Hotel in/near Briancon


Highway Star

Original Poster:

3,602 posts

241 months

Tuesday 16th June 2009
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Was just wondering whether anyone can recommend a hotel in or near to Briancon?

We are planning on stopping there for a night on the way back from our holiday in Italy this summer - am quite flexible on cost, but secure parking would be a bonus.

Many thanks,



3,711 posts

221 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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can you be more specific?

just google mapped Briancon to see if I've stayed near there at any time - there are several across France....

Highway Star

Original Poster:

3,602 posts

241 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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The one in the Alps, just over the border from Italy. smile


3,711 posts

221 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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Sorry, not stayed over that area much; only one I can remember is much closer to the coast, place called Breil-sur-Roya and that was about 10 years ago

good luck