Driving to Cornwall



Original Poster:

4,243 posts

193 months

Tuesday 16th June 2009
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In August and we are planning a stopover on the way.Can anyone recommend a decent hotel or guesthouse around Somerset/Devon.Perhaps somewhere leafy and countryfied if you know what I mean.

Edited by macp on Tuesday 16th June 15:00


536 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th June 2009
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I always stop off here, its a great little pub.


Original Poster:

4,243 posts

193 months

Tuesday 16th June 2009
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Cheers man that looks really nice its going on the list.


536 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th June 2009
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Dont eat before you get there, the food is very good. The rooms are in a block which is separate from the pub.


181 posts

226 months

Tuesday 16th June 2009
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Stayed here a few times - http://www.nobodyinn.co.uk/ Worth looking at


Original Poster:

4,243 posts

193 months

Tuesday 16th June 2009
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pgtips said:
Stayed here a few times - http://www.nobodyinn.co.uk/ Worth looking at
Lovin the name will check it out thanks.


13,553 posts

215 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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Why do you need to stop? Shouldn't be more than 4 hours or so.

Strangely Brown

11,467 posts

241 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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Colonial said:
Why do you need to stop?
I am curious as to why you'd stop in Devon when Cornwall is "just along the road"? You're practically there already.


Original Poster:

4,243 posts

193 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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Strangely Brown said:
Colonial said:
Why do you need to stop?
I am curious as to why you'd stop in Devon when Cornwall is "just along the road"? You're practically there already.
Your quite right rolleyes
Bristol area would be the better stop off point to our destination in the St Ives area.What can I say I was tired and drink may have been involved.