Car hire in Vegas - INFO for folks, not a question!

Car hire in Vegas - INFO for folks, not a question!



Original Poster:

4,462 posts

292 months

Monday 15th June 2009
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Lots of folks asking Vegas queries of late. This might save a bob or two, or get you something exotic for less than you first thought.

Just booking up the annual Vegas jaunt and I had checked out the prices of the Hertz Corvette to be picked up at Caesars Palace - $999 seemed pretty reasonable for a week.

But remembering we got caught-out last year with a lot of building work at Caesars I checked to make sure it was finished, but no firm dates...just 'summer'. Decided to go to the Encore at the Wynn instead. Went to rebook the car and same dates on same car comes up as $2133 eek

Recheck pickup at Ceasars - $999. Wynns - $2133. Maybe 1/2 a mile between the properties?

If I hadn't known Caesars rate in advance (and McCarron airport too - I checked that one afterwards) I might have just gone with the Wynn/Encore pickup rate but rented it for fewer days. So, if you are renting something decent off Hertz in Vegas and aren't picking it up directly from the airport, don't assume all of the pickup locations on the Strip are charging the same rate for the same Hertz car! Given it's walkable between all the Strip pickup locations it makes sense to look at the prices for each.

Not Ideal

2,976 posts

198 months

Tuesday 16th June 2009
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Cool thanks for the info - off to LV next Weds for 4 nights at the Wynn. Can't wait!