Holiday in August - HELP!

Holiday in August - HELP!


Lil' Joe

Original Poster:

1,548 posts

196 months

Sunday 21st June 2009
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Just cannot get my head around the amount of choice on the net for holidays. What I need is;
- space for 1 couple, 1 adult
- flights and bed and breakfast/half board (self catering not entirely ruled out if the rest looks great)
- around £500pp so £1500 all in, although could stretch if worth it
- must have beach in walking distance, pool is nice too. Local towns/excursions etc should be walkable without an AK47.
- Not the Costa del Burberry either

Leaving in August 09 around the 10th for 10-14 nights.

Any help or recomendations to user friendly websites much appreciated.



48,923 posts

258 months

Sunday 21st June 2009
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Try V15Ben:

(who's going to owe me commission at this rate...)

Fork in hell

93 posts

188 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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It 'will' rain, but more than likley not enough to affect you or the kids...

We've been to moon palace the last 8 years with the kids in August and it's been ok..

'Cept for one hurricane in 2001


15,927 posts

251 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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Puggit said:
Try V15Ben:

(who's going to owe me commission at this rate...)
Seems I'm doing something right rofl

Cheers for that one, but being as quiet as we are right now the finder's fee will have to wait a little while!