Ungrateful/Argumentative wife

Ungrateful/Argumentative wife


Biker's Nemesis

39,274 posts

211 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Stick Legs said:
southendpier said:
Just one more fight and I'll be history
Yes, I will straight up leave your st
And you'll be the one who's left
Missing me, yeah
This time I'ma let it all come out
This time I'ma stand up and shout
I'ma do things my way, it's my way
My way or the highway
Tell me you are 40 something without telling me you are 40 something…

I had to put that album on based on that post.



'm nearly 60 and knew straight away what band/song it was.

You think you're special, you do
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it when you laugh at me
Look down on me and walk around on me......


1,405 posts

30 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Assuming your white, you now know what adult entertainment she views with the other ethnicity comment..


1,170 posts

12 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Cannot understand why you lot are feeding the troll!


HE, or she, has made just the opening post and is probably sat back laughing at you lot!


1,985 posts

190 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Looking at OPs post history; this has been going on for a while...

Just cut your losses. You don't get the years you spent unhappy back.


Just walk away. Divorce and never look back.

There's no point trying to salvage this garbage fire.


Original Poster:

362 posts

73 months

Tuesday 11th June
quotequote all
Apologies been at work so unable to respond.

I actually wish I was trolling, would make my life easier.

Valid points about my previous threads, I make a decision then I back out because weirdly on some level despite how toxic she is I do care for her. Not to mind the last time I said I want to divorce she grabbed a knife and attempted to go for her wrists.

I wish it was as easy as just filing for it. She's said she won't leave this house unless it's in a bodybag.

I always (inexplicably) give her the benefit of doubt that she'll change or she'll be fine in a bit but no.

We got back from holiday Sunday and today shes kicked off again about why my siblings don't talk to her or make an effort (my siblings feel awkward with her due to her previous behaviour but she doesn't agree). I said I can't control what other do and then she said you're disloyal to me and always have been.

She said our sex life means nothing because I'm emotionally distant from her, I hand on heart don't know what more I can do.

I may come across as a troll or someone wasting everyone's time, but I am utterly broken. I gave my up so much of my life for her that I can't get back.

I appreciate everyone's input especially the posts that made me chuckle (e92 335d).

I'll try to respond when I can.


20,104 posts

189 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Does she have family nearby so you can drop her off there?


140 posts

35 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Leave her, it will be difficult but the euphoria you of being free of criticism and nastiness will be absolutely worth it.

Only point of a relationship imo is that you’re happier with the person than you would be on your own, you definitely don’t sound like that’s the case.


Original Poster:

362 posts

73 months

Tuesday 11th June
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dudleybloke said:
Does she have family nearby so you can drop her off there?
Yes but they are of the same mindset, they'll just say marriage is hard put up with it don't be weak.


5,262 posts

187 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Man, you need out that toxic relationship.

Just…do it.


Original Poster:

362 posts

73 months

Tuesday 11th June
quotequote all
Just every step of the way she's insulted me or put me down.

She egged me on to buy my dream car (e92/3 M3), I bought one.

Within 2 weeks she asked me to replace the flooring in the house and I said well I've just bought the car so I need to wait a bit.

Response to that: So you have money for a car but not the house.

I've been driven to the brink of insanity with crap like this.


1,566 posts

5 months

Tuesday 11th June
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You can file for divorce before she moves out.


7,079 posts

223 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Leave now, I don’t know you but do know that you’re worth much more than putting up with this. For your own sanity and happiness you need to walk away from it now. Sorry to say that.


3,213 posts

221 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Forester1965 said:
Either click bait or attention seeking by the OP.

Do something or stop yacking about it.
My sentiments exactly. Why on earth would you come on PH for matrimonial advice?! laugh


18,894 posts

184 months

Tuesday 11th June
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I wanna know about the ethnicity comment, that's a weird one

Is she British?


22,816 posts

204 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Couple of observations, gained from your posting history not just this thread.

She has some very deep seated issues, likely BPD. It’s extremely unlikely she can be brought to recognise this and enter therapy. If this is the case, the choice is really yours as to whether you endure the situation, or leave.

Caring for her. Yes it’s classic codependency.

Read up on both. Seek therapy yourself. amongst the first things they’ll tell you is that you’re not responsible for someone else’s actions. The suicide threats are also classic/textbook.

Know yourself, know her, speak to someone, make a conscious decision.

Been there, got out, happier for it.

king arthur

6,685 posts

264 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Take it from me, because I was married to someone not too dissimilar.

She will not get better. She will only get worse. You cannot fix her. End it before she ruins the rest of your life.


438 posts

3 months

Tuesday 11th June
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TheGreatDane said:
dudleybloke said:
Does she have family nearby so you can drop her off there?
Yes but they are of the same mindset, they'll just say marriage is hard put up with it don't be weak.
What her family thinks is irrelevant.


20,104 posts

189 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Jimjimhim said:
TheGreatDane said:
dudleybloke said:
Does she have family nearby so you can drop her off there?
Yes but they are of the same mindset, they'll just say marriage is hard put up with it don't be weak.
What her family thinks is irrelevant.
Yep, pack her things up and drop her round there, they made the nutter so they can deal with the nutter.


10,400 posts

190 months

Tuesday 11th June
quotequote all
TheGreatDane said:
Just every step of the way she's insulted me or put me down.

She egged me on to buy my dream car (e92/3 M3), I bought one.

Within 2 weeks she asked me to replace the flooring in the house and I said well I've just bought the car so I need to wait a bit.

Response to that: So you have money for a car but not the house.

I've been driven to the brink of insanity with crap like this.
You will not resolve this without action though.

Either tell her exactly how you feel and suggest therapy. Or file for divorce and separate.


1,566 posts

5 months

Tuesday 11th June
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OP, I do think that you are looking at this the wrong way round. This isn’t a negotiation (if you don’t want it to be), you can tell her that it’s over, you can speak to a lawyer, and you can start the divorce process.

You don’t need her agreement for any of that.

And that doesn’t mean you have to be an arse about it, you can tell her politely that it’s over, and explain what you are doing.