Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?

Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?



29,271 posts

206 months

Wednesday 12th June
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coldel said:
Blown2CV said:
coldel said:
Its ok ... nuclear war is just a big conspiracy so that Big Pharma can make some untested anti radiation pills to make a load of money off.

The threat is real, Big Pharma are out there, remember.
the people that are deciding to do this, how do they plan to protect themselves from the impact and still be able to do things like go on their boats and enjoy holidays and things...?
They will all be in Davos with those evil WEF cronies, so its ok.
they'll build new fabulous holiday places on the moon or something i guess.


2,466 posts

215 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Clearly, none of you have watched Dr. Strangelove... (How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) wink


8,120 posts

149 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Blown2CV said:
they'll build new fabulous holiday places on the moon or something i guess.
Ah yes but remember, on another thread, someone who has a friend who is a top physicist has told him that moon landings couldn't have happened. So that has to be true, because bloke down the pub told him.


29,271 posts

206 months

Wednesday 12th June
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i had a friend who's uncle had a neighbour who's cousin worked for NASA, and they said


56,599 posts

172 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Some people have some really well connected relatives and neighbours. All I had growing up was an aunt who worked at the BBC and warned us that Jimmy S was a filthy peado which meant my sister and I never got to watch him fix it for anyone. frown

At least one of the neighbours had worked on the StarWars film so we got some free merch. So not all bad.

Despite being a nice area there was a distinct lack of NASA scientists and senior CIA operatives. That said, a school friend lived next door to Witch Hazel and she probably know a lot about things like the faked moon landings as the Rentaghost people seemed quite switched on.


930 posts

18 months

Wednesday 12th June
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DonkeyApple said:
Some people have some really well connected relatives and neighbours. All I had growing up was an aunt who worked at the BBC and warned us that Jimmy S was a filthy peado which meant my sister and I never got to watch him fix it for anyone. frown
Same here from an inside source about a household name star who slaps writs on anyone wanting to out his seedier side. And the same with another similarly inclined. No surprises who.

Notch 8

361 posts

11 months

Wednesday 12th June
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‘They’ again..


56,599 posts

172 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Notch 8 said:
‘They’ again..

Question answered.

Notch 8

361 posts

11 months

Wednesday 12th June
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DonkeyApple said:
Notch 8 said:
‘They’ again..

Question answered.
That’s the problem though. It wasn’t a question, rather someone stating their opinion as fact, which as we know, plenty of other gullible types will take as fact.


2,072 posts

168 months

Wednesday 12th June
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GeneralBanter said:
Same here from an inside source about a household name star who slaps writs on anyone wanting to out his seedier side. And the same with another similarly inclined. No surprises who.
D J and D A. fun game this.


4,374 posts

167 months

Thursday 13th June
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GeneralBanter said:
DonkeyApple said:
Some people have some really well connected relatives and neighbours. All I had growing up was an aunt who worked at the BBC and warned us that Jimmy S was a filthy peado which meant my sister and I never got to watch him fix it for anyone. frown
Same here from an inside source about a household name star who slaps writs on anyone wanting to out his seedier side. And the same with another similarly inclined. No surprises who.
I knew a nurse at Stoke Mandeville. This would have been late 1990s.

He told us stories about Jimmy.

My view was that, yes, Saville was clearly a very odd bloke but no way was he fking dead bodies or molesting patients.

It's just stupid stories we all said: as the hospital authorities would have immediately reported all this years ago and had him arrested.

We were totally wrong then and the nurse was entirely correct.

So many people knew and turned a blind eye.....

Baroque attacks

4,633 posts

189 months

Thursday 13th June
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Blown2CV said:
coldel said:
Its ok ... nuclear war is just a big conspiracy so that Big Pharma can make some untested anti radiation pills to make a load of money off.

The threat is real, Big Pharma are out there, remember.
the people that are deciding to do this, how do they plan to protect themselves from the impact and still be able to do things like go on their boats and enjoy holidays and things...?
First rule of loon club, never think past the very first bit of lunacy.


4,374 posts

167 months

Thursday 13th June
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Notch 8 said:
That’s the problem though. It wasn’t a question, rather someone stating their opinion as fact, which as we know, plenty of other gullible types will take as fact.
Not sure weather I should take any notice of it, this strange whether.


56,599 posts

172 months

Thursday 13th June
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jdw100 said:
GeneralBanter said:
DonkeyApple said:
Some people have some really well connected relatives and neighbours. All I had growing up was an aunt who worked at the BBC and warned us that Jimmy S was a filthy peado which meant my sister and I never got to watch him fix it for anyone. frown
Same here from an inside source about a household name star who slaps writs on anyone wanting to out his seedier side. And the same with another similarly inclined. No surprises who.
I knew a nurse at Stoke Mandeville. This would have been late 1990s.

He told us stories about Jimmy.

My view was that, yes, Saville was clearly a very odd bloke but no way was he fking dead bodies or molesting patients.

It's just stupid stories we all said: as the hospital authorities would have immediately reported all this years ago and had him arrested.

We were totally wrong then and the nurse was entirely correct.

So many people knew and turned a blind eye.....
So many members of the public protected him and would have nothing bad said against their regional hero who did so much for charity.

Just like the CT preachers of today, these people are protected by their supporters and they ensure they have an army of followers to protect them.

Many people knew about Saville. Many people tried to speak out. But while the BBC has carried nearly all of the blame it is pertinent to not forget that his fans and acolytes were the ones who kept him most protected and would hear nothing bad said about their Northern hero by those horrible Southern ponces.

And one also has to remember that the PIE movement was still trying to achieve their objectives into the 80s with the legalisation of paedophilia and the National Front was still actively promoting core aspects of certain Islamic States such as the subjugation of women and the removal of the age of consent. Meanwhile, most adults seemed more interested in going outside and punching someone for wearing the wrong clothes. A very large number of JS fans had to have what was bad explained to them and still refused to believe or think it was wrong until Stoke Mandeville become public. Messing with the NHS is a no no.

Anyway, these CT folk are just the same people who were JS fans and protectors. The same people who join extremist groups. The same people who hate others for having more. At one end they're the insidious and sick and down at the other end they're the people who st their pants in Matalan and genuinely believe it must be aliens who put it there.


4,374 posts

167 months

Thursday 13th June
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DonkeyApple said:
So many members of the public protected him and would have nothing bad said against their regional hero who did so much for charity.

Just like the CT preachers of today, these people are protected by their supporters and they ensure they have an army of followers to protect them.

Many people knew about Saville. Many people tried to speak out. But while the BBC has carried nearly all of the blame it is pertinent to not forget that his fans and acolytes were the ones who kept him most protected and would hear nothing bad said about their Northern hero by those horrible Southern ponces.

And one also has to remember that the PIE movement was still trying to achieve their objectives into the 80s with the legalisation of paedophilia and the National Front was still actively promoting core aspects of certain Islamic States such as the subjugation of women and the removal of the age of consent. Meanwhile, most adults seemed more interested in going outside and punching someone for wearing the wrong clothes. A very large number of JS fans had to have what was bad explained to them and still refused to believe or think it was wrong until Stoke Mandeville become public. Messing with the NHS is a no no.

Anyway, these CT folk are just the same people who were JS fans and protectors. The same people who join extremist groups. The same people who hate others for having more. At one end they're the insidious and sick and down at the other end they're the people who st their pants in Matalan and genuinely believe it must be aliens who put it there.
Can I suggest a nice cup of camomile tea?


56,599 posts

172 months

Thursday 13th June
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jdw100 said:
Can I suggest a nice cup of camomile tea?
Aren't herbal teas the beverage of the libtard and Semite? I'd wager Bill Gates has investments in the industry. Just join the dots.

Notch 8

361 posts

11 months

Thursday 13th June
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Some CTists have been triggered by this, claiming it was taken with a fish eye lens (a common flat earther theory of course).

Is there a curvature of the plane? I can’t see it personally.

Brother D

3,799 posts

179 months

Thursday 13th June
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Hoofy said:
Why would you want to build a bunker? If they're right, this world is going to be 99% nutjobs who smell of bad body odour. Better off dead. If Putin sends over some nukes, I'm heading into London as quickly as possible.
I've no idea.


3,951 posts

76 months

Friday 14th June
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Sky have a new documentary on Alex jones. I never really saw much of his sandy hook stuff. My god that guys a .


4,374 posts

167 months

Friday 14th June
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DonkeyApple said:
jdw100 said:
Can I suggest a nice cup of camomile tea?
Aren't herbal teas the beverage of the libtard and Semite? I'd wager Bill Gates has investments in the industry. Just join the dots.
I know a guy in the airline industry. Swears blind they release chamomile with the chem-trail chemicals. Affecting our children’s minds, making them more docile.

Violent children making the news all the time with stabbings, murders etc. The rise correlates with when they introduced unleaded petrol. Price of petrol has gone up but what happened to the lead? They sell it. Making more profit on petrol and extra money from the lead.
