Booking Flights - what a pain

Booking Flights - what a pain



Original Poster:

13,622 posts

244 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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We want to book flights to Paphos in August, going out on the 27th, returning 1st Sep. However, for cost & timing reasons its beter for us to book one airline going out and another for rerurn.
Why on earth can I not get the return flight to show in sterling?

For example if I book a return via BA its 190 each out and 233 for the return leg. If I book just the return leg it comes up at 330 Euros which equals around £280 at the current exchange rate. Why can you not book a flight in your own currency or at the very least for the same price?


45,899 posts

199 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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One-way tickets always cost more proportionately - whether on boats, trains or planes.


3,348 posts

196 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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All airlines have slightly different pricing depending on what country and what channel the booking comes through.

And then there is the "fluid pricing" based on demand and interest.


Original Poster:

13,622 posts

244 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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V8mate said:
One-way tickets always cost more proportionately - whether on boats, trains or planes.
I understand what you mean but a 1 way outbound ticket with both Easyjet & BA costs the same as it would as an outbound bought alongside a return ticket.
However, the return leg booked by itself has to be paid for in Euros despite being available far cheaper in sterling when booked as a return.


1,503 posts

246 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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Do you specifically need to book directly with BA? If not, Expedia seems happy to offer one-way sterling fares from Paphos, with the BA fare currently showing as £221 plus taxes...