Where is the place with the stack of 50p shaped rocks

Where is the place with the stack of 50p shaped rocks



Original Poster:

1,225 posts

217 months

Sunday 14th June 2009
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Wheres the place where they have rocks tightly grouped together at different heights in a shape like a stack of 50p's but each stack is abut the same size as a dinner plate.

I've seen it in car road tests where they take a picture of a car next to it.

I'm sure it's in the UK or Ireland and its a natural material not man made - do you know what i mean?


1,252 posts

200 months

Sunday 14th June 2009
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Giants Causeway in Ireland?


Original Poster:

1,225 posts

217 months

Sunday 14th June 2009
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Original Poster:

1,225 posts

217 months

Sunday 14th June 2009
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Cheers mate