

Original Poster:

344 posts

193 months

Tuesday 16th June 2009
quotequote all
Anyone heard of this site? Better still has any booked a holiday from this site?

Some of the deals seem too cheap to be true, but you cant seem to book online.

Any comments welcome


11,666 posts

219 months

Tuesday 16th June 2009
quotequote all
Mrs Saleen had a look on their site for a holiday to Turkey, found a good one all inclusive for 7 nights for £315 per person, when she phoned up to book they then inform you that price doesn't include your baggage or return transfer to the hotel, once that was put on the price shot up another £95 per person! Only if you read the 'FAQs' does it mention transfers etc are extra!


Original Poster:

344 posts

193 months

Thursday 18th June 2009
quotequote all
So it is a con! Thought the prices were too good to be true!

Rum Runner

2,338 posts

227 months

Friday 19th June 2009
quotequote all
Used it before to book flights and its been great.