Anyones spouse got an Irish passport?

Anyones spouse got an Irish passport?



Original Poster:

1,259 posts

137 months

Monday 12th February
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Does anyone on here have a spouse who has an Irish (or probably any other EU passport) and who holds a UK passport themselves?

I believe that as a spouse you too can go and live in the EU with your spouse, but are you also entitled to work there?

Also, do you have to actually travel in and out together, or is there a form you can take when travelling alone so you dont get a date stamp of entry into the EU?



Original Poster:

1,259 posts

137 months

Monday 12th February
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Oh thats great-thank you.


Original Poster:

1,259 posts

137 months

Tuesday 13th February
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PF62 said:
I have an Irish (and British) passport, but my wife only holds a British passport.

No idea about the work situation because I am beyond that, but for travel, whilst I am in the EU with my wife then the 90/180 day rule doesn’t count for her because it would be an infringement of the EU right to *my* family life and an infringement of *my* freedom of movement.

We don’t have to travel together for that to happen (according to the EU Border Guards manual I have been sad enough to read) but no idea how that would be proved - presumably I would have to show flight history etc. if she was queried as she *does* get a date stamp in her passport but obviously I don’t with my Irish passport - and actually as I have the Irish passport card there is nothing to stamp,

Going forward it is all going to be regulated by ETIAS and EES as she will declare on the ETIAS that she is married to an EU citizen and then EES will track both of us.

We don’t spend more than three months in a single EU country, just a couple of months here and month there and a couple ther, etc, so haven’t had to concern ourselves with residency.

Even though she has a British passport when we travel together she is entitled to accompany me in the shorter ‘non-Britisher’ queue.

One thing important is that *only* applies to those legally married or those in a legally certified civil partnership, and *doesn’t* apply to people simply living as a couple.

Edited by PF62 on Monday 12th February 19:02
Great info and detail, thank you.


Original Poster:

1,259 posts

137 months

Tuesday 20th February
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WhiskyDisco said:
I applied in Jan - sent the documents off at the beginning of Feb (after receiving my birth certificate). My Mum was born in Belfast, so I'm entitled to an Irish passport.

20 business days turnaround - they are currently validating my documents.

I applied mainly because I got caught carrying contraband (200 cigarettes over my allowance) from Gib to Spain, and I don't want to risk getting pulled trying to go into Spain on my UK passport. The "case" is still outstanding after 1 year.

BTW - I was the driver of the hire car - the cigs weren't mine!
WhiskyDisco-We have run into our first hiccup with the application process!

Wifes father was born in Belfast. We have his birth, marriage and death certificate so ready to go.

First issue-first page on the on line application asks for the County of the parents birth....but there is no option for Belfast in the drop down list.

Did you apply online? If so how did you do it?

Many thanks


Original Poster:

1,259 posts

137 months

Tuesday 20th February
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Ignore all that, I am an idiot.

The county is Antrim-Belfast is of course the town duuurrrrhhhhh. silly


Original Poster:

1,259 posts

137 months

Wednesday 21st February
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WhiskyDisco said:
The county is Antrim I believe.
Great, thank you


Original Poster:

1,259 posts

137 months

Thursday 22nd February
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RC1807 said:
I presume these long waits for Irish nationality and passports are due to applications being made from the UK / UK residents?
I think the long waits are for people applying with more didtant Irish residents eg Grandparents, which means moire paperwork.

AIUI, my wifes application should take around 20 days (plus posting docs etc), as it was her father who was born in Ireland.


Original Poster:

1,259 posts

137 months

Sunday 30th June
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Just to update this thread, she applied on the 4th March. On the 9th May they weren't happy with the witness we had and they wanted her previous marriage certificate (I almost sent it with the application in the first place but didn't want to confuse them by sending documents they hadn't asked for) so I had to send them that, which pushed us back to the start of the queue.

But yesterday it went to printing and we should receive it in the next few days.

Thanks for all the help and advice.