Show us your animated GIFs... [Volume 4]

Show us your animated GIFs... [Volume 4]



10,746 posts

199 months

Wednesday 20th March
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DodgyGeezer said:
Fermit said:
Horsey McHorseface said:
That winning feeling when you sneak Mia Khalifa into the gifs thread, under the ever watchful eye of the mods thumbup

Whenever I've seen Mia take a seat on something there's usually no rubber involved.
It's amazing the popularity she gained for someone who was only in the prawn industry for 3 months.

It takes some adult stars years and hundreds of videos to attain that sort of status.


15,745 posts

237 months

Wednesday 20th March
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shakotan said:
DodgyGeezer said:
Fermit said:
Horsey McHorseface said:
That winning feeling when you sneak Mia Khalifa into the gifs thread, under the ever watchful eye of the mods thumbup

Whenever I've seen Mia take a seat on something there's usually no rubber involved.
It's amazing the popularity she gained for someone who was only in the prawn industry for 3 months.

It takes some adult stars years and hundreds of videos to attain that sort of status.
Just googled that! 3 months! Blimey, and that was 10 years ago.

Silver Smudger

3,317 posts

170 months

Wednesday 20th March
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Horsey McHorseface said:
What's the matter? Never taken a short-cut before?


2,886 posts

192 months

Wednesday 20th March
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511 posts

11 months

Thursday 21st March
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Nova Gyna said:
Anyone else having problems viewing the latest GIFs? The last 5 from thenetwork and 2 from Horsey just shows as a little blue square with a ? In it for me.
No, but to be honest I usually skip thenetworks ones anyway!


8,821 posts

217 months

Thursday 21st March
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thenetwork said:
That's fantastic. Is it taken from a real video shot? The perspective makes it look like it's hardly moving.


3,859 posts

231 months

Thursday 21st March
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Mars said:
That's fantastic. Is it taken from a real video shot? The perspective makes it look like it's hardly moving.
Pretty sure it's fake. It looks like that really really tall building in Dubai in the background and was that even built when Concorde carried that livery?


15,745 posts

237 months

Thursday 21st March
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spitfire-ian said:
Mars said:
That's fantastic. Is it taken from a real video shot? The perspective makes it look like it's hardly moving.
Pretty sure it's fake. It looks like that really really tall building in Dubai in the background and was that even built when Concorde carried that livery?
Agree. Planes don't suddenly bank and drop their landing gear like that.


2,886 posts

192 months

Thursday 21st March
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2,680 posts

191 months

Thursday 21st March
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thenetwork said:

"fk.....ohh fk, fk fk fkity fk, fuuuuuuck, fk fk fk....fkinell me"

"errm, new overalls please"


2,886 posts

192 months

Thursday 21st March
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Horsey McHorseface

2,567 posts

187 months

Thursday 21st March
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The Tortoise and the Hare Cat:


511 posts

11 months

Friday 22nd March
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spitfire-ian said:
Mars said:
That's fantastic. Is it taken from a real video shot? The perspective makes it look like it's hardly moving.
Pretty sure it's fake. It looks like that really really tall building in Dubai in the background and was that even built when Concorde carried that livery?
Of course it is.

They also have one of an Antonov and a 747, in the same city!


13,042 posts

171 months

Friday 22nd March
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Horsey McHorseface said:
The Tortoise and the Hare Cat:

For those amused by this (as I was!)


2,886 posts

192 months

Saturday 23rd March
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Baron Greenback

7,091 posts

153 months

Saturday 23rd March
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Buff out for sure

Baron Greenback

7,091 posts

153 months

Saturday 23rd March
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Was looking for tile to collapse? I was.

Antony Moxey

8,271 posts

222 months

Saturday 23rd March
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Baron Greenback said:
Was looking for tile to collapse? I was.

Should definitely be in the teeth itch thread.


2,886 posts

192 months

Sunday 24th March
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2,886 posts

192 months

Sunday 24th March
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