


Original Poster:

361 posts

201 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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have just booked my holiday with the OH to tenerife. sooo.... other than soaking up the sun and getting drunk! what else can i do?


48,923 posts

258 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Go up Mt Teide!


4,635 posts

268 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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climb Mt. Teide, the view if its not covered in cloud is fantastic.

Edited by SkinnyBoy on Tuesday 23 June 10:35

Melman Giraffe

6,794 posts

228 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Went over easter.

New water park in Las Americas is great.

Mount Teide.

Boat over to La Goma



15,927 posts

251 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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There are some cool little villages between Las Americas coast and Mount Teide. They usually have some nice Sunday markets with local food and stuff!

Some great fresh fish at the little ports up the west coast from Las Americas too smile


7,438 posts

254 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Puggit said:
Go up Mt Teide!
and stay after dark for some star gazing.


84 posts

199 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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I'd recommend a club called Liquid which is more full of locals than pissed up groups of lads. It's clearly had a lot of money spent on it and is a pretty nice place.

Also the Monkey Bar which isn't so full of locals. It's an outside club right at the beach and is pretty cool.

There is one more I went to but can't mind the name so that's not much help I guess. Think it's next to the casino.

Depends on what kind of places your looking for really but if your going with the OH then some of the places might be a bit mad for yous.


84 posts

199 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Forgot to say. The water park is pretty good aswell.


237 posts

239 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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biggrin visit KFC's in Playa las americas, there offering 2 sachets of tomato sauce with every bucket.


1,542 posts

211 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Loro park is a good day out.

and one of the dolphin watch boats from Las Americas is good as well. Can recommend freebird one.


406 posts

264 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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to get to the very top of the volcano you ned to get a permit which can be done in advance by email.

cliffs and dolphin watching around los gigantes were also decent

the mountain roads up to the volcanao are also preety good for a spirited drive.not too much traffic as well

Wacky Racer

39,359 posts

257 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Three things.

Definitely do Mt Teide....

Avoid timeshare touts at all costs, (Especially in Playa de las Americas)

Beware of peddlars and pavement conmen etc, the place is rife with them....

Otherwise it's great.