Booking up my holiday.



Original Poster:

237 posts

202 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Hi guys.

I have mentioned this before, im getting married in Barbados and im going to book up tommorrow.

The deal is

7 nights in the mango bay all inclusive
Return flights with British airways
Traveling out on the 13th Feb 2010
£3330 per couple
£330 deposit payable now per couple
balance payable 10 weeks prior to leaving.

Good deal/bad deal?

I'd prefer to know if its a bad deal before I book. I dont fancy being stung.

Cheers guys


15,927 posts

251 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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It seems a pretty decent price to me. I'll see if I can work some magic on it if you like. Give me a few minutes and I'll fire you an email with the details, but I think I might be able to sort something smile

Is it the Mango Bay in St James or the Mango Bay Resort at Holetown?

Cheers smile

Edited by v15ben on Tuesday 23 June 17:30