Could you survive a fall into water....

Could you survive a fall into water....



3,842 posts

195 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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filski666 said:
Fume troll said:
filski666 said:
Jonny671 said:
esselte said:
Jonny671 said:
Did anyone see what they did on Mythbusters?

They dropped "Buster" from about 60ft and he just basically broke into pieces. They even dropped a hammer first to break the surface of the water, it did no better.

Their outcome was certain death even from that little height.
I don't think that's quite right...people dive from 20 metres regularly with no ill effects...
Oh yeah, I hadn't thought of that lol. Must have been higher than thatwink
when they dive from those kind of heights they use bubbles to break the surface of the water up.

Edited by filski666 on Wednesday 23 July 13:28
Plenty of people have failed suicide attempts jumping of the Golden Gate bridge (220ft, 67m).


yeah, but plenty more have died - so when people do high dives they like to try and improve the odds (which will not be in their favour) for diving from those heights and surviving
I am not saying you CAN'T survive diving from those height, but you are running the high risk of dying (increasing with height) so when people do high dives they use something to break up the water and improve their chances of not getting hurt or worse.


14,626 posts

270 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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filski666 said:
filski666 said:
Fume troll said:
filski666 said:
Jonny671 said:
esselte said:
Jonny671 said:
Did anyone see what they did on Mythbusters?

They dropped "Buster" from about 60ft and he just basically broke into pieces. They even dropped a hammer first to break the surface of the water, it did no better.

Their outcome was certain death even from that little height.
I don't think that's quite right...people dive from 20 metres regularly with no ill effects...
Oh yeah, I hadn't thought of that lol. Must have been higher than thatwink
when they dive from those kind of heights they use bubbles to break the surface of the water up.

Edited by filski666 on Wednesday 23 July 13:28
Plenty of people have failed suicide attempts jumping of the Golden Gate bridge (220ft, 67m).


yeah, but plenty more have died - so when people do high dives they like to try and improve the odds (which will not be in their favour) for diving from those heights and surviving
I am not saying you CAN'T survive diving from those height, but you are running the high risk of dying (increasing with height) so when people do high dives they use something to break up the water and improve their chances of not getting hurt or worse.
What do the guys (and gals) from my previous post use?

Fume troll

Original Poster:

4,389 posts

215 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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Vesuvius 996 said:
Fume troll said:
I LOVE Pistonheads!!


Great work!
Amazing innit.





31,319 posts

244 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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Vesuvius 996 said:
Fume troll said:
I LOVE Pistonheads!!


Great work!
Is there a summary? You know something I can carry with me in the event of a fall and read before the fall becomes a stop?

edit:So umm yes.

Edited by Munter on Wednesday 23 July 13:44


3,842 posts

195 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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Fume troll said:
I like the line

G. Sex did not appear to be a factor in survival

Surely you have other things on your mind at a time like that?

Fume troll

Original Poster:

4,389 posts

215 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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Munter said:
Vesuvius 996 said:
Fume troll said:
I LOVE Pistonheads!!


Great work!
Is there a summary? You know something I can carry with me in the event of a fall and read before the fall becomes a stop?
A summary of the summary : Go in feet first with your arms over your head.

Good luck. thumbup




3,842 posts

195 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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Fume troll said:
I retract all my previous opinions in the face of overwhelming facts!

Fume troll

Original Poster:

4,389 posts

215 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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filski666 said:
I like the line

G. Sex did not appear to be a factor in survival

Surely you have other things on your mind at a time like that?
Blow up doll maybe ?




31,319 posts

244 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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Fume troll said:
A summary of the summary : Go in feet first with your arms over your head.

Good luck. thumbup


So it's the same a sex then. Easy.


32,091 posts

253 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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V996 - couldn't agree, PH is brilliant for stuff like this rofl

Where else would someone be able to find a 43yr old paper entitled "Surviving high velocity falls into water" in a thread named "could you survive a fall into water...."

fan bloody tastic

Fume troll

Original Poster:

4,389 posts

215 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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TonyHetherington said:
V996 - couldn't agree, PH is brilliant for stuff like this rofl

Where else would someone be able to find a 43yr old paper entitled "Surviving high velocity falls into water" in a thread named "could you survive a fall into water...."

fan bloody tastic
Isn't that agreeing??




32,091 posts

253 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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st. couldn't agree MORE. MORE. There needs to be a more there. Dammit.


27,428 posts

282 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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HRG said:
thewave said:
Feet first
Cross them at the ankles and hold them VERY tight
hands held as tight to the body as possible protecting the crotch area
If you fell ever so slightly forward you'd probably destroy your nob, thus on impact letting out a cry of pain (not helpful when you need to hold your breath prior to entry)
I would expect you do break your legs in any case
You may not be able to hold your breath long enough to get to the surface either

But that'd be my plan.
Have you ever been on the near vertical water slide in Tenerriffe? It took me a week to find my trunks and that's with my legs crossed very tightly yes
Is that the one where you are actually airborne for a few seconds...and can land not quite on the right track? If so I am surprised they haven't condemned it...damn near killed me off years ago!


16,442 posts

264 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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Fume troll said:
pdV6 said:
Fume troll said:
Well it seems (to me, at least) that if people have survived significant falls into trees, snow and swamps, then water should be survivable too.
Er, the point being that the trees, snow & swamps decelerated their bodies in a (slightly) more controlled fashion than concrete / water.
Swamp? How?


Oh I dunno, maybe reeds, mud, other vegetation etc.

BlackMagic *tree

8,786 posts

198 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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I can't believe that no-one mentioned the almost certain heart attack you would die from just at the realisation of the situation.

It wouldn't matter how you hit the water, you would be (mostly) dead long before that point.

Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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BlackMagic *tree said:
I can't believe that no-one mentioned the almost certain heart attack you would die from just at the realisation of the situation.

It wouldn't matter how you hit the water, you would be (mostly) dead long before that point.
Its okay for you to say, you haven't had your tackle ripped off..........

ooooooooooooooh. I see. You have.


14,728 posts

212 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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Bushmaster said:
HRG said:
thewave said:
Feet first
Cross them at the ankles and hold them VERY tight
hands held as tight to the body as possible protecting the crotch area
If you fell ever so slightly forward you'd probably destroy your nob, thus on impact letting out a cry of pain (not helpful when you need to hold your breath prior to entry)
I would expect you do break your legs in any case
You may not be able to hold your breath long enough to get to the surface either

But that'd be my plan.
Have you ever been on the near vertical water slide in Tenerriffe? It took me a week to find my trunks and that's with my legs crossed very tightly yes
Is that the one where you are actually airborne for a few seconds...and can land not quite on the right track? If so I am surprised they haven't condemned it...damn near killed me off years ago!
laugh, actually, i've have been on that slide several times (the green one right?), yes you do become airborne, but more importantly if you stop at the bottom, you are standing at THE only place on earth guaranteed to give a free view of boobs every 26 seconds hehe


1,752 posts

225 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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I'd try and build up enough horizontal velocity to skim along the surface of the ocean like a bouncing bomb smile


756 posts

207 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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Hang on just a minute......

Anyone who has sky-dived (sky-dove?) should have an answer to this one.

It should be noted that one would probably accelerate at 10 m/s/s. So, by 10 seconds out of the plane one should have reached the accepted terminal velocity which is, I think, 120 miles an hour.

The "terminal velocity" for a human will obviously change depending on wind resistance. If one is wearing baggy clothes and spread out in a "belly flop" position, the velocity will decrease, probably to around 100 mph.

On the other hand, in cool air, with no clothes on, a slim but heavy (muscular and therefore dense) person who was bald and pointing downwards, could easily increase his terminal velocity to 200mph.

Moral of this tale?

When falling towards the water from 10000ft, make sure you aim for a belly flop!


3,480 posts

256 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2008
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Job done...