The thread in which PHers reveal tenuous links to famous people.

The thread in which PHers reveal tenuous links to famous people.


Justin Cyder

12,624 posts

152 months

Monday 8th April 2013
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I once bumped into Chris Evans at the kettle when I was making a cuppa. He apologised for making me wait. Ginger twunt. No one keeps me from a cuppa.


57 months

Monday 8th April 2013
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I had a meal with Dave Rowntree, the drummer from blur, and his mum, who I tenuously know from growing up. After the meal I sat and watched their gig (sitting at a table with Kate Moss!) then went to a private bar with the band afterwards for a fairly long (and free) drinking session. Alex James is one charming dude. That's about all I can remember.


17,431 posts

174 months

Monday 8th April 2013
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Mr Pies said:
Daniel Craig has recently bought a place in Lapworth. He bought my mates mrs (and the whole pub) a drink the other week.
Has he really? Amazing. Must pop into the Boot and do some spotting.

I went to school with at least 4 people who now play professional rugby including 2 who have been capped at either Saxons or England 7s level, another lad played England juniors until under 21s and then premiership until about 18 months ago. Someone I was also at school with now rides in British Superbikes.

Edited by Condi on Monday 8th April 23:59

Sheets Tabuer

19,225 posts

218 months

Monday 8th April 2013
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I was married to arthur mullards niece.

Dave Nellist stood on my foot in a paper shop.

My GF used to arrange things/fetch coffee for Nigel Mansell.

I was in two TV shows in the 70s


322 posts

195 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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Mr Pies said:
Daniel Craig has recently bought a place in Lapworth. He bought my mates mrs (and the whole pub) a drink the other week.
Which pub?


322 posts

195 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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I sold Tony Iommi some paint.


3,372 posts

190 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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I served Ross Kemp in the duty free shop on the tunnel, June Brown in folkestone Sainsburys. chatted to Jason Kay on the the shuttle, he had just won something at the brits and was going to germany, such a nice person to chat to. Chatted to Patrick Stewart as he was waiting for a cab in Bermonsy, fitted sky at the lady who played Saskia Duncan (Deborah Sheridan-Taylor),in Eastenders.Her husband was famous as well but i cant remember him, The best one had to be driving David Prowse on his book signing tour a few years ago. We met Jonathon Ross's mother and sister at Hitchin's Waterstones. Nice family. My 4yr old lad came with us on one signing,ive got pics somewhere of him in Davids house,sitting on Davids knee eating a biscuit. His school scrap book of what he had done over the weekend interested a few members of staff at school.

Edited by gtidriver on Tuesday 9th April 00:54


9,773 posts

226 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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20 years ago I opened the warehouse door of the Wilkinson's hardware store where I worked as a Saturday kid and Keith Chegwin was stood there with two other dudes. I let them in and phoned reception who wouldn't believe me as I was always winding them up. Turns out he was there to record a radio commercial. He was very bouncy.

A few years later I shook hands with Errol Brown from Hot Chocolate after he had performed at BCM in the high class paradise that is Magaluf. He was a lovely chap with the biggest smile ever.

BTCC champion Matt Neal drove me around an Autotest circuit in a Caterham at the Autosport show and apologised for "driving like a tt" and was "sorry for being st" - pretty much his exact words, but he wasn't that bad. I have a picture somewhere, but I look like a sad geek.

I sat opposite Tracy Neville, twin of brother Phil and sister of Gary, at the wedding of her and my ex's mate. She swore more than Matt Neal.

Pissed up on a night out in my local northern town, I saw a guy walking past me who I recognised and stopped him. "Hey, remember me, you used to work on the shoplifting squad that used our shop as base?"
He said he didn't. I told him he must do as I knew he was a copper even though he wasn't in uniform. After a few minutes of denying he knew me and had ever worked on the shoplifting squad despite being a police officer, and me insisting he did, he politely made his excuses and ran away.
A few days later I was watching a repeat of Car Wars I had seen before and recognised him as one of the Traffic Officers from Manchester! He must have thought I was mental. Funny how alcohol can do strange things to your memory. To add to my embarrassment a couple of weeks later I saw him at my gym in the changing rooms, so I hid behind my towel.

Are those tenuous enough for you?

Edited by Emeye on Tuesday 9th April 01:26


3,353 posts

163 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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My mother's next door neighbour's late step father was the brother of a member of the Wurzels,


4,884 posts

202 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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Jason Plato and I use the same website forums

I walked down the road behind that goalkeeper, played for the Manchester football people then the Aston football people

He was with his son, tall chaps both.

Schmeichel, that's the chap

Sarah Kennedy, met her on our TV prog, Busman's thingy, vacation... No, Holiday smile

We (my team) didn't win frown But Sarah was nice, quite tasty

Shuffli Oza, BBC Mid's weather girl, met her on a snow battered M6 when the police brought her to interview ME back in the early nineties... Nice lady


nothing really

Oh yes Pete Postlethwaite was at my bro in law's birthday party with us

That was a good 'un


347 posts

185 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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Dibble said:
My brother in law's cousin is married to Cat Deeley.
Irish comedian Patrick Kielty?


1,743 posts

140 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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Wife's cousin played for Spurs

Mr Pies

8,872 posts

190 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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J.R.B. said:
Which pub?
The Boot.

If you google "Daniel Craig Lapworth" there is a few paper reports just before Christmas saying he was looking in the area. Guess he found somewhere!


549 posts

197 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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Bernard Manning once said "Alright?" to me at a motorway services.
Mike Harding once nodded to me at the same motorway services.
Both in the mid 1980s.

My grandad's sister married Adrian Edmondson's grandad's brother.

Justin Cyder

12,624 posts

152 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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On that note, I once drove past an enormous Cadillac on the M1, glanced over at it only to see Bernard Manning in the passenger seat with an open packet of crisps balanced on his enormous belly.

A nod passed between us as if to say:



Tenuous moment was tenuous.


1,411 posts

143 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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Harry styles (apparently he's in some vacuous pop group called one direction) went to my school, and his mum lives across the village cricket pitch from my parents' place apparently.
I was in the same year at school as Seth Johnson, who went on to play for Crewe Alex, Derby and Leeds. He also got a single England cap. Also Dean Ashton went there too, and he played for Crewe, Norwich, west ham and England.
I didn't know any of them, and still don't!

Le Pop

4,735 posts

237 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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I went to the same school as Tim Berners-Lee. I don't know if it was before or after as I never knew him at the time. Michael Aspel too, definitely before me.


1,224 posts

169 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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I work with a former Premiership footballer. Lovely chap, does know EVERYONE and has some interesting opinions/insights to some of the current players.

I went to the same school as Keith from The Prodigy. I was there 3/4 years or so after him, and the head at the time loved to trot out these old pictures of him covered in rubbish for some "clean up the school day" thing.

Edited by Monsterlime on Tuesday 9th April 08:22


17,893 posts

207 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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rxtx said:
I used to work next to Hat Trick Productions so used to see quite a few people every day. I walked past Dale Winton just as he dropped about 20 Dusty Springfield CDs all over the bonnet of his Bentley.
That sounds like an ideal scenario for Jim'll Paint It.

Anthony Micallef

1,122 posts

198 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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I went to the same school as Tamzin Outhwaite and Louise Lombard.

My sister is friends with someone who knows George Costigan.

My mother in law knows Paul Smith's sister!