I hate booking flights



Original Poster:

11,095 posts

236 months

Saturday 13th June 2009
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Was looking at the cost of flying the OH out to Brussels last night, and found the right flights with BMI. Last night they were £80, this morning the same outbound flight is £176!!! bds!

There is no other industry that has such random pricing, it seriously annoys me...


Original Poster:

11,095 posts

236 months

Saturday 13th June 2009
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We now have to pay £4.50 per transaction with a credit card!!!

And now to get the OH on the same flight back as me (we are flying out on different days) her flight is costing £50 more then the return leg of my flight!



48,923 posts

258 months

Saturday 13th June 2009
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Ahhhh - the joy of being a regular bmi flier. It's almost always possible to fly bmi on reward points for the short flights!


15,927 posts

251 months

Saturday 20th June 2009
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I drove back from Brussels yesterday mate. Ferry was £19 + the fuel to drive 300 miles to Nottingham. Much cheaper than flying and we even picked up some girls for the journey home rofl

I agree that flight pricing is stupidly random though smile