Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



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201 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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G-wiz said:
Someone probably screwed up at work, I am sure all sorts of privacy/ data protection rules have been violated; we have just finished a 3 year project and senior leaders want to send 200+ team a thank you gift, which can be delivered to either your local office or home residence.

A spreadsheet requesting addresses was placed on a sharepoint and at least 150 peope globally have entered their address; mostly USA personnel and mostly home addresses, not company offices.

I spent the weekend having a look at alot of colleagues houses, mostly in New Jersey, Philadelphia, NY State, Texas, California mostly.

And feck me, these houses are huge. Fek me, I am talking huge houses. Boring cars on the driveway, but who knows what;s in the garages.

Not sure how they manage that, I am on 70k basic and could only afford a 3 bed semi in Bucks, admittedly it was a cash purchase, and wife is not working.

If you're interested, I'll post some pics of said residences, which won't divulge addresses.
Yes, please. Post away. Very interested in your researches.


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50,338 posts

201 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Bomma R1 said:
Morning all bounce

spikeyhead said:
Morning all,

Has everyone else overslept after a strenuous weekend?
Defying gravity is taking its toll.


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50,338 posts

201 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
A morning in the shed brutally chopping my tool down to a basic set, everything no longer needed will be sold including two tool chests, a set of ramps and two of the 4 axle stands I have, getting rid of all the cans and bottles which no longer have a use, tidying up and then a tip run booked after lunch, Ivor Is going to get his first use as a tip car in my ownership!!
Then an afternoon of relaxation catching up with stuff we've recorded!!
witteringon said:
Careful now!

/Father Ted
Yes, careful now, Bobbitt.


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50,338 posts

201 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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psi310398 said:
Biblical rain here in Italy. I was expecting to see frogs landing on my windscreen.

I think that the flight back to Blighty might be bumpy!
Frenchmen on the windscreen. In Italy.

I see.

But I do only have the 1997 Code Book with the hardcopy updates. I'll put in for a new one. The old one is jolly scruffy.


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50,338 posts

201 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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psi310398 said:
DickyC said:
Frenchmen on the windscreen. In Italy.

I see.

But I do only have the 1997 Code Book with the hardcopy updates. I'll put in for a new one. The old one is jolly scruffy.
Im sorry to reprove but day use, that is, Dicky. I hoist an urgent distress flare in code and people sit around reaching for outdated equipment and then scratch their heads rather than coming to my aid! I need that ointment urgently!
Returning from a rally in Italy, heading for Germany, we went through a tunnel. It was all very loud. I realised I was la-la-larring the Dambusters theme at the top of my voice.

You're right. I'm not helping, am I?


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50,338 posts

201 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
It's turned very cold here dahn sarf!!!


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50,338 posts

201 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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G-wiz said:
Not sure why anyone has implied I am struggling on 70k. I said nothing of the sort.

Gist of my thread was that a 70k salary has allowed me to get a 1100sq ft 3 bed semi in Buckinghamshire (first time buyer, cash purchase), but my contemporaries across the Atlantic, some older, some younger, most probably with double incomes, and possibly mortgages, seem to have huge detached properties, with swimming pools, tennis courts etc

Pictures coming soon.
They're a tough crowd in here. I mentioned my wheelie bin once. Will they let me forget it?


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50,338 posts

201 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
Brewdog Black Heart is rather palatable!!
But the Brew Dog management are Blaggards.


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50,338 posts

201 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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hammo19 said:
DickyC said:
Bobberoo said:
Brewdog Black Heart is rather palatable!!
But the Brew Dog management are Blaggards.
I don’t think you are in a position to comment as you mentioned the wheelie bin incident earlier.
Incident? I'll have you know that bin is my raison d'etre.


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50,338 posts

201 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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Mr Magooagain said:
Thanks Bomma,very colourful.

Sids still here until tomorrow evening. He’s allowed to fly. He’s out and about doing small walks etc. He won’t work for a month and shouldn’t drink which is most unlikely.

Parts and paperwork history slowly being put together ready to take with the coupe to the uk next week.

Cooling down over here now which is nice, I’m looking forward to fire starting in a month or so.

And we can't tell you how much we are looking forward to your Prodigy tribute act.

I'm the trouble starter, punkin' instigator
I'm the fear addicted, a danger illustrated
I'm a firestarter


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50,338 posts

201 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
ARRR! Keef Magoo Flint, the pirate whose only plunder was ashes, and they were too hot to go in his wheelie bin! rolleyes
He is the fire starter
Our friendly car exporter
And neighbour mobile burier


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50,338 posts

201 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
Bomma R1 said:
DickyC said:
glenrobbo said:
ARRR! Keef Magoo Flint, the pirate whose only plunder was ashes, and they were too hot to go in his wheelie bin! rolleyes
He is the fire starter
Our friendly car exporter
And neighbour mobile burier
Didn't he once bury his dodgy neighbour's car key under a patio or something? hehe
whistle I cannot possibly comment.

I wouldn't go digging that up, Bomma. nono

As far as we're concerned, the subject is dead and buried.
Car keys! Drat, I'll have to re-write it now and remove the first car reference. It's just work, work, work.

He is the fire starter
Our friendly barn restorer
And neighbour car key burier

It doesn't scan as well now.



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50,338 posts

201 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
Aarrrrr, oi hadn't thought of that!!!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary glenrobbo, but I hate to correct you, it's 53 years of wedded bliss, I was born in 1970!!!

I'm still amazed that the Welsh government managed to get that stupid 20mph thing through, is it really 20mph in all built up areas????
Everywhere. The whole of Wales. Built up areas, the M4, the Brecons. Everyqhere. Hooning along the Heads of the Valleys Road very early on a Midsummer morning at 20. Can't wait.


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50,338 posts

201 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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Dermot O'Logical said:
Good aftermorn, awl and sundried!

Although the prospects of sun-drying anything in this particular neck of the woods are somewhere between slim and non-existent, given the grey dreariness and precipitation. That's summer gone, then.

I've been preoccupied with domestic matters, and the gathering of comestibles this morning, a morning which started with a trip to Tesco, a five-mile drive, the last 15 of which were spent stuck behind d ditherer in a Peugeot SUV thing, who was very (very) unsure, and became completely flummoxed by a roundabout. I managed to get there eventually, and the return trip was so much quicker. I managed to dodge the school run as well, and by the time I reached the supermarket there was no sign of the little cherubs from the local borstal comprehensive.

All good then. I've managed a lengthy perambulation as well, avoiding most of the rain, and now, with the domestic chores out of the way, I can get down to some serious procrastinating, at last.

It isn't easy being me, you know. O R, shiver me timbers, avaaaast beyoind! Etc, etc.
Not just procrastinating- serious procrastinating.

I never advanced beyond amateurcrastinating.


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50,338 posts

201 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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Dermot O'Logical said:
I had a very enjoyable weekend in Welsh Wales with the S2000 club a few years ago.

We were based at a very nice hotel in Llandrindod Wells, only a few yards from the original "Humer Unbeam" garage, and did a sort of "tour" on the Saturday of around 175 miles often at speeds which would now be frowned upon, and flashed at. I can remember that every few minutes there would be "ARAF" painted on the road surface, and you ignored these at your peril, because they only used them for the really twisty bits with only some undergrowth between your right foot and a sheer drop in most cases.

I remember thinking that I'd never "ARAF-ed" so much, and now I can only imagine that everybody who drives in Wales will be "ARAF-ing" a lot more.

I can only surmise that the Welsh gubbermint has bought shares in Kwik-Fit. You guys will be replacing brake pads every time you fill up with petrol.
So captivated was I by the garage I forgot to explore the rest of the town. My impression of it was many a period drama had or would be filmed there.

Yeah, well spotted, Poirot.


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50,338 posts

201 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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spikeyhead said:
Morning all.

Splendid Snoopy to start a day of mostly doing sums, with a few meetings too.


The long awaited follow up to A FEW MEETINGS

The Four Horsemen of the Trivocalypse in discussions with the Trivton WI in the Home Dainties Tea Rooms.



Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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You know the bit from the Vodafone roundabout down towards the Robin Hood? No? Well, round the roundabout at 30, accelerate as hard as you can from the apex and check what speed you're doing at the footbridge. No? Everyone does it. No pedestrians. No push bikes. It's fine.

Well, the recently departed Golf 2.0 Tdi was as quick as Mrs C's SLK but the recently acquired C200 Estate is 5mph off the pace. It sounds nice but I didn't buy it for its performance so I won't try that again.

You only have to do it once. For each car.


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50,338 posts

201 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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pequod said:
Won't affect me, as I'll be done with motorized vehicles by 2030, at the latest.

Sail power is the way forward....

Ahem. Disposing of our V16 48 litre bath chair, are we?


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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pequod said:
Exempt, I understand, providing the correct forms are filled and presented to the OC?
Have the forms witnessed by Dr Soare-Bownes. His counter signature is never questioned.


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50,338 posts

201 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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witteringon said:
Well, I thought 48k was worth a passing mention!

Oh, thanks, witters! I hadn't noticed.
