maldives plans


clive f

Original Poster:

7,250 posts

243 months

Sunday 14th June 2009
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after asking a few questions on here and doing a bit of research have decided on the following for next april, 7 nights in Negombo Sri Lanka at the Beach Hotel, on a room and breakfast basis, then on to Komandoo island in the maldives for 7 nights on all inclusive basis, flights with Sri Lanka Airways which are direct.

would appreciate any comments, views from anyone who has been to these places before, I`ve read reports on trip advisor ect, which seem okay.


15 posts

190 months

Monday 15th June 2009
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I think your doing the right thing with going AI in the Maldives and BB in Sri Lanka, they have some great places to eat and it's really really cheap.. Don't eat any pork tho wink

How much would the cost of the holiday increase if you went in Feb or March instead of April?

Edited by Si81 on Monday 15th June 11:57

Edited by Si81 on Monday 15th June 11:57

clive f

Original Poster:

7,250 posts

243 months

Monday 15th June 2009
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not sure on the cost increase by going earlier, one of the main reasons for going late in April is to give me enough time to raise the money anyway, have been quoted £4847 per couple with Kuoni.