OK - whos been to Boston (USA) and the surrounding area ?

OK - whos been to Boston (USA) and the surrounding area ?



Original Poster:

12,735 posts

238 months

Sunday 14th June 2009
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Might have the chance of a trip to Boston in a couple of weeks to meet up with some friends for a few days.

4/5 days there to get me past 4th July and then another week after. Where to go after this ? Cruise around Maine/New England or go further a field Niagra Falls way ?


3,758 posts

199 months

Sunday 14th June 2009
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I went to Boston last October and it was really good smile I was there during the autumn colours though, and you will miss that!

Try to catch a RedSox game though!

Super Slo Mo

5,370 posts

208 months

Sunday 14th June 2009
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Cape Cod is worth a visit, Provincetown interesting .

The suggestions on the other thread are all good.

Niagara Falls is more or less a full day's drive each way (450 miles or so), both falls are nice, although the city itself is a bit tacky and touristy.

Red Cabbage

3,606 posts

242 months

Sunday 14th June 2009
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Super Slo Mo said:
Cape Cod is worth a visit, Provincetown interesting .

The suggestions on the other thread are all good.

Niagara Falls is more or less a full day's drive each way (450 miles or so), both falls are nice, although the city itself is a bit tacky and touristy.
Second all that. thumbup


Original Poster:

12,735 posts

238 months

Sunday 14th June 2009
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Bloody hell, the hotels are expensive !! Its at least a one'r a night if not more !! This is a shame as I might have to reconsider....


1,359 posts

294 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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A couple of years ago we toured around Maine & New Hampshire using B&Bs and were very pleasantly surprised at the standard of the accommodation. I don't have a link but I'm sure Google will turn up something for you.
Boston is where our head office is, and the hotel prices just keep climbing.