Misfits, Dad's Army Types et al...

Misfits, Dad's Army Types et al...



23 posts

95 months

Monday 27th May
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https://www-bbc-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.b... %251%24s&aoh=17168211344458&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com

The Walt's will absolutely love this. A chance for dressing up, power trip and grassing people up!


3,933 posts

84 months

Monday 27th May
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Fane said:
I must admit, I was very grateful for 4x4 Response Walts when my Motorhome got stuck trying to get out of Bluedot Festival a few years back.
Careful now, the cool kids in this thread will disown you for being grateful and not throwing out insults. They will be along soon to do so on your behalf.

Edit. Don't worry, I see that one of then was there immediately. Thank goodness. The waltiness would have started spreading if the cool kids weren't here to stamp it out.


408 posts

50 months

Monday 27th May
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I stopped off at a biker cafe the other day and there was a middle aged bloke wandering about with a hi-vis jacket on. Emblazoned on the back of it it said " Police Volunteer " .
Is this the pinnacle of a Walts career path ?

The Gauge

2,316 posts

16 months

Monday 27th May
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naeteltaberdeen said:
https://www-bbc-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.b... %251%24s&aoh=17168211344458&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com

The Walt's will absolutely love this. A chance for dressing up, power trip and grassing people up!
I'm sure the police love been accompanied by a civilian onlooker who cant do anything to assist them, yet watches them like a hawk.

The Gauge

2,316 posts

16 months

Monday 27th May
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jdw100 said:
One says that the training just kicks in, you don’t think you just act..


392 posts

73 months

Tuesday 28th May
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Onelastattempt said:
I stopped off at a biker cafe the other day and there was a middle aged bloke wandering about with a hi-vis jacket on. Emblazoned on the back of it it said " Police Volunteer " .
Is this the pinnacle of a Walts career path ?
Saw the exact same thing at a bike, car, truck café. There were three of us on some old british bikes (always an adventure!). Guy in hi-vis with "police Volunteer" plastered all over it came over to our table, said he had some advice on our riding. Before he could elaborate he was told to fk off and we continued stuffing our faces with bacon butties. Then we regretted not listening, what had we being doing to need advice?
Guy who runs the place reckons hi-vis man is always doing this, he tries to organise the parking, tries to turn away lorries, not enough room, (there is). Harmless but a pain, occasional 1 week ban usually quietened him down.


1,511 posts

55 months

Tuesday 28th May
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djcube said:
Onelastattempt said:
I stopped off at a biker cafe the other day and there was a middle aged bloke wandering about with a hi-vis jacket on. Emblazoned on the back of it it said " Police Volunteer " .
Is this the pinnacle of a Walts career path ?
Saw the exact same thing at a bike, car, truck café. There were three of us on some old british bikes (always an adventure!). Guy in hi-vis with "police Volunteer" plastered all over it came over to our table, said he had some advice on our riding. Before he could elaborate he was told to fk off and we continued stuffing our faces with bacon butties. Then we regretted not listening, what had we being doing to need advice?
Guy who runs the place reckons hi-vis man is always doing this, he tries to organise the parking, tries to turn away lorries, not enough room, (there is). Harmless but a pain, occasional 1 week ban usually quietened him down.
So, hi viz walt is in fact not a “police volunteer” at all then, and merely a lying tw@t? He wants reporting to the coppers for a word, surely?


40,732 posts

286 months

Tuesday 28th May
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Southerner said:
djcube said:
Onelastattempt said:
I stopped off at a biker cafe the other day and there was a middle aged bloke wandering about with a hi-vis jacket on. Emblazoned on the back of it it said " Police Volunteer " .
Is this the pinnacle of a Walts career path ?
Saw the exact same thing at a bike, car, truck café. There were three of us on some old british bikes (always an adventure!). Guy in hi-vis with "police Volunteer" plastered all over it came over to our table, said he had some advice on our riding. Before he could elaborate he was told to fk off and we continued stuffing our faces with bacon butties. Then we regretted not listening, what had we being doing to need advice?
Guy who runs the place reckons hi-vis man is always doing this, he tries to organise the parking, tries to turn away lorries, not enough room, (there is). Harmless but a pain, occasional 1 week ban usually quietened him down.
So, hi viz walt is in fact not a “police volunteer” at all then, and merely a lying tw@t? He wants reporting to the coppers for a word, surely?
Helping police...

...with their enquiries.


4,376 posts

167 months

Tuesday 28th May
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TriumphStag3.0V8 said:
Fane said:
I must admit, I was very grateful for 4x4 Response Walts when my Motorhome got stuck trying to get out of Bluedot Festival a few years back.
Careful now, the cool kids in this thread will disown you for being grateful and not throwing out insults. They will be along soon to do so on your behalf.

Edit. Don't worry, I see that one of then was there immediately. Thank goodness. The waltiness would have started spreading if the cool kids weren't here to stamp it out.
Probably just another typical entitled member of the public thinking they are funny/cool.

If I find out who it was I’ll cone off the end of their street.


18,939 posts

198 months

Wednesday 29th May
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Northamptonshire‘s finest veteran being unfairly vilified in the latest hearing. He single handedly won the battle of Falklands, I believe he was the main pilot that took the argies out. And this is how we repay him nono



5,451 posts

140 months

Wednesday 29th May
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CoolHands said:
Northamptonshire‘s finest veteran being unfairly vilified in the latest hearing. He single handedly won the battle of Falklands, I believe he was the main pilot that took the argies out. And this is how we repay him nono

I'm embarrassed on his behalf after reading the list of his claims!


18,939 posts

198 months

Wednesday 29th May
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A South Atlantic Medal, awarded to British military personnel and civilians for service in the Falklands War, that Mr Adderley had worn on several occasions and claimed was his brother's, is "not believed to be a valid medal", Mr Beggs said.

His brother didn’t even apply for the medal until after he was suspended so the actual medal Nick Adderley was wearing must have been an ebay special!

Nick Addedly, getting ready for court:


1,599 posts

15 months

Wednesday 29th May
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I find it hard to believe that he was a total lying walt knobber but was a great bloke and highly competent in every other area, as such I'm sure people who had to work for the pillock will be very glad to be rid of him.

More importantly than purging him from their ranks I think they need to look very closely at how they select people for such senior roles and the background checks they perform; walts and fantasists are attracted to the police like flies to a freshly dropped turd so you'd really hope they were filtering them out at every level.


2,445 posts

226 months

Wednesday 29th May
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I'm astonished the bloke hasn't just resigned.


18,939 posts

198 months

Wednesday 29th May
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His pension is increasing by £248 a year for each extra month he can hang on. Not surprised he won’t resign.


7,265 posts

60 months

Wednesday 29th May
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CoolHands said:
His pension is increasing by £248 a year for each extra month he can hang on. Not surprised he won’t resign.
I assume his military pension won't amount to much laugh


27,155 posts

164 months

Wednesday 29th May
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LunarOne said:
CoolHands said:
Northamptonshire‘s finest veteran being unfairly vilified in the latest hearing. He single handedly won the battle of Falklands, I believe he was the main pilot that took the argies out. And this is how we repay him nono

I'm embarrassed on his behalf after reading the list of his claims!
It's staggering he thought he could get away with it. The age discrepancy would be obvious to anyone that can do maths, and his military service (or lack of) is formally recorded in his service certificate.


3,822 posts

123 months

Wednesday 29th May
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98elise said:
It's staggering he thought he could get away with it. The age discrepancy would be obvious to anyone that can do maths, and his military service (or lack of) is formally recorded in his service certificate.
Agree, just makes you wonder how this was not picked up during all checks employers (especially the police) are supposed to do.


19,375 posts

218 months

Wednesday 29th May
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hidetheelephants said:
forsure said:
Spotted one on my way through Aylesbury last weekend.

What looked like a Police motorcyclist stopped at the side of the road. Big white bike, panniers, fairing etc. Rider had all the authentic looking gear on - but, on the back of his hi-viz the word 'POLITE'
That's not walty, doing anything that makes motorists pay attention to a motorcyclist is common sense.
Countdown said:
I genuinely don't understand the hatred for people who have "POLITE" written on their outfits. So what if they've got POLITE on the back of their hi-viz? What difference has it made to you?
Well there's something I never thought I'd see - people defending fake plod! rofl

I can only imagine that they must fall firmly into this category themselves. Tragic! biggrin

Red Devil

13,107 posts

211 months

Wednesday 29th May
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Drumroll said:
98elise said:
It's staggering he thought he could get away with it. The age discrepancy would be obvious to anyone that can do maths, and his military service (or lack of) is formally recorded in his service certificate.
Agree, just makes you wonder how this was not picked up during all checks employers (especially the police) are supposed to do.
Another question is why the Conservative former Police and Crime Commissoner Stephen Mold wasn't able to do basic maths, figure out that Adderley couldn't have served in the Falklands conflict, and dismiss him. When you realise that a PCC, although elected and nomnally independent, hasn't a hope of winning the ballot without the support of a political party it all becomes clear.

The Conservative run Northamptonshire County Council was such a basket case that it became insolvent in 2018 and the county was split in into North and West Northamptonshire in 2020.
The same ship of Conservative fools now run both.Councils. Plus ça change.

Hopefully the new PCC Danielle Stone (Labour) will get rid of him once the misconduct hearing is completed. Even if he survives that, she surely cannot have any confidence in him.