Euromillion & family trust

Euromillion & family trust



1,137 posts

165 months

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Zolvaro said:
BunkMoreland said:
CardinalFang said:
They have a panel of financial advisers: Coutts certainly & 4/5 others, which I can't find any more, but likely Hoare & Co, Weatherby's, Arbuthnot Latham & one of the high street banks (they all have private banking arms, or subsidiaries - Coutts is Nat West's). You choose whether you want to meet with them or not. St James Place were on the panel a few years ago, but don't think they are any more.
I'd probably not go with Coutts given they couldn't help but splash a certain persons name and details all over the press. Imagine if they did the same with you if you won £180m (which was won by a ticket in Portugal anyway)

Of the remaining names. Most winners will never have heard of them. So how on earth do you choose? Or do you speak to a couple of them privately or several of them together?

I also think that much as I love England, I think for that money there are other places to live where Wealth is not seen as a cardinal sin. And there's less dheads trying to relieve you of your stuff. Even America is less irritating than chavs trying to rob you!

Zolvaro said:
I doubt Camelot could care less anymore!
Indeed! Its not them running it anymore! laugh

Allwyn UK for those interested. Whose head office in Watford appears to be the same building as Camelot were using. Which makes me think its probably all the same staff as before too.

Edited by BunkMoreland on Wednesday 26th June 20:25
Yeah Allwyn won the contract and then bought out Camelot UK on the cheap due to them no longer having a viable business. That conveniently gave them all the trained staff, hardware, software and other bits they needed to run a lottery!
Didnt know that. I wonder what the “no longer having a viable business” problem was. Seems to me it’s the most viable and simple business model ever invented. People give you cash, you take out your business expenses, give some of it back as prizes, some to charity and keep the rest. You don’t even have to manufacture anything. How the hell can you fk that up? Or are they not allowed to make a profit by law? Maybe that’s it…


111 posts

2 months

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languagetimothy said:
Zolvaro said:
BunkMoreland said:
CardinalFang said:
They have a panel of financial advisers: Coutts certainly & 4/5 others, which I can't find any more, but likely Hoare & Co, Weatherby's, Arbuthnot Latham & one of the high street banks (they all have private banking arms, or subsidiaries - Coutts is Nat West's). You choose whether you want to meet with them or not. St James Place were on the panel a few years ago, but don't think they are any more.
I'd probably not go with Coutts given they couldn't help but splash a certain persons name and details all over the press. Imagine if they did the same with you if you won £180m (which was won by a ticket in Portugal anyway)

Of the remaining names. Most winners will never have heard of them. So how on earth do you choose? Or do you speak to a couple of them privately or several of them together?

I also think that much as I love England, I think for that money there are other places to live where Wealth is not seen as a cardinal sin. And there's less dheads trying to relieve you of your stuff. Even America is less irritating than chavs trying to rob you!

Zolvaro said:
I doubt Camelot could care less anymore!
Indeed! Its not them running it anymore! laugh

Allwyn UK for those interested. Whose head office in Watford appears to be the same building as Camelot were using. Which makes me think its probably all the same staff as before too.

Edited by BunkMoreland on Wednesday 26th June 20:25
Yeah Allwyn won the contract and then bought out Camelot UK on the cheap due to them no longer having a viable business. That conveniently gave them all the trained staff, hardware, software and other bits they needed to run a lottery!
Didnt know that. I wonder what the “no longer having a viable business” problem was. Seems to me it’s the most viable and simple business model ever invented. People give you cash, you take out your business expenses, give some of it back as prizes, some to charity and keep the rest. You don’t even have to manufacture anything. How the hell can you fk that up? Or are they not allowed to make a profit by law? Maybe that’s it…
It's because Camelot lost the operators licence, they then had all the staff and equipment but weren't allowed to run a lottery!! Made them an easy target for the new company Allwyn that won the licence. It also ended Camelots legal action over the tender process.

Edited by Zolvaro on Thursday 27th June 09:17


15,993 posts

207 months

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FiF said:
Will repeat the latest revision on my standard reply. Engage a solicitor or other agent with a strict non disclosure agreement. Arrange for them to deliver to each house on our road including ourselves a large gold envelope containing a decent amount of cash, few tens of thousands together with an anonymous note saying thanks for being such nice people. That would include ourselves just to blend in.

There would be one exception, the house occupied by a set of asshats. They would get no envelope for a few days just to let the tension and speculation build. Then another gold envelope would arrive at the asshats address as if it had just gone astray, inside would be a big bundle of monopoly money and a note to say you lot get nothing because you're a set of c****.
This is now the only reasonable answer.


1,137 posts

165 months

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It’s a shame Someone didn’t sort the prize ratios. First prize (5+2) £180 million ish , second prize (5+1) £100k… etc. crazy rest of the prizes are hardly worth winning, at least, not going to make much difference to your life. But I expect there’s some other higher power that actually decides that as it’s Euromillions

Edited by languagetimothy on Thursday 27th June 09:54

Edited by languagetimothy on Thursday 27th June 09:56


41,882 posts

203 months

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languagetimothy said:
It’s a shame Someone didn’t sort the prize ratios. First prize (5+2) £180 million ish , second prize (5+1) £100k… etc. crazy rest of the prizes are hardly worth winning, at least, not going to make much difference to your life. But I expect there’s some other higher power that actually decides that as it’s Euromillions

Edited by languagetimothy on Thursday 27th June 09:54

Edited by languagetimothy on Thursday 27th June 09:56
I dont do the Euromillions as it is massively high odds of a ridiculous sum of money, rather have a better chance of a few hundred grand, couple of million.

I would rather see 180 people win a million and have their life changed than one win 180 million and have most of it spare, depends of course on what they do with it but most of us really dont need, and cant cope with that much money.

But I guess it sells tickets, does make me wonder whether people would be dissapointed with only a million quid ?


1,211 posts

213 months

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Think about it often. Keep it mostly secret. 3 best friends and my brother I'd make sign NDA's and I'd pay off their houses and a bit of spending money. I'd then spend a few weeks exploring the good roads in Wales, Scotland, North England, then some in Europe to give me some time to think about what I'd want to do with it.


8,579 posts

179 months

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J4CKO said:
languagetimothy said:
It’s a shame Someone didn’t sort the prize ratios. First prize (5+2) £180 million ish , second prize (5+1) £100k… etc. crazy rest of the prizes are hardly worth winning, at least, not going to make much difference to your life. But I expect there’s some other higher power that actually decides that as it’s Euromillions

Edited by languagetimothy on Thursday 27th June 09:54

Edited by languagetimothy on Thursday 27th June 09:56
I dont do the Euromillions as it is massively high odds of a ridiculous sum of money, rather have a better chance of a few hundred grand, couple of million.

I would rather see 180 people win a million and have their life changed than one win 180 million and have most of it spare, depends of course on what they do with it but most of us really dont need, and cant cope with that much money.

But I guess it sells tickets, does make me wonder whether people would be dissapointed with only a million quid ?
A million quid would do me just fine. At my age £1m would be life enhancing and life advancing, I'd be in a position to do a few things I'd love to do but can't due to a lack of hard cash. Slightly bigger property but not so large that I'd need help running the place, a decent workshop to begin my plans for world domination etc

£180m means I could buy pretty much whatever house I wanted but then you have all the associated ball ache of running the place and the constant worry of whether you can trust any staff etc

Being a mega lottery winner is a full time job in itself which sort of defeats the point of winning in the first place.


1,137 posts

165 months

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Tango13 said:
J4CKO said:
languagetimothy said:
It’s a shame Someone didn’t sort the prize ratios. First prize (5+2) £180 million ish , second prize (5+1) £100k… etc. crazy rest of the prizes are hardly worth winning, at least, not going to make much difference to your life. But I expect there’s some other higher power that actually decides that as it’s Euromillions

Edited by languagetimothy on Thursday 27th June 09:54

Edited by languagetimothy on Thursday 27th June 09:56
I dont do the Euromillions as it is massively high odds of a ridiculous sum of money, rather have a better chance of a few hundred grand, couple of million.

I would rather see 180 people win a million and have their life changed than one win 180 million and have most of it spare, depends of course on what they do with it but most of us really dont need, and cant cope with that much money.

But I guess it sells tickets, does make me wonder whether people would be dissapointed with only a million quid ?
A million quid would do me just fine. At my age £1m would be life enhancing and life advancing, I'd be in a position to do a few things I'd love to do but can't due to a lack of hard cash. Slightly bigger property but not so large that I'd need help running the place, a decent workshop to begin my plans for world domination etc

£180m means I could buy pretty much whatever house I wanted but then you have all the associated ball ache of running the place and the constant worry of whether you can trust any staff etc

Being a mega lottery winner is a full time job in itself which sort of defeats the point of winning in the first place.
Yes, they could guarantee say a couple of mill to anyone who gets the jackpot (even on the rare occasion where there’s more than one ticket) and trickle everything else down. All the prizes, including the jackpot increase as usual as the pot increases.
I would certainly play more often if I thought my chances of tens or hundreds of thousands had vastly improved odds. This week for example 4+2 got you £1060. FFS that should be a couple hundred grand minimum

The Gauge

2,288 posts

16 months

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Many years ago I got five numbers which won me £2,400, however I was part of a syndicate of 6, so £400 each. I still have a colour photocopy of the Lottery cheque.

This guy talks about his £108m lottery win. He speaks of not giving away lumps of money to his friends, but instead helping them buy things that might help their businesses, which in turn help them etc. I like that he bought a 500 acre plot and turned it over to wildlife.

Edited by The Gauge on Thursday 27th June 12:30

dirky dirk

3,034 posts

173 months

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AS others have said id use it for a hand up not a hand out

sell house, and get something period in the country bit of land,
a wafter, a sporty one and a leave it anywhere one,
holiday home, the usual things i suppose,

try and find something to motivate myself maybe a PPL, or property hobby that kind of thing


110 posts

14 months

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I wouldn't give anything to anyone. The fear of any significant sum ruining their life would be too much for my conscience. I feel you could do a lot of good with smaller charitable projects, so I think that's where I'd focus my attention.


3,809 posts

176 months

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Zolvaro said:
Yeah Allwyn won the contract and then bought out Camelot UK on the cheap due to them no longer having a viable business. That conveniently gave them all the trained staff, hardware, software and other bits they needed to run a lottery!
Would have been damn funny if Camelot instead of selling had decided to 'burn everything to the ground' when they lost the licence.


7,750 posts

148 months

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Just wander around thecrough skeepers checking on who are genuine ex servicenen who want to get a job but wuthout ab address it is a viscious circke. hopefully drug clean.. buy
small hotels that could be converted into bedsits with again ex servucenen to be the 'front office/gate guardian and help them set up and get straight abd a decent job abd self reapext. tgen start a buy to let business if they have a family in for s nominal rent to build reserves but the strictest rules on behaviour two strikes and back under the box and blankets.Sort of service life without the dangers!

As for the famiky get the best tax avoidance chap, and does the IOM count as non dom with a maxinum stay in the UK per year

Edited by silverfoxcc on Thursday 27th June 18:25


7,420 posts

172 months

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Pay off my brothers mortgages and that’s it but It would have to be a big win of over £1.5m. As I only play in the ph syndicate and a win would be shared 150-200 ways that’s somewhat unlikely