Misfits, Dad's Army Types et al...

Misfits, Dad's Army Types et al...



2,852 posts

213 months

Thursday 30th May
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Red Devil said:
Another question is why the Conservative former Police and Crime Commissoner Stephen Mold wasn't able to do basic maths, figure out that Adderley couldn't have served in the Falklands conflict, and dismiss him. When you realise that a PCC, although elected and nomnally independent, hasn't a hope of winning the ballot without the support of a political party it all becomes clear.

The Conservative run Northamptonshire County Council was such a basket case that it became insolvent in 2018 and the county was split in into North and West Northamptonshire in 2020.
The same ship of Conservative fools now run both.Councils. Plus ça change.

Hopefully the new PCC Danielle Stone (Labour) will get rid of him once the misconduct hearing is completed. Even if he survives that, she surely cannot have any confidence in him.
Besides losing his job, is he likely to face any specific consequences?


5,124 posts

87 months

Thursday 30th May
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Red Devil said:
Another question is why the Conservative former Police and Crime Commissoner Stephen Mold wasn't able to do basic maths, figure out that Adderley couldn't have served in the Falklands conflict, and dismiss him. When you realise that a PCC, although elected and nomnally independent, hasn't a hope of winning the ballot without the support of a political party it all becomes clear.

The Conservative run Northamptonshire County Council was such a basket case that it became insolvent in 2018 and the county was split in into North and West Northamptonshire in 2020.
The same ship of Conservative fools now run both.Councils. Plus ça change.

Hopefully the new PCC Danielle Stone (Labour) will get rid of him once the misconduct hearing is completed. Even if he survives that, she surely cannot have any confidence in him.
A misconduct hearing is how they dismiss him. PCC couldn't just dismiss him without any misconduct proceedings with their being a legislative process in place for police misconduct. I am sure you wouldn't be too chuffed if your boss just sacked you without any investigation.

The rosette colour of the PCC is not really relevant either given that the Tory one instigated the whole thing with the referral to the IOPC and here we are with a misconduct hearing as a consequence


6,061 posts

181 months

Thursday 30th May
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He may lose a very lucrative pension, unless they allow him to retire with full pension rights.


4,972 posts

181 months

Thursday 30th May
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Fraud? It used to be called obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception.
Mis-conduct in public office?


18,922 posts

198 months

Thursday 30th May
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I don’t know what the rules are but I doubt he will lose his pension. And on the face of it it would seem a bit harsh for playing dress up and wearing some pretend medals. Most of the reports of him being in the navy for 10 years etc seem to be puff pieces so he may not have outright lied on his job applications.


943 posts

6 months

Thursday 30th May
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If he lies about trivial nonsense like this, what else has he lied about, or is prepared to lie about. A senior officer needs to set an example. He's a laughing stock now among the rank and file, I'd imagine.


2,852 posts

213 months

Thursday 30th May
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CoolHands said:
I don’t know what the rules are but I doubt he will lose his pension. And on the face of it it would seem a bit harsh for playing dress up and wearing some pretend medals. Most of the reports of him being in the navy for 10 years etc seem to be puff pieces so he may not have outright lied on his job applications.
Well, this is one way of just accepting that people we ought to respect are also fallible, I guess.


7,248 posts

60 months

Thursday 30th May
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CountyAFC said:
If he lies about trivial nonsense like this, what else has he lied about, or is prepared to lie about. A senior officer needs to set an example. He's a laughing stock now among the rank and file, I'd imagine.
That is the issue IMHO. It`s the dishonesty more than anything, especially in his position.


9,212 posts

229 months

Thursday 30th May
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Notice that it was "an ex-wife" of his who dobbed him in.

So he has more than 1 ex-wife then smile

Wonder if he exaggerated other things about himself!


27,138 posts

164 months

Thursday 30th May
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Red9zero said:
CountyAFC said:
If he lies about trivial nonsense like this, what else has he lied about, or is prepared to lie about. A senior officer needs to set an example. He's a laughing stock now among the rank and file, I'd imagine.
That is the issue IMHO. It`s the dishonesty more than anything, especially in his position.
This. Its not the crime, its the fact he was prepared to lie, and when caught double down on the lies when the facts are easily proved. The guy is a senior police officer so it's not a great reflection on the force.


7,875 posts

83 months

Thursday 30th May
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GreatGranny said:
Notice that it was "an ex-wife" of his who dobbed him in.

So he has more than 1 ex-wife then smile

Wonder if he exaggerated other things about himself!
Typical copper. When I worked for the police there were loads with multiple ex wives. Some had been married 4 times. I said to one of them didn't the first 3 times tell you that maybe marriage isn't for you.

Red Devil

13,105 posts

211 months

Thursday 30th May
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pavarotti1980 said:
Red Devil said:
Another question is why the Conservative former Police and Crime Commissoner Stephen Mold wasn't able to do basic maths, figure out that Adderley couldn't have served in the Falklands conflict, and dismiss him. When you realise that a PCC, although elected and nomnally independent, hasn't a hope of winning the ballot without the support of a political party it all becomes clear.

The Conservative run Northamptonshire County Council was such a basket case that it became insolvent in 2018 and the county was split in into North and West Northamptonshire in 2020.
The same ship of Conservative fools now run both.Councils. Plus ça change.

Hopefully the new PCC Danielle Stone (Labour) will get rid of him once the misconduct hearing is completed. Even if he survives that, she surely cannot have any confidence in him.
A misconduct hearing is how they dismiss him. PCC couldn't just dismiss him without any misconduct proceedings with their being a legislative process in place for police misconduct. I am sure you wouldn't be too chuffed if your boss just sacked you without any investigation.
I take your point about the need for due process but Adderley has been doing this puffery for a very long time and been the CC of Northamptonshire for over 7 years.
Mold, who was in post when Adderley arrived in the county, remained remarkably incurious until Adderley's ex-wife made a formal complaint.

It gets worse. He is also under investigation for fraud while he was ACC in Staffordshire - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-northamptons...
The icing on the cake in the 'stolen valour' claim is that the SAM he touted isn't the real deal (quelle surprise) and has since been junked!

pavarotti1980 said:
The rosette colour of the PCC is not really relevant either given that the Tory one instigated the whole thing with the referral to the IOPC and here we are with a misconduct hearing as a consequence
It is relevant because PCCs are political and are themselves overseen in the vast majority of forces by Police and Crime Panels.
If you know how those are constituted you'll appreciate the potential tensions between a Labour PCC and two Conservative majority Councils.

GreatGranny said:
Notice that it was "an ex-wife" of his who dobbed him in.

So he has more than 1 ex-wife then smile

Wonder if he exaggerated other things about himself!
Maybe, and she was disappointment with his performance? wink


5,124 posts

87 months

Thursday 30th May
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Red Devil said:
I take your point about the need for due process but Adderley has been doing this puffery for a very long time and been the CC of Northamptonshire for over 7 years.
Mold, who was in post when Adderley arrived in the county, remained remarkably incurious until Adderley's ex-wife made a formal complaint.

It gets worse. He is also under investigation for fraud while he was ACC in Staffordshire - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-northamptons...
The icing on the cake in the 'stolen valour' claim is that the SAM he touted isn't the real deal (quelle surprise) and has since been junked!
None of which means police misconduct proceedings can be circumnavigated and leave the relevant force open to legal challenges and potential reinstatement/claims for unfair dismissal etc.

I would prefer for it to be done properly with all angles covered instead of it being a rush job and making a pigs ear of it.

The Gauge

2,307 posts

16 months

Thursday 30th May
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Starfighter said:
Fraud? It used to be called obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception.
Mis-conduct in public office?
I think all the different type of fraud offences such as the one you mention were recategorised/condensed in recent years

The Gauge

2,307 posts

16 months

Thursday 30th May
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Red Devil said:
It gets worse. He is also under investigation for fraud while he was ACC in Staffordshire - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-northamptons...
I wonder if he was getting his force to pay for police vehicle parts that were actually for his own personal car?


1,566 posts

5 months

Thursday 30th May
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Countdown said:
I genuinely don't understand the hatred for people who have "POLITE" written on their outfits. So what if they've got POLITE on the back of their hi-viz? What difference has it made to you?
It’s written to make people think they are police. That’s literally the only reason these outfits exist.

The Gauge

2,307 posts

16 months

Thursday 30th May
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Ken_Code said:
Countdown said:
I genuinely don't understand the hatred for people who have "POLITE" written on their outfits. So what if they've got POLITE on the back of their hi-viz? What difference has it made to you?
It’s written to make people think they are police. That’s literally the only reason these outfits exist.
I think the resentment is also because of the smugness the 'Polite' vest wearer must feel about others thinking they are police, when in fact they are probably just a warehouse operative called Ken who's wife Barbara left them, and they now eat cold beans straight from the tin smile

Red Devil

13,105 posts

211 months

Thursday 30th May
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pavarotti1980 said:
Red Devil said:
I take your point about the need for due process but Adderley has been doing this puffery for a very long time and been the CC of Northamptonshire for over 7 years.
Mold, who was in post when Adderley arrived in the county, remained remarkably incurious until Adderley's ex-wife made a formal complaint.

It gets worse. He is also under investigation for fraud while he was ACC in Staffordshire - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-northamptons...
The icing on the cake in the 'stolen valour' claim is that the SAM he touted isn't the real deal (quelle surprise) and has since been junked!
None of which means police misconduct proceedings can be circumnavigated and leave the relevant force open to legal challenges and potential reinstatement/claims for unfair dismissal etc.

I would prefer for it to be done properly with all angles covered instead of it being a rush job and making a pigs ear of it.
I never suggested that any circumnavigation should take place. You're missing the point, whether it be due to a misunderstanding or otherwise.
Adderley had been in post for several years prior to the s**t hitting the fan in 2023. Mold would be on more than nodding terms with him.
As PCC he must have confidence in whoever holds the post, yet it would seem he never at any time thought to himself 'hang on a minute, the maths don't add up!'
In which case I believe he would be duty bound to bring it to the attention of the Police and Crime Panel because it would put a huge question mark over the CC's integrity.
If the most senior officer is untrustworthy it tarnishes the entire organisation. Or maybe he did twig and, for whatever reason, chose to play blind, deaf, and dumb.

This debacle continues to keep on giving - https://www.northantstelegraph.co.uk/news/people/n...


1,566 posts

5 months

Thursday 30th May
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CoolHands said:
I don’t know what the rules are but I doubt he will lose his pension. And on the face of it it would seem a bit harsh for playing dress up and wearing some pretend medals. Most of the reports of him being in the navy for 10 years etc seem to be puff pieces so he may not have outright lied on his job applications.
He lied on his job application. He committed criminal fraud to obtain the job.

Every penny that he has received since then for doing the job is proceeds of crime.


1,566 posts

5 months

Thursday 30th May
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The Gauge said:
I think the resentment is also because of the smugness the 'Polite' vest wearer must feel about others thinking they are police, when in fact they are probably just a warehouse operative called Ken who's wife Barbara left them, and they now eat cold beans straight from the tin smile
I’ve come up behind people in these vests before when on my bike, and until I noticed what was going on would definitely hang back and not get in their way.

Having been subject to a furious shouting-at by an off-duty bike copper who I’d dared to overtake while on a ride I prefer not to have that happen again.