



1,155 posts

187 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
Why the fk is it that she's allowed to ask her friends if she should get into a relationship with me, and she's the fking one who then doesnt speak to me and then fks me about strings me along and fks me off at the end of it, but yet when I say that its hardly fair and explain it upset me a bit I'm the fking asshole who then shouldnt speak to her for a while, because I apparently made her feel like st, so she calms down!!!!

What about me, do you think I dont feel like st after being fked around!!!!1
fkING WOMEN!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Utterly Clueless on Sunday 22 March 19:35
I'm fking your missus in the back of my newly turbocharged 1.6 mk III Golf. It's all about the turbo charging; and the character of the Mk III Golf. Better luck next time.

P.S Seriously, stick a turbo on your car. It's AMAZING!

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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someone who obviously hasnt read the whole thread so doesnt quite understand we've gotten to the root of the problem and that im now a reformed PH'er.


15,887 posts

266 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
OllieWinchester said:
When will you learn. Stop dropping yourself in it FFS! You are either a troll, or you get off on being ridiculed on a public forum. Throw your bloody PC out of the window and go out with your mates or something!
I would if i had friends.
Right, you've made me reply seriously to you twice tonight so the likelihood is that the pisstaking will be squared, at the moment that's not too bad but 4 serious replies will equal 16 times the pisstaking.

And on we go. I know from some of your posts that you are at least in a pool team. Are you friends with these guys or are they using you as a taxi? If you are friends then go out with these guys but have a pint for God's sake. Sod ferrying everyone about, have a bit of fun yourself. If they are using you as a taxi then fk them off and go out with your other mates. Socialise and try to make an effort to talk to other people each time you go out. Not just girls, people, any people. Once you are confident about socialising worry about the girls. If this one is screwing you over and making you feel st then break all ties and have some fun until another comes along.

And finally:

Chill out a bit, you won't get these years back, don't waste them. The goth bird was quite tasty so there's something about you they like. Loosen up.

Los Palmas 7

29,908 posts

233 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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OllieWinchester said:
Oh, and stop humiliating yourself on here, why post in the P+P about things like this? You truly are a glutton for punishment....
Yeah. Only an idiot would post the most intimate details of their private life on here, for all the world (and their ex girlfriends) to see.

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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well, one of my friends (female) took me out for a drink the other night and that was actually good fun, after some drinks she turned out to be a bit (read alot) of a biter (which i very much enjoyed(yes yes i like biting (yes i am wierd (yes ive just put brackets in brackets in brackets in brackets)))).

I'll see what i can get there but i'll also scout around for some others rather than concentrate everything on one person.

that way i will have taken your collective advice and i will not run the risk of another beth event (beth being the girl the OP was about)


13,616 posts

209 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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I'm really scared of you


4,316 posts

213 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Mate dont get so sad about being adopted. Instead of sitting there thinking "I was abandoned so I must be worthless" you should be thinking "I love my parents...the people that took me and raised me as their own son with unconditional love and support and raised me to be a slightly confused ( tongue out ) but otherwise good person, I also dont hate my birth parents because I dont know the situation they were in that lead to my adoption".

As for this girl...forget her. She is just messing around and is in to having fun with boys. She was never interested in anything more than a fling which is not your fault at all. I have been around this sort and they are great to keep a phone number for if your feeling needy but trust me, they 'aint relationship material and tend not to have an ounce of care or compassion in them.

I think you would benefit from going to college and joining some clubs that will attract a mixed sex crowd.

NEVER be afraid of opening your mouth and talking to people, especially if you join an activity group of some sort because you all joined through a mutual interest in something.

Try not to get tooooo attached to chicks, your at an age where people are out for fun and are also finding their niche in life so she might be off abroad or going to uni on the otherside of the country.

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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schmalex said:
I'm really scared of you
haha, thats normal


3,074 posts

192 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Bump for the monday morning crew! hehe

I'm still not sure if you're serious or not, but for what it's worth. If I was in your position I'd go round there, give her a thoroughly good pasting while I pulled her hair a bit, then wipe my knob on the curtains and not call or text for a few weeks. This technique will leave any girl absolute putty in your hands, and before you know it she will be constantly nagging you to go and spend quality time with her, at which point you have to beat her off with a stick and find the next one.



7,134 posts

214 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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I'm still waiting on the OP contacting me with a mobile number for this sex-starved young lady.


738 posts

219 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless in another thread said:
Otto said:
Far more likely to pick up chicks at your age in a hot hatch than in an Audi Coupe.... (Or a 5dr Mk3 Golf GL for that matter)
If someone wanted to get with me for my/due to my car i'd tell them to fk off.

I'm not like most sex obsessed 19/20/21 year old, i actually have morals
Time to lose those morals and have some fun in my opinion.

Ok serious answer - as has been mentioned, now is the time to do loads of fun stuff, get out and about, pick up some new hobbies, meet new people. Forget about Beth, you're already meeting new girls by the sound of it. Don't try getting serious, just have fun and see where it goes.

She'll probably see you enjoying yourself etc, and will maybe want to try get you back, by which time, you'll have moved on completely and most likely even met someone better.

Speaking from experience here.

Oh, and look up the 'Ladder Theory' to explain why it was never going to work with this Beth girl. Never seen a truer word written.


6,542 posts

249 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
It just gets to me a bit as ive chased this girl for nearly 5 years and when i finally get her i fell at the first hurdle because i wouldnt fk her within 2 days of the relationship so she then ignored me for a little while and then ended it. its not the 'relationship' (if something that short can be called such a thing) got to me, its the fact i wasted a few years of my life chasing her. I'm like a dog chasing cars, but as soon as i catch one i dunno what to do.

Edited by Utterly Clueless on Sunday 22 March 23:43
Virgin, end of.....


35 posts

186 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
now thats probably how i should have explained it as it would made things simpler. I'm a personality not looks type of person. If the personality is there then im much more comfortable in a relationship than if its seemingly based on looks, which is where i get depressed and fk things up.

now i know what i need to do!!!

i need to grow a pair
Fella, what you need is a week in Amsterdam.


478 posts

231 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Suggest you go back to her with a proposition of filming her in an active role in two girls one cup. If she says no, call her frigid and tell all your mates.


1,264 posts

195 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Do you sit down to pee?