Barcelona weekend



Original Poster:

31 posts

220 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Afternoon - myself and 6 colleagues from work are off to Barcelona Friday 3rd until Sunday for a jolly - any tips on places to go / things to see / places to eat / places to avoid....? Thanks in advance


15,927 posts

251 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Must see Sagrada Familia, a match at the Nou Camp even if you aren't football fans (what an atmosphere!), Olympic Stadium is a good bet too.

There are plenty of nice restaurants dotted about if you get just off Las Ramblas and the main drags. There is also a superb locals Tapas restaurant in Barceloneta. If you head to the harbour at the bottom of Las Ramblas, turn left along the front and past the marina then it is across the main road down one of the side streets dead ahead. Superb food and local prices!