Travel Insurance



Original Poster:

1,230 posts

236 months

Friday 19th June 2009
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These cheap travel insurance policy deals from the likes of - are they any good? Anyone taken a policy and/or had any problems?

£38 for a couple, worldwide seems awfully cheap.


15,927 posts

251 months

Saturday 20th June 2009
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They often are!
Check the excesses, examine the T&Cs with a fine tooth comb and make sure it actually covers the things you might need.
I had one for a Round the World trip last year and it wasn't even worth claiming when I actually needed it!


1,442 posts

219 months

Saturday 20th June 2009
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I bought a policy yesterday (Annual) but one of the ones that popped up on Moneysupermarket said this

You are NOT covered if:

"# You have any undiagnosed symptoms that may require attention or investigation in the future "

Now thats sounds as dodgy a fook !

I didnt use that company!!


1,629 posts

222 months

Sunday 21st June 2009
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bull996 said:
I bought a policy yesterday (Annual) but one of the ones that popped up on Moneysupermarket said this

You are NOT covered if:

"# You have any undiagnosed symptoms that may require attention or investigation in the future "

Now thats sounds as dodgy a fook !

I didnt use that company!!
Not really, stops people who have symptoms but don't go to the doctor until they've bought their policy cashing in.

If your car was displaying the symptom of having left the road backwards at high speed, you then bought a policy and the insurance man comes out to see it to go "aye, it's fvcked", would you expect them to get the chequebook out?

Pretty hard for them to prove though, unless you've been to a doctor and had the symptoms documented I'd guess.


1,442 posts

219 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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I hear what you're saying, but none of the others said that.

Its just something else that could be used no to pay.