Urgent Help - Divorce related?

Urgent Help - Divorce related?


Fezant Pluckah

1,711 posts

214 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Dupont666 said:
Some truly shock racial slur on another PHer for no justifiable reason
Oh, I don't know. I did imply he was a lady's front bottom, so all's fair in love and war, eh? wink


72,857 posts

242 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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shout Oi, Mike


75,374 posts

275 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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pikey said:
Gazboy said:
Enough about Mike, if we could get back to the OP's troubles please... smile
Fair bit of editing there - should have been quicker off the mark then you wouldn't have had to play catchup on the quoted ones! smile
The "report abuse" button is there for all to use. Or are you saying you clicked it the moment that you saw Mike's post and it's taken Gaz this long to sort it? smile

Edited by JonRB on Thursday 26th March 15:37


67,280 posts

273 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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pikey said:
Gazboy said:
Enough about Mike, if we could get back to the OP's troubles please... smile
Fair bit of editing there - should have been quicker off the mark then you wouldn't have had to play catchup on the quoted ones! smile

First and only abuse report came in at 14.55, Gaz had dealt with the protagonist and started editing all of 180 seconds later.

Sorry, we'll refund your membership fee for falling outside our SLA.


75,374 posts

275 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Plotloss said:
First and only abuse report came in at 14.55


21,025 posts

190 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Fezant Pluckah said:
Dupont666 said:
Some truly shock racial slur on another PHer for no justifiable reason
Oh, I don't know. I did imply he was a lady's front bottom, so all's fair in love and war, eh? wink
Well, to the uneducated your first name does sound rather Persian. hehe

Edited by Arese on Thursday 26th March 15:57

Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Whilst having an extended tea break I seemed to have missed all the fun.

Did someone tell the OP her tits were saggy or something?


72,857 posts

242 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:

Whilst having an extended tea break I seemed to have missed all the fun.

Did someone tell the OP her tits were saggy or something?
I missed the best bits gluing the roof back on the TVR irked


3,728 posts

189 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:

Whilst having an extended tea break I seemed to have missed all the fun.

Did someone tell the OP her tits were saggy or something?
I would certainly hope not. She is a lady of the most exquisite discerning taste.

Stigette said:
Gkhar - Your hysterical, I love your posts. laugh
Just some idiot making racist remarks because when he threw his teddy out of the pram, it was handed back to him.

Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Stigette said:
Gkhar - Your hysterical
Let me slap him around the face...please let me do it.


Pretty fking please?


7,702 posts

287 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Plotloss said:
pikey said:
Gazboy said:
Enough about Mike, if we could get back to the OP's troubles please... smile
Fair bit of editing there - should have been quicker off the mark then you wouldn't have had to play catchup on the quoted ones! smile

First and only abuse report came in at 14.55, Gaz had dealt with the protagonist and started editing all of 180 seconds later.

Sorry, we'll refund your membership fee for falling outside our SLA.
Keep your hair on! I was chuckling as I could see Gaz winding his way from the original through each quoted post. Ie. there were lots of them in a short space of time.

Jeez - you mods. Even when someone's not having a pop you think they are! biggrin (That's also a tongue in cheek comment!)


3,728 posts

189 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
Stigette said:
Gkhar - Your hysterical
Let me slap him around the face...please let me do it.


Pretty fking please?
It has already been noted which part of your anatomy you like to slap with.

The answer is No.

Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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G'kar said:
Cara Van Man said:
Stigette said:
Gkhar - Your hysterical
Let me slap him around the face...please let me do it.


Pretty fking please?
It has already been noted which part of your anatomy you like to slap with.

The answer is No.
Try saying that when confronted with a night in the 'van with Ric, Swerni and AliKat.

You'll be begging for the harsh stuff.


3,728 posts

189 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Harsh is coming too?

This is gonna be some party.


2,202 posts

193 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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G'kar said:
Harsh is coming too?

This is gonna be some party.
Especially if he brings the Atom


Original Poster:

100 posts

198 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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mikez328 said:
ali_kat said:
mikez328 said:
No reponse yet. Therefore I will, quite rightly, assume that you told a pack of lies.

She's not posted at all since 8:45 this morning - did it not occur to you that she might, just might, have a job that prevents her from posting on PH during the day?

My Friend, until YOUR life & career have been destroyed by the likes of Alastair Darling & his Child Support Agency & the wrongs been supported by both idiotic & ill-informed Conservative & Labour Governments in the mis-gotten belief that the CSA is good for us all, I would keep my mouth shut pal.

The mechanics & administration of the CSA is PURE EVIL. Run by & for uneducated Irish "Bog-Trotters" who are totally incapable of applying what should have been a simple earnings/expenses formula.

Am I bitter? ABSOLUTELY. The Government bds ruined my career & life for 13 years. The actual monthly payments weren't ever an issue - it was the fact that they constantly got them wrong & got away with 13 years of overcharging me!!

If I saw Alastair Darling or Gordon Brown in the street today I would consider assault or worse. I'd certainly spit on the wasters.

There is my "considered" response. And I still say that there are two sides to every story. And you have not heard the second side, nor probably will if the "Ex" has any pride....

As you will by have noticed, she is able to post & "is now off to her solicitors". Get a life & put your spec's on. She rarely works, if at all, or is a Civil Servant who can just take "paid sickies" whenever she wants - at your & my cost. Bitter - Me - Nooooo!

Edited by mikez328 on Thursday 26th March 14:32
Listen you sad pathetic waste of space - Did you not note where I mentioned I earn over the amount of for legal aid so yes I do work, VERY HARD so much so that my boss kindly agreed for a day emergancy leave so that I could sort my life out.

I would also LOVE to here my ex's side of the story, as I never have.

Now am going back to read the rest of the thread as I was to cross to go any further.

Take your issues elsewhere - I suggest a therapist


3,770 posts

224 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Stigette said:
mikez328 said:
Being a twunt
Listen you sad pathetic waste of space - Did you not note where I mentioned I earn over the amount of for legal aid so yes I do work, VERY HARD so much so that my boss kindly agreed for a day emergancy leave so that I could sort my life out.

I would also LOVE to here my ex's side of the story, as I never have.

Now am going back to read the rest of the thread as I was to cross to go any further.

Take your issues elsewhere - I suggest a rapist
EFA wink

I wish you all the best in your plight - I am currently going through a breakup but without the added nightmare of child/house to think about, you have my sympathy. Sorry I can't be of more use - unless you need your house rewiring!

Edit: I've just thought, maybe you could benefit from some cunning rewiring.. turn the lights on, get a shock scratchchin

Edited by V6 on Thursday 26th March 17:14

Invisible man

39,731 posts

287 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Stigette said:

Take your issues elsewhere - I suggest a therapist
he has....in a basket hehe

is that bob a blackadder bob?


75,374 posts

275 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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V6 said:
I am currently going through a breakup but without the added nightmare of child/house to think about, you have my sympathy.
Holy crap! Another one! smile


5,293 posts

216 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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There are people on here who are more qualified in terms of accreditation and real life experience, however I've just had a little hiccup of my own. My only thoughts are:

1. Dig yourself in mentally now for an extended period of rubbishness (technical term). Everything will take 3 times as long as you think it should and will cost at least twice as much.

2. Move back in and make it quite plain you're not going anywhere until things are settled. Its really the only leverage you have to force a resolution.

3. Try and resolve thing between you and agree an outcome ASAP. Laywers will cost a fortune (literally eye-watering sums) so try and agree things without them. But do this within the next week or so.

4. If you can't agree a mutually satisfactory outcome, get a solictor involved pronto and document EVERYTHING. Particularly the mortgage payments, any other movement of money and all correspondence. Being able to prove that you ahve tried to resolve things and have been contributing all along should all work in your favour if things go to court.

As to what to do, that's the hard part. Given neither of you seems willing / able to buy the other out, and you'd be mad to sell right now, I would try and draw up an agreement such that you continue to be jointly liable for the house (including any repairs / maintenance, other charges) , treat it as a long term investment, then rent the place out. Your O/H can rent the place on agreed terms, but you get half that rental income (which you can offset against your half of the mortgage interest). Moving the house into a trust may incur stamp duty which again, is best avoided but you can get proper advice on that.

Down the line, you may want to sell or possibly buy one another out (which may have a capital gains tax impact) but it has to be better than the current situation of not living there, paying half and having the other person ruin the place and possibly your credit rating if they are not paying a mortgage which you are severally liable for. If you or he default, then you'll ruin both your credit ratings so try and avoid that.

Its about the cleanest solution I can think of offhand. It means you're not getting screwed financially, has the least upheaval for both parties (important for the child) and allows you to get on with moving on as quickly as possible (again, important for you and your child).

Either way, its a rubbish situation, emotionally and financially, and I hope you find a solution.

Wish you all the very best.
