In- flight walking into Upper Class from Economy?

In- flight walking into Upper Class from Economy?



Original Poster:

2,877 posts

220 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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Next week am travelling abroad with a friend

My friend is travelling upper class and I am travelling economy. Once all the seat belt signs are off and the food has been served will I be allowed to walk into Upper class just to chat with my friend for a short period or will they caste me back into the depths of economy?


20,728 posts

196 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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I don't see why you should be let in, we pay a good deal of money to not associate with the riff-raff behind the curtain/down the stairs hehe


2,044 posts

211 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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I was under the impression that when you turned right upon boarding a aircraft the curtain to upper class was like some sort of DMZ that should never be crossed.


17,202 posts

239 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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it depends on the aircrew - they generally wont let you, but if you mention you'd like to see your friend (mention his seat number) they may let you...

though dont think you'll get to stay wink


1,135 posts

220 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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I once walked out of upper class and was ushered back in. It seems to work both ways.


48,923 posts

258 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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I always see countless people walking through to use the lavvies!


36,970 posts

207 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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fizz876 said:
Next week am travelling abroad with a friend

My friend is travelling upper class and I am travelling economy. Once all the seat belt signs are off and the food has been served will I be allowed to walk into Upper class just to chat with my friend for a short period or will they caste me back into the depths of economy?
If its important to speak to your friend during the flight, why not have him come to you?


14,343 posts

208 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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how uncouth


8,577 posts

247 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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You see the thing is, if we let you in, everyone else in cattle will want to come in and talk to their 'friend' as well, which will lower the tone of the whole cabin! :


7,518 posts

192 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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A true friend would offer the person sat next to you their first class seat.

Can't imagine I would have much to say to anyone who intentionally sat apart from me on the same journey, and find it acceptable for me to get out of my seat to go to them.


Original Poster:

2,877 posts

220 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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redtwin said:
A true friend would offer the person sat next to you their first class seat.

Can't imagine I would have much to say to anyone who intentionally sat apart from me on the same journey, and find it acceptable for me to get out of my seat to go to them.
thast all well and good but my friend is 6"5 and we have a 10 hour flight and if I really asked him to he would have come to economy but i'm not fussed he is sitting in upper...


17,202 posts

239 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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yeah, i cant see anyone expecting a friend to give up a first class seat to sit in economy, no matter how 'real' they are..


2,584 posts

261 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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Reminds me of The Cleese and Corbett 'class' sketch, only Corbett knew his place wink


2,267 posts

233 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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I've done that before - asked the stewardess and took the stairs up (told her I was curious and she told me to go right ahead). I didn't stop long though . .


45,899 posts

199 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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Laptops. Wireless router (can you get USB powered ones?). Skype headsets.



6,887 posts

227 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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There isn't really anywhere to be unless there are spare seats and even then Upper puts you in little cubicles where you are a bit cut off from the people round you. Of course you could both sit at the bar but I doubt they'll like you doing that


18,446 posts

204 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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Depends very much on the airline you're flying with. Flew with Qatar a month or so back and they wouldn't let the riff-raff past the curtain even to use the privy.


8,146 posts

256 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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siscar said:
There isn't really anywhere to be unless there are spare seats and even then Upper puts you in little cubicles where you are a bit cut off from the people round you. Of course you could both sit at the bar but I doubt they'll like you doing that
Virgin has the little ottoman which I think was designed to be used as a seat for a friend, but presumably you only have the "right" to sit there if you are from the UC cabin.

A colleague once asked if I could join him at the bar and was denied, the explanation was that it would normally be ok but they had just turned down a request from another person who wanted several friends to join them at the bar and couldn't be seen to allow another passenger to do it (even though he only wanted one guest, not several!).


924 posts

225 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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I might sound snobby but I wouldnt like someone sitting on the ottomen seat chatting away for a few hours if I was next to them. Everybody in the UC section has paid a premium to be there.

I believe that UC passengers can go into PE or economy but not the other way around. If the premium economy is'nt full they sometimes sell them off at the airport that day. The last time I flew with them the whole of premium economy was empty downstairs.


924 posts

225 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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Also depends if your going East or West, people could be in bed trying to sleep. UC passengers can also eat whenever they want, so meals can be served at anytime, and you may be in the way.