Any singapore residents here? I have an interesting Qn..

Any singapore residents here? I have an interesting Qn..



Original Poster:

5,286 posts

230 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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Do you live in or travel frequently to Singapore?

I'm off on my honeymoon soon and will be in Singapore for 5 nights.

Qn: the fiance wants a Mulbery bag, and obviously I want to pay the best price for a real one. What shopping options do I have in Singapore for this and how do prices compare to

I believe the Singapore currency is average/strong at the moment and obviously this is a factor.

When I'm looking at spending £700 on a flippin' bag, I like to maximise my savings..... smile


7,826 posts

263 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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Not a residant but have been there a few times, there are quite a few shops along Orchard road to go price comparing.


563 posts

218 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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£700 on a handbag!!



Original Poster:

5,286 posts

230 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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hmmmmmmmmmmm frown

it will go along way to me justifying spending £xx,000 on my next car though...


21,707 posts

202 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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ask XJSJohn as he lives there and knows loads of shady people


1,238 posts

215 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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Try Peoples Park, unless it has been knocked down recently, although the last time i was there there was insufficient discounts to warrent specific purchases.


12,971 posts

258 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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The_Doc said:
hmmmmmmmmmmm frown

it will go along way to me justifying spending £xx(-1),300 on my next car though...


10,877 posts

198 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
quotequote all
The_Doc said:
hmmmmmmmmmmm frown

it will go along way to me justifying spending £xx,000 on my next car though...
NO IT WON'T!!!!! nad you know'll never justify that once you're married


15,394 posts

261 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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The_Doc said:
I have an interesting Qn..