Majorca - unheated pool?



Original Poster:

734 posts

274 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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We are off to majorca in a couple of weeks. Our villas pool is not heated. Does anyone know if, by then, it will be warm enough to swim in? We have not been before so any advice from 'regulars' would be appreciated! S


9,256 posts

260 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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Er yes of course it will biggrin


463 posts

218 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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Should be a nice temp in July. Cool enough to cool down but not cold.
Of course depends if its in the Sun all day or not?


13,993 posts

259 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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You'll soon warm up, I should thin it would be lovely and refreshing in the lovely warm sun.


5,952 posts

202 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Went last week. Unheated pool was toasty warm!


Original Poster:

734 posts

274 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Thank you all! I can stop worrying now!

Famous Graham

26,553 posts

235 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Given that people regularly swim in the sea, I can't see how it would be an issue.

Ya big poof biggrin