Hotels nr Silverstone



Original Poster:

2,406 posts

228 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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Does anyone know of any hotels around Silverstone? Ideally under £100 per night?



28,377 posts

294 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
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The Green Man used to be reasonably priced. It ain't great but it's a place to get your head down.


597 posts

235 months

Monday 22nd June 2009
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Travellodge @ M40/A43 services.

Its cheap but more 'room you can kip in' than a hotel (though the services has an M&S Food...)

Miss Pitstop

4,289 posts

212 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Don said:
The Green Man used to be reasonably priced. It ain't great but it's a place to get your head down.
It can't be that bad - Murray Walker eats there (I met him in there on Thursday night!!) He had steak with a double serving of bearnaise sauce and a large glass of Merlot - a man after my own heart (and he was every bit as lovely as he seems on TV)