Things that annoy you beyond reason...(Vol. 7)

Things that annoy you beyond reason...(Vol. 7)



1,711 posts

51 months

Monday 8th March 2021
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Morningside said:
RMDB9 said:
People whose nose is making a whistling noise when breathing

Sorry Ned.

so you think its ok?


20,083 posts

119 months

Monday 8th March 2021
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RMDB9 said:
Morningside said:
RMDB9 said:
People whose nose is making a whistling noise when breathing

Sorry Ned.

so you think its ok?
You're flandering.


2,335 posts

198 months

Monday 8th March 2021
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Cotty said:
Wombat3 said:
Today its the endless news coverage of poor, downtrodden Harry & Megan vs the World. rolleyes


Don't read about it, don't watch it, don't give it oxygen and just maybe they'll fk off and leave us all alone!?
(Too much to hope for I expect)
Trouble is its not one or two stories that you can quickly skip, its 15-20 and pages until you get to actual news
Thirded or is that considered bullying? Might as well bring back Jeremy Kyle for a royal v ex-royal smackdown aaaaaaaaaaargh #justshutup indeed and cry into your tv deals >.<


12,611 posts

98 months

Monday 8th March 2021
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Cotty said:
Wombat3 said:
Today its the endless news coverage of poor, downtrodden Harry & Megan vs the World. rolleyes


Don't read about it, don't watch it, don't give it oxygen and just maybe they'll fk off and leave us all alone!?
(Too much to hope for I expect)
Trouble is its not one or two stories that you can quickly skip, its 15-20 and pages until you get to actual news
Sounds like you two need better news sources.

I get one, maybe two Harry and Meagan stories in my feed... Not enough for me to bother clicking on them and selecting "not interested".


24,114 posts

232 months

Monday 8th March 2021
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nonsequitur said:
RMDB9 said:
Morningside said:
RMDB9 said:
People whose nose is making a whistling noise when breathing

Sorry Ned.

so you think its ok?
You're flandering.
Nope. I find it just as annoying. Almost as annoying as people who slurp and then gulp their drinks...added annoyance is the spoon still clattering around the cup while doing so.


24,114 posts

232 months

Monday 8th March 2021
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Forget the "bombshell" but Oprah's glasses. Bizarre.


11,502 posts

242 months

Tuesday 9th March 2021
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It's a Facebook one so I know I deserve no sympathy but I'm annoyed beyond reason that in this day and age it's not possible for Facebook to not notify me of new updates to something I've shown an interest in when the "update" is just some Brenda tagging her mate and saying nothing.

I know Facebook want the visits so it'll never change but it drives me mental.


3,954 posts

116 months

Wednesday 10th March 2021
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Modern computers. Absolute fking pieces of dogst.

Just tried to fire up my OH’s laptop. It’s some HP thing with a god-awful touchpad thing that is barely responsive and the touchpad doubles up for the left/right click, fking st design. Anyway, despite not even being that old, the fking thing doesn’t work without the fking charger, so once that’s plugged in it’s a minimum 10 minutes before it’s even logged on and showing the desktop. It’s on Windows 10, a fking hateful operating system. All I want to do is log on to my email, but I can’t do anything until all the fking intrusive pop ups have appeared and then don’t respond when you try to close them. First up is Adobe Flash Player, apparently it’s not supported or whatever anymore and they shove a fking essay in your face telling you many righteous things and that it must be uninstalled, fk off for fk sake, I only want my email! Once that goes, then up pops the Canon print menu thing, you can fk off too but oh no, you keep rea-fking-ppearing you irritating little arse. So pushing that to one side I go to open up Firefox but wait, now Norton Anti Virus wants to fk me off too. After an eternity of “Not Responding”, Norton has disappeared but as soon as Firefox opens (after five fking minutes of a white screen), suddenly I’m being asked to allow Firefox to make changes to the fking computer. WTF? So I bin off Firefox and try Google Chrome, but then that bd Norton pipes up again saying something about Chrome being fking st as well. Well Jesus H Christ I give up, fifteen fking minutes now and I’m having to restrain myself from throwing the laptop across the room.

No matter, I’ll try my old laptop. This is a beauty, an 10-year old Dell on Windows 7. Same trick with the charger because it too is fking useless. However, this time you need the cable plugged in just so that it’s happy and will actually power up. Except it fking doesn’t. Press and hold the power button, you hear some noises as it starts to power up but then fking dies, a feeble little sigh from a fan somewhere in the innards saying “nah, fk you”. Multiple attempts result in zero progress, by which point I’m thoroughly fked off and the battery pack ends up going through the fking screen, scaring the fking cat off to God knows where.

However, on the way for its date with the screen, a sharp edge caught itself on my hand and now there’s blood everywhere too. FFS, I give up.

Sorry for the rant, I had to get it off my chest. I absolutely despise computers, nasty cretinous little binary bds.


1,919 posts

49 months

Wednesday 10th March 2021
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If you cut out the swearing your post might be interesting to read.

It's not big, nor is it clever.


20,809 posts

207 months

Wednesday 10th March 2021
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Muddle238 said:
Like any technology, they don't work well when you don't maintain them wink


12,611 posts

98 months

Wednesday 10th March 2021
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Muddle238 said:
Modern computers. Absolute fking pieces of dogst.

Just tried to fire up my OH’s laptop. It’s some HP thing
Found your problem.

HPs have been terrible for decades.

Also being a Luddite doesn't help.

Don Veloci

1,949 posts

284 months

Wednesday 10th March 2021
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What jumped out was Norton - I'd say get it binned.

My 3.5 year old HP with Windows 10 is excellent in both speed and battery life. I guess I just typed out an "I'm alright Jack!" so that's annoying rolleyes


3,954 posts

116 months

Wednesday 10th March 2021
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captain_cynic said:
Found your problem.

HPs have been terrible for decades.

Also being a Luddite doesn't help.
I freely admit being a bit of a Luddite, I’ve never found enjoyment from computers (referring to PC/laptops) and rarely use them nowadays. I use an iPad for most things which just “works”.

I’m glad however it’s not just me that finds HP terrible. Conversely, I was always quite happy with the Dell until it started having battery issues, replacing the battery pack didn’t solve the problems for long, then the charger itself gave up, then the charging port in the back of the laptop became loose and useless.

I’d certainly trend towards another Dell over HP, despite my frustrations.


6,477 posts

184 months

Wednesday 10th March 2021
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MartG said:
Like any technology, they don't work well when you don't maintain them wink
Pretty much this. I think that poster's laptop is the computer equivalent of a car that's not been serviced since it left the forecourt and the owner is angry that 5 years later it is fked.


4,118 posts

203 months

Saturday 13th March 2021
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The "search" function on SBS on demand (an Australian TV channel). It appears it was developed by a drunk IT moron. Either that or the spec simply said "we need a search function" and they are unable to argue it isn't.

Allow me to demonstrate with a search for Taskmaster.

T = no results - probably fair enough
TA = no results - again, fair enough although it could possibly show anything beginning with "ta".
TAS = results, none of which are Taskmaster. In fact none of them seem to contain "tas":

TASK = 2 results - neither of which contain "task"

TASKM = no results
TASKMA = 1 result, which...well you can guess by now

TASKMAS = no results. No, honestly, look, not a single result

TASKMAST = Taskmaster!!!! At last!

I cannot work out what sort of perverse logic it is using when it searches. A primary school child would look at it and think "That is st".

It isn't just Taskmaster either - other searches generate utter ste until almost the entire title has been entered.


26,606 posts

176 months

Saturday 13th March 2021
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8,739 posts

155 months

Saturday 13th March 2021
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Jader1973 said:
The "search" function on SBS on demand (an Australian TV channel). It appears it was developed by a drunk IT moron. Either that or the spec simply said "we need a search function" and they are unable to argue it isn't.

I cannot work out what sort of perverse logic it is using when it searches. A primary school child would look at it and think "That is st".

It isn't just Taskmaster either - other searches generate utter ste until almost the entire title has been entered.
Presumably copied from the Windows search in the "start" menu that fails to find anything unless you type it out exactly in the same order.


45,899 posts

192 months

Saturday 13th March 2021
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The gritted teeth that accompanied the assembling and posting of that frustration are palpable. Bravo! thumbup

Common to several TV streaming channels too.


20,809 posts

207 months

Saturday 13th March 2021
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Facebook's 'People you may know' habit of posting links to random people I've never heard of on the other side of the planet - how the fk does it think I may know them ?

Einion Yrth

19,575 posts

247 months

Saturday 13th March 2021
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Jader1973 said:
I cannot work out what sort of perverse logic it is using when it searches.
Levenshtein distance, I would expect; apparently coded up by an incompetent, mind you.