Travel to Namibia at short notice without vaccines

Travel to Namibia at short notice without vaccines



Original Poster:

2,157 posts

210 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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I have the opportunity to travel to Nambibia with work at very short notice, I would mostly be staying at the hotel in Windhoek

My GP has advised that I need my Typhoid and Hepatitas B vaccines, but they take two weeks to become active.

So I would be travelling without vaccines.

Is the risk crediable ? should I cancel my trip ?


48,923 posts

258 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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As long as you stay within the city, and are carfeul (only bottled water, no ice/salad etc), the risk is minimal. If you choose to go on a safari then the risk will magnify greatly.


1,442 posts

219 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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Nah, you will be fine.

They make you have the injections for a laugh, they dont actually do anything rolleyes