings were faked and when questioned admitted that you were making things up because you were drunk.

Are you back to pretending that you really do know a fabulously wealthy world-class physicist who has proven to you that it was all a conspiracy?


29,230 posts

206 months

Tuesday 25th June
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they all make up famous/influential insiders who they personally know. It's a CTist go-to thing.


928 posts

18 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Ken_Code said:
Jim H said:
Hi Ken, I hope all is well with you?

I think it’s a bit of a shame that you persist with this angle.
Why? You invented this top physicist who was awfully rich and who gave you evidence that the moon landings were faked and when questioned admitted that you were making things up because you were drunk.

Are you back to pretending that you really do know a fabulously wealthy world-class physicist who has proven to you that it was all a conspiracy?


56,525 posts

172 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Who_Goes_Blue said:
DonkeyApple said:
chrisgtx said:
I’d like to give you an invitation to the real world.
The real world is the one CTs are running and hiding from. I don't wish to spend any time in the filth they conjure up in their minds to escape their failings. But thank you.
You dont want to spend time in the filth they conjure up, but you spend time looking into CT stuff? Maybe you should be in a flat roof pub with the "thickos" as you call them
If you could read you might appreciate that I was asking someone else why they were following these losers. biggrin I have nothing to do with them and treat most social media firms in the same way as pubs. Some to be clearly swerved, others enjoyable.


1,138 posts

174 months

Tuesday 25th June
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DonkeyApple said:
Who_Goes_Blue said:
DonkeyApple said:
chrisgtx said:
I’d like to give you an invitation to the real world.
The real world is the one CTs are running and hiding from. I don't wish to spend any time in the filth they conjure up in their minds to escape their failings. But thank you.
You dont want to spend time in the filth they conjure up, but you spend time looking into CT stuff? Maybe you should be in a flat roof pub with the "thickos" as you call them
If you could read you might appreciate that I was asking someone else why they were following these losers. biggrin I have nothing to do with them and treat most social media firms in the same way as pubs. Some to be clearly swerved, others enjoyable.
Ok, sure, you didnt say what you said


56,525 posts

172 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Who_Goes_Blue said:
DonkeyApple said:
Who_Goes_Blue said:
DonkeyApple said:
chrisgtx said:
I’d like to give you an invitation to the real world.
The real world is the one CTs are running and hiding from. I don't wish to spend any time in the filth they conjure up in their minds to escape their failings. But thank you.
You dont want to spend time in the filth they conjure up, but you spend time looking into CT stuff? Maybe you should be in a flat roof pub with the "thickos" as you call them
If you could read you might appreciate that I was asking someone else why they were following these losers. biggrin I have nothing to do with them and treat most social media firms in the same way as pubs. Some to be clearly swerved, others enjoyable.
Ok, sure, you didnt say what you said
Nope. I said exactly what I said. They're idiots through to scumbags. It was quite clear. As is the science on them. And as pointed out, they've always been around but only since the advent of social media was there any accidental sightings of them. Plus, I was just asking another poster why they were spending time actively seeking them out rather than just avoiding the particular social media tool.


24,328 posts

116 months

Tuesday 25th June
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jshell said:
Whilst I fully see that all as utterly despicable and that I have zero time for Alex Jones, his recorded prediction of what, who and how for the 9/11 attacks was fascinating!!
Are you less fascinated now that it's been revealed Jones had nothing of interest to say regarding the 911 attacks?


739 posts

17 months

Tuesday 25th June
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paulguitar said:
mko9 said:
I think this is the reference -

From around 1:40 - names bin Laden and then references the WTC.
He was referencing the 1993 WTC and 1995 Oklahoma bombing attacks there.
Interesting that mko9 and jshell are also big in the climate change threads and how the bbc, scientists etc are all in on the conspiracy.

There’s definitely a package of beliefs that these CTist seem to buy into.

Unfortunately these revelations (facts) never tend to dent their beliefs though and tendency to get their facts from obviously unreliable sources.


27,108 posts

164 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Jim H said:
Ken_Code said:
Jim H said:
Hello BD,

Some very interesting vids on YouTube about Epstein, very interesting!

He obviously had some extremely powerful and influential associates in lofty positions.

And I’m fairly convinced he had dossiers of filth on them all.

I’m going to leave it there. I’m going to a garden party this afternoon (on it)…

Last time I got spectacularly drunk I started the Moon Mission thread…..

Hmmmm, I better leave my phone at home.
You still haven’t admitted to your lies in that one have you?
Hi Ken, I hope all is well with you?

I think it’s a bit of a shame that you persist with this angle. However.

I really should avoid this type of reply, however I consider since I started it (the thread)… Many days ago, embarrassing yes, but hey ho, we all make mistakes.

I’m really uncomfortable about being accused of lying.

Dishonesty and lack of integrity are traits in human beings I absolutely abhor.

If you are still referring to my ‘alleged mate’?!

My friend, he’s not on this forum. So should never be the subject and scrutiny.

He’s an extremely private man, I respect him immensely, I’ve been friends with him for over 30 years.

I’ve also a few years experience of this forum and the certain people it attracts, the type of people who look others up and become shall we say - rather obsessed.

Let’s put it this way, would you put someone (a good friend) on this forum and reveal - for unwanted attention.

And risk a good friendship? Would you Ken?

For settling an internet debate?

Now that would be daft. Posting a silly wine fuelled post on holiday I’m occasionally capable of. I can assure, integrity and honesty are values I truly hold.
I'm confused now. I though you dismissed it as a joke, now the rich physicist is real again?

Does he still say you need GPS to get to the moon?

Edited by 98elise on Tuesday 25th June 16:31


40,345 posts

199 months

Tuesday 25th June
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chrisgtx said:
DonkeyApple said:
Notch 8 said:
We are drowning in a sea of thick.
We always have been. The only thing that has changed is that you've (we've) chosen to go and hang out with them in their world and they've been given the tools through which they can visit ours.

Prior to the internet one would never have much interaction with them. They would be in their pubs shouting, fighting, being racist, being sexist and just making crap up to explain stuff they didn't understand while being sold worthless tat by dodgy grifters on the make. Meanwhile, other pubs and bars had dress codes that kept them out and where the punters weren't shouting, fighting, or needing to invent fairytales to explain the blatantly obvious. They were still racists and sexist and were still being sold tat by grifters but it was classier tat like a timeshare or a penny share that was going to the moon.

Social media just brings everyone together and limits just how well you can keep away from the potato people and their conspiracy theories, fairytales, political extremism, racism and general life in the gutter and devout bellied it's all everyone else's fault and that there is some great mystical power keeping them in the gutter when it's nothing more than consuming too many drugs, not being very bright, or having been fiddled with by daddy and being a basket case.
Christ on a bike, that has to be the most ridiculous, stereotypical rant on here. Bordering on CT theories.
I can only assume you’ve not been in a pub. You’ve just watched an episode of ‘shameless’ and seen Frank having one of his rants.
So in your head you’ve managed to clump in people who think the world is flat and chemtrails are killing us with racist, nobs who fight in pub and drug use?oh, and adding in sexual abuse!
Donkey’s post made a lot of sense to me tbh.


1,508 posts

5 months

Tuesday 25th June
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98elise said:
I'm confused now. I though you dismissed it as a joke, now the rich physicist is real again?

Does he still say you need GPS to get to the moon?

Edited by 98elise on Tuesday 25th June 16:31
He seems to be in some sort of quantum superposition of states. He was the invention of drunk rambling, invented to "muse" over Jim's ignorance of the moon landings, but also at the same time a very real and very stupid scientist pontifcating about things that he doesn't understand.

Notch 8

359 posts

11 months

Wednesday 26th June
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‘M.I.A launches clothing range, including a tin foil hat, to prevent 5G waves from entering the body’.

I’ve found out through this link that there is a FB group named ‘Conspiracy theorists being aggressively gullible’ if anyone is interested.


8,099 posts

149 months

Wednesday 26th June
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98elise said:
Jim H said:
Ken_Code said:
Jim H said:
Hello BD,

Some very interesting vids on YouTube about Epstein, very interesting!

He obviously had some extremely powerful and influential associates in lofty positions.

And I’m fairly convinced he had dossiers of filth on them all.

I’m going to leave it there. I’m going to a garden party this afternoon (on it)…

Last time I got spectacularly drunk I started the Moon Mission thread…..

Hmmmm, I better leave my phone at home.
You still haven’t admitted to your lies in that one have you?
Hi Ken, I hope all is well with you?

I think it’s a bit of a shame that you persist with this angle. However.

I really should avoid this type of reply, however I consider since I started it (the thread)… Many days ago, embarrassing yes, but hey ho, we all make mistakes.

I’m really uncomfortable about being accused of lying.

Dishonesty and lack of integrity are traits in human beings I absolutely abhor.

If you are still referring to my ‘alleged mate’?!

My friend, he’s not on this forum. So should never be the subject and scrutiny.

He’s an extremely private man, I respect him immensely, I’ve been friends with him for over 30 years.

I’ve also a few years experience of this forum and the certain people it attracts, the type of people who look others up and become shall we say - rather obsessed.

Let’s put it this way, would you put someone (a good friend) on this forum and reveal - for unwanted attention.

And risk a good friendship? Would you Ken?

For settling an internet debate?

Now that would be daft. Posting a silly wine fuelled post on holiday I’m occasionally capable of. I can assure, integrity and honesty are values I truly hold.
I'm confused now. I though you dismissed it as a joke, now the rich physicist is real again?

Does he still say you need GPS to get to the moon?

Edited by 98elise on Tuesday 25th June 16:31
I get the whole thing around not bringing a friends name into group. But surely its understandable that if he is such the clever physicist he is meant to be, that when he gets his conspiracy theory facts completely blown away by some part timers on PH who just do it as a passing interest, that you would imagine people here would begin to wonder how genuine this 'friend' is if he doesn't understand the basics?


29,230 posts

206 months

Wednesday 26th June
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i don't know the specifics of this particular instance but i do believe it is incredibly pathetic that CTists do this sort of thing. They basically know they can't argue their views well, and they don't have evidence to hand, or any credibility at all, so rather than face that they might be wrong, they just fabricate someone who does have evidence, who is credible and who supposedly can argue their position well, and they just use their vague connection to a made up person as a proxy for those things. It's so unbelievably childish and broken-minded, I don't even think a 5 year old would choose this approach. It just shows that it is literally impossible to get these people to see sense.


1,508 posts

5 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Blown2CV said:
i don't know the specifics of this particular instance but i do believe it is incredibly pathetic that CTists do this sort of thing. They basically know they can't argue their views well, and they don't have evidence to hand, or any credibility at all, so rather than face that they might be wrong, they just fabricate someone who does have evidence, who is credible and who supposedly can argue their position well, and they just use their vague connection to a made up person as a proxy for those things. It's so unbelievably childish and broken-minded, I don't even think a 5 year old would choose this approach. It just shows that it is literally impossible to get these people to see sense.
It’s sadly all too common isn’t it? They have super-secret expert inside knowledge (that is easily shown to be utterly false) and yet can’t of course back it up.

As per the thread’s title, not all conspiracy theorists are necessarily thick, but all the ones on here at the moment seem to be.


928 posts

18 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Jim H said:
Hi Ken, I hope all is well with you?

I think it’s a bit of a shame that you persist with this angle. However.

I really should avoid this type of reply, however I consider since I started it (the thread)… Many days ago, embarrassing yes, but hey ho, we all make mistakes.

I’m really uncomfortable about being accused of lying.

Dishonesty and lack of integrity are traits in human beings I absolutely abhor.

If you are still referring to my ‘alleged mate’?!

My friend, he’s not on this forum. So should never be the subject and scrutiny.

He’s an extremely private man, I respect him immensely, I’ve been friends with him for over 30 years.

I’ve also a few years experience of this forum and the certain people it attracts, the type of people who look others up and become shall we say - rather obsessed.

Let’s put it this way, would you put someone (a good friend) on this forum and reveal - for unwanted attention.

And risk a good friendship? Would you Ken?

For settling an internet debate?

Now that would be daft. Posting a silly wine fuelled post on holiday I’m occasionally capable of. I can assure, integrity and honesty are values I truly hold.
This fantasist mate of yours seems to have convinced you to believe black is white.

But where exactly do you stand on it?


11,206 posts

208 months

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andyeds1234 said:
jshell said:
Tindersticks said:
Except that was an actual dead body no?

s like Jones claim Sandy Hook didn’t ever happen. Different thing entirely.
Whilst I fully see that all as utterly despicable and that I have zero time for Alex Jones, his recorded prediction of what, who and how for the 9/11 attacks was fascinating!!
Please do elaborate
Sure. As I said, I have no time for AJ, he is a nutter, but now having wasted some time on it, it looks fabricated.


11,206 posts

208 months

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u-boat said:
paulguitar said:
mko9 said:
I think this is the reference -

From around 1:40 - names bin Laden and then references the WTC.
He was referencing the 1993 WTC and 1995 Oklahoma bombing attacks there.
Interesting that mko9 and jshell are also big in the climate change threads and how the bbc, scientists etc are all in on the conspiracy.

There’s definitely a package of beliefs that these CTist seem to buy into.

Unfortunately these revelations (facts) never tend to dent their beliefs though and tendency to get their facts from obviously unreliable sources.
Oh, Iike to think I'm more discerning than that. I don't think 9/11 was an inside job, I know the moon landings were real, the earth is a globe, sorry oblate spheroid... But yes, having watched the climate debate since around 1994, I struggle to see that we are having the one, single devastating effect on the earth's temperature. That's not to say we are having no effect. So, if that makes me a CT, then that's cool.


3,938 posts

76 months

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New one, the footage of Julian Assange is clearly not him. It’s a double….


1,710 posts

152 months

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Another relatively new one, the NAZIs were socialists who nationalised German industry in world war 2.

Would it be rude to suggest anyone holding this opinion go and express this to a local Neo-Nazi, or would that be considered attempted murder?