Spending money Barcelona


Louis Balfour

Original Poster:

26,697 posts

225 months

Tuesday 25th June
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One of my teenage children is going there next week. We want to give them spending money sufficient to get by, not have a champagne lifestyle. How much is required for three cheap meals out and two beers daily in Barca? I am out of touch.


Louis Balfour

Original Poster:

26,697 posts

225 months

Tuesday 25th June
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cliffords said:
We are just back from Seville, it's much cheaper than the UK. I think the 80 Euro suggestion is about right and generous.. They won't go hungry or Thirsty. I assume this is not accomodation as well.

I do however recommend some sort of in currency card though . That amount of daily cash is asking for trouble. In Seville all the restaurants preferred card when we gave them a choice but make absolutely sure you have a Euro currency card or the Bank charges mount up.
My opening gambit was Euro 50. Was I being a tight-arse?

The intention is, broadly, to pay what we'd pay for them at home. More than that is down to them.