What are the Marcos Mantis like to live with?

What are the Marcos Mantis like to live with?



Original Poster:

2,101 posts

261 months

Saturday 8th April 2006
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I see Paul Stephen's is selling the green one they were looking after ofr somebody else, and I know it's a good example, but I don't really know what they are like or how they are to live with.

What's the chassis like? I heard that Marcos use wooden chassis, but I'm not convinced that the Mantis would as it's a later model.
Is it a heavy car? Do they feel heavy? I was thinking of an Elise (and I still am) or a Ginetta G4, but a 4.6 Quad Cam V8 sounds too good!
I like the Lotus ethos of lightweight performace - then again being held in by a heard of cows and a forest of walnut also appeals

How often do they go pop? And of often is it something major?

Could I live with it as my only car? It would only be used at weekends, on the track, driving holidays and the shopping.

What are they like to live with? They look fantastic, but I have no idea how those looks translate to the road.




1,183 posts

242 months

Sunday 9th April 2006
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Hi Dave, you need to post your questions on this web forum.... http://p206.ezboard.com/bmarcossports
The car at Paul Stevens is a really nice example - I know the car and the owner - and it's in great nic. The chassis is a weak point on some and is VERY prone to rusting (and from that you can probably work out that the Mantis doesn't have a wooden chassis!!!)- although the one above has been treated and is fine. I lived with mine, albeit not an everyday car, for 4 years - the longest I have owner a car and the only reason I sold was due to company car problems which meant I had no option. I really loved it - I sold it via Jeremy at www.redlinesportscars.com who is the main specialist dealer.
There are very few problems with them - the engine is generally bullet proof and the only niggly things are water pump is prone to cracking, suspension bushes often wear, and maybe the odd leak from the roof - though no more than, say TVR's. I promise you that when you drive around nothing of similar value will attract more favourable attention - I never met anyone who wasn't complimentary towards it and it always gets a reaction - don't buy if you are shy!!! People kept taking photos on mobiles all the time. Oh and the best bit - THE NOISE. The cars aren't that heavy and the acceleration is amazing - mine still scared me even after 4 years. Try one around a track and you'll be amazed.
Having said all this, I now have your second choice of car - a Lotus Elise 111R. I'd not like to say which is easier to live with day to day, although if you like the reassurance of more than 1 dealer and a warranty then it's the Lotus. I do love the Elise I have, though I still sometimes wish I had the Mantis..........!!!!
Have a good look around the forum above - It's full of friendly people with loads more advise. Ask about the Paul Stevens Mantis on the Mantis section and I'm sure the owner will be in touch - he's always posting on there and is a nice, friendly bloke.
Good luck with your choice and feel free to e-mail me if you need any other info.
Cheers, Jon
edited to add- just re-read your profile and noticed you live in Wiltshire where the "dealer" for spares is - Marcos Heritage Spares - and also home to the ultimate Marcos guru and the person to take it to for servicing and info - Dave Chivers. So you've no excuse now. There are also more owners around that neck of the woods than anywhere so the local "scene" for owners is thriving.... Just Do It !!!!!

>> Edited by jonscz on Sunday 9th April 08:51


Original Poster:

2,101 posts

261 months

Sunday 9th April 2006
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Cheers Jon! I'm in the process of registering to post.

The reason I'm able to get a new car is that I'm moving from Wiltshire, about 100 miles closer to work, so I'll be saving about half a mortgage on train fares However, I'm sure I'll keep popping back if there's enough Marcos bods about.

Sounds like it's not going to be the un-feeling lump I expected. I know that sounds a bit harsh, but I always expect muscle cars to be all power and no fine control. But at 1,100ish kilos it's no where near as heavy as I expected and googling says it has pretty much a 50:50 weight distribution too so should be good in the corners. 350bhp from a 90 Vee 8 seems a little on the low side though. Not that I expect I'd want more, but could it take more? Super chargers perhaps? Feeling dumb about the car now, I expect there were some that left the factory with an SC glued on... google is my friend, and I guess I should use it more.

How well can they brake? Looks like they have big discs, but do they tyres generally give up first / too early? My current car can really suffer with the brakes being far better than the tyres (for the first couple of laps of say Coombe, then they cook and do pretty much nothing )

Glad to hear the engines are good, I was hoping (hopping?) somebody would say they they were miles better than TVRs Shame about the chassis though. I will direct all my questions to the other board, but starting to think that a Mantis is definatly the way to go! Or maybe an LM500...

Edit - in fact I have just seen Marcos Heritage page - they are about 5-10 miles from me! How can I have missed them for so long?

>> Edited by jitsukadave on Sunday 9th April 22:57


1,183 posts

242 months

Tuesday 11th April 2006
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Hi again, Dave. You should not be put off by the Chassis problem if you find one that is sorted and waxoyled (the Paul Stevens one is -which is a real bonus). The brakes are extremely good - no doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong - but I was led to believe that they are unchanged from the Mantis race cars and for a relatively light car they are very big in diameter. You'll not have any problems there. As for more power, the Mustang Cobra engine on the Mantis is very tunable and there is a sprecialist in the Salisbury area that imports tuning parts from the USA and is the Hyland motorsport parts distributer (can't remember off the top of my head the name of the place in Salisbury, but the tuning place in the USA that it is related to is here www.seanhylandmotorsport.com/ )
You can get the supercharged one, but be very careful with them as SOME (not all) were not very well sorted and were virtually undriveable and un MOT'able. Unless you are used to rediculously powerful cars, then believe me 352 BHP in 1100kg's is more than enough to scare the sh!t out of you!!!!!
As for the LM vs Mantis question, this has been the subject of many a light hearted row between owners with each side putting forward arguments - but at the risk of incurring the wrath of LM owners, I had the choice at the time I bought mine and I think the Mantis is the more extreme car both in looks and performance and is, ultimately, the most desirable car (taxi for Jonscz - LM owners in hot pursuit!!!!!! - sorry - it's just an oppinion - albeit shared by lots of Marcos fans!). If you post the LM vs Mantis question on the other forum - be prepared for cans and worms!
Cheers, Jon


Original Poster:

2,101 posts

261 months

Tuesday 11th April 2006
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I've lit the blue touch paper re LM v Mantis

I've just had an offer on a house accepted which pretty much means I can't have a Mantis now - the cost of keeping one on the road is just too high when coupled with the cost of buying it and paying the house bills

Oh well, I'll still lust after them, and one day I'm sure I'll get one. Just have to wait a couple of years first.


79 posts

246 months

Wednesday 3rd May 2006
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Ah well, nearly! However if you catch us at one of the car shows (Silverstone etc) come & say hello.

And anyway, it's only a matter of time...


446 posts

278 months

Thursday 18th May 2006
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Is the green car at Paul Stephens a little over priced?? That is relative to the sort of prices Redline are charging for the same model and spec? ...or am I missing something?? Also, does anyone have any views re Marcos ownership as compared to a Griffith in respect of power, handling, build etc?


1,898 posts

231 months

Sunday 21st May 2006
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Yeah, a Marcos is for life not just for Christmas, when you have had enough and want to sell it.