Have i been miss-sold my holiday.

Have i been miss-sold my holiday.



Original Poster:

131 posts

228 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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Just a bit of advice really. Popped into a travel agents last Tuesday wanted to book a 2 week holiday for the family for this August....having never booked a family holiday before (wife was in Spain till weekend so a surprise) i was a little cautious and with help decided to go back to a hotel where we had been before (April 2007) a few years ago in Mexico. Discussed Swine flu etc and decided that we were just as likely to catch it in Scotland as we were Mexico so booked and paid for it. Almost £5k! Wife got home Sunday night for the big surprise, then she mentioned that August was smack bang in the middle of the rainy season, i checked the brochure and she was correct average rainfull 120mm. This is ment to be a family beach holiday!
Went back to the travel agent on Saturday expressed my concern and the manager was trying to convince me that it is not the rainy season Sept and Oct were, and because we were under 56 days before we go that we could not make any changes. He is calling me back this morning which the verdict from "Head Office" Any advice to what the weather is really like, and if i have a leg to stand on!!


7,619 posts

234 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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nothing like a simple bit of research before booking, suspect that you might not get any money back frown


15,927 posts

251 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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Harsh though it sounds you won't get anything back because of the season you've chosen. It does sound like the agents have been trying to blag through and take your money without telling the whole truth though!


45,899 posts

199 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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I always thought that Jan-Mar was the best time to go to Mexico; so I guess August is going to be the 'wrong' end of the year!


4,309 posts

258 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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Yep it will rain.


5,753 posts

247 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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He has hardly miss-sold you a dodgy holiday as you didnt ask the question at the time and he did not lie to you.


Original Poster:

131 posts

228 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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I went into a travel agents to book a holiday! Arnt they ment to be the experts and advise me on the best locations and hotels? Im not an expert on worldwide weather? Why didnt they say oh if its a beach holiday your after then maybe consider Med as it the middle of the rainy season in August in Mexico!


4,193 posts

204 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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diggerjohno said:
I went into a travel agents to book a holiday! Arnt they ment to be the experts and advise me on the best locations and hotels? Im not an expert on worldwide weather? Why didnt they say oh if its a beach holiday your after then maybe consider Med as it the middle of the rainy season in August in Mexico!
No, you told them you wanted to got to Mexico, you even told them which hotel you wanted to stay at and then told them the dates. Therefore they booked the holiday you asked for.


Original Poster:

131 posts

228 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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I see what your saying but thats not quite right, i went in for a holiday, i suggested we had been to Mexico and that hotel before in April. What are you paying the travel agent for if its not to advise and help you avoid booking somewhere at a time when the weather will be terrible?


15,927 posts

251 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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Unfortunately the market is tough at the moment so it wouldn't shock me if certain agents given the name of a hotel and destination the customer has previously enjoyed would go for the easy sell and blag the weather!


4,193 posts

204 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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diggerjohno said:
I see what your saying but thats not quite right, i went in for a holiday, i suggested we had been to Mexico and that hotel before in April. What are you paying the travel agent for if its not to advise and help you avoid booking somewhere at a time when the weather will be terrible?
diggerjohno said:
i was a little cautious and with helpdecided to go back to a hotel where we had been before (April 2007) a few years ago in Mexico.
Sorry didn't see that bit!! I thought you just walked in and told them where you want to go.


64 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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Sure it might rain but it's not going to be some kind of Ark building biblical flood for your entire holiday. You'll probably be glad of a bit of rain that time of year to cool it down a bit.

I'd go no problem.

I don't think you've been miss sold anything, there will be loads of other people going to Mexico that time of year also.

Edited by el stovey on Monday 22 June 11:53

Fork in hell

93 posts

188 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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It 'will' rain, but more than likley not enough to affect you or the kids...

We've been to moon palace the last 8 years with the kids in August and it's been ok..

'Cept for one hurricane in 2001


7,619 posts

234 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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the shop is an agent for travel, ie they help you to book stuff, if you tell them you want to travel at a specific time, to a specific place and a specific hotel, there is a good chance they will assume you have been there before and know what the weather is likely to be smile


10,486 posts

219 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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you have about as much chance claiming miss selling as someone who bought a car that wouldn't fit in their garage, you went in told them the dates and the hotel you wanted, what should they do? book that or go actually sir should go to Goa a month later?


13,021 posts

247 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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It's different to UK rain. It'll probably rain for half an hour most afternoons - but still be hot. In fact, you'll probably be grateful for the respite.

Eric Mc

123,213 posts

275 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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And you will dry out quickly.

It will add to the fun and I bet it'll be the main thing you talk about (and have a laugh about) when you come home.

Too much sunshine gets boring smile