First Great Western



Original Poster:

3,299 posts

203 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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I am booking two lots of travel on the first great western website using the codes which they are offering up until June 30th to get £5 off each transaction over £6.

However, as you have to book each ticket seperately to take advantage of the codes, it is giving me a different seat number to the person i am wanting to sit next to. Do you have to sit in the actual seat number or do people just sit where ever?

I dont travel by train much, as you can probably tell.



13,413 posts

256 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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I never bother with my booked seat and sit in an unoccupied, unreserved seat after removing my reservation ticket so others can use my seat, but I always travel in First where its normally empty anyway.


48,923 posts

258 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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As per above - sit where you like, everyone else does.


8,023 posts

232 months

Friday 19th June 2009
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As long as the train is not too busy. I have been on FGW services which are full and standing where people have (rightly) insisted in sitting in their reserved seats.