Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Wednesday 30th August 2023
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Bobberoo said:
spikeyhead said:

Bobberoo said:
I've developed an unhealthy obsession with a Mini Cooper S Clubman.
The level of unhealthiness is dependent on just how much rust there is.
Er, zero hopefully, it is a 13 plate car!!! smile


2,466 posts

54 months

Wednesday 30th August 2023
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The shed is good and mended. Everything works with no squeeks and rattles.
Now I need a dry day or two to paint it.
It belongs to Mary and unfortunately she'll never see it because she's in the Sunshine Room (terminal ward). But she asked me to sort it out so I will.

I saw the weasel again, he was chasing something in the grass - I don't know what.
Perhaps he'll be a regular visitor. I'd like that.

The Memsahib told me to buy semolina.
It turns out that "semolina" is also a brand name for pizza flour which is made of durum wheat and nothing to do with real semolina.
I almost fell for it, but I dodged the bullet.
Tomorrow I'll try the CoOp.
Feeling respectably trivial now. Gin and soda helps.


5,250 posts

199 months

Wednesday 30th August 2023
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Just got home from the England vs New Zealand T20 match. What a fabulous atmosphere at the Durham ground. England were dominant, superb bowling, fielding and battling. Brilliant entertainment.


39,259 posts

101 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Error_404_Username_not_found said:
The shed is good and mended. Everything works with no squeeks and rattles.
Now I need a dry day or two to paint it.
It belongs to Mary and unfortunately she'll never see it because she's in the Sunshine Room (terminal ward). But she asked me to sort it out so I will.

I saw the weasel again, he was chasing something in the grass - I don't know what.
Perhaps he'll be a regular visitor. I'd like that.

The Memsahib told me to buy semolina.
It turns out that "semolina" is also a brand name for pizza flour which is made of durum wheat and nothing to do with real semolina.
I almost fell for it, but I dodged the bullet.
Tomorrow I'll try the CoOp.
Feeling respectably trivial now. Gin and soda helps.
You're a good sort Error 404.


39,259 posts

101 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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hammo19 said:
Just got home from the England vs New Zealand T20 match. What a fabulous atmosphere at the Durham ground. England were dominant, superb bowling, fielding and battling. Brilliant entertainment.
I've never understood the fascination of cricket, I mean, each to their own, and I know a few people who are really into it, but it's just never interested me, but then again I can't stand football either!!!


39,259 posts

101 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Forgot to say good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey


17,529 posts

200 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Morning all. My usual day of sums and meetings await.

Bobberoo said:
hammo19 said:
Just got home from the England vs New Zealand T20 match. What a fabulous atmosphere at the Durham ground. England were dominant, superb bowling, fielding and battling. Brilliant entertainment.
I've never understood the fascination of cricket, I mean, each to their own, and I know a few people who are really into it, but it's just never interested me, but then again I can't stand football either!!!
Cricket is a simple game, arrive at 10:30 with some good friends, good food, a few bottles of good red wine and sit and enjoy what happens, which isn't particularly dependent on what's happening on field.


39,086 posts

190 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Today i will mostly be trying to make four full pallets go into somewhere where is only room for one full pallet.

I will also continue on my quest to get next weeks work done this week as something else has been dumped onto me

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Morning all bounce


Mr Magooagain

10,190 posts

173 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Good morning all.
That’s a very nice Thursday Snoopy Bomma thank you.

What’s with the Durham interest?

Today’s the day for my ticker test! Depending on what he finds might mean I’m officially retired!

It’s very cool here at outpost F this morning being only 11 degrees! It’s pleasant to be honest.

We shall walk,lunch then I must high tail it to that there Poitiers.


39,086 posts

190 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Can you lot please stop with the dodgy ticker malarkey, it's bad enough having poor health myself without my strange loony mates Trivial friends being in various states of dodgy ticker based ill health too.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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The old fortune teller lies dead on the floor
Nobody needs fortunes told anymore

Had the fortune teller concentrated on matters closer to home, this whole ghastly episode could have been avoided.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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slopes said:
Can you lot please stop with the dodgy ticker malarkey, it's bad enough having poor health myself without my strange loony mates Trivial friends being in various states of dodgy ticker based ill health too.
Good news, snowy! I am emerging from the post operation doldrums and am at last seeing the green shoots of recovery. (That's hyperbole. I'm not actually sprouting green shoots. That would be horrid.)

I'm doing stuff and should be signed off in a few weeks to do more stuff with the blessing of the medical fraternity.

Still Mulling

12,749 posts

180 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Morning All. My last ECG was clear.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited by the seemingly well founded rumour that the Apple Watch will gain BP monitoring at next year's release, however. Wearing a second device is a little dull, even though it looks smart enough. Given that my Garmin doesn't do AFib monitoring or single-lead ECG, an AW switch is on the mid- to far-horizon for me. (Even better if they can get a better battery life and improved sports data in the intervening 12 month period!)

Dermot O'Logical

2,662 posts

132 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Good morneve, Trivs!

Good news, Dicky. You must be relieved, and there's so much to look forward to. Although I can't think of anything right now, but if I do, I'll mention it.

I heard about the water leak in Bobbersville on the local traffic news, so it must have been serious, although there was noo mention of Mr and Mrs Bobbers having to take to a bicycle in order to get home.

Meanwhile, here in Trivton-sur-Mer, it's dull, wet and miserable, with the promise of more dullness, wetness and miserableness to come, according to Carol Witheweather, which is a bit of a shame as my daughter collects her new car this evening. She's very excited about it.

I expect that I'll be spending most of the day indoors, so one of three things will happen - either I'll find some things to do, and as a result my home will be clean and tidy, or I'll spend hours on the Internet and probably end up buying stuff, or I'll fall asleep on the sofa and not do anything.

Decisions, decisions...


2,466 posts

54 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Still Mulling said:
Morning All. My last ECG was clear.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited by the seemingly well founded rumour that the Apple Watch will gain BP monitoring at next year's release, however. Wearing a second device is a little dull, even though it looks smart enough. Given that my Garmin doesn't do AFib monitoring or single-lead ECG, an AW switch is on the mid- to far-horizon for me. (Even better if they can get a better battery life and improved sports data in the intervening 12 month period!)
I see, I see..

I don't...


39,086 posts

190 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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I am currently trying to assemble questions for this weeks TTFNSQ and it promises to be a proper belter. I say trying to assemble them as i have removed several questions which would have been a bit hard i think, so am trying to find less difficult ones to replace them.
And after deciding not to go with a theme, it's all change and this one will have a theme after all.

And for those paying attention recently, i am sure you can guess a general idea of what the theme might be based around wink


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Quizzes within quizzes?

Still Mulling

12,749 posts

180 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Error_404_Username_not_found said:
I see, I see..

I don't...

I use an Aktiia device for 24/7 blood pressure monitoring. I'd rather my watch did it. Apple rumoured to include it in next year's hardware release. I'm geekliy excited for that. nerd


39,086 posts

190 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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DickyC said:
Quizzes within quizzes?

I am quite proud of this one, some difficult questions but some easier ones too and they all add up to something, as seen with recent versions of the TTFNSQ