AI or not AI


clive f

Original Poster:

7,250 posts

243 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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is it worth going all inclusive in the maldives? are drinks and snacks expensive if we just go half board?


8,617 posts

214 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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clive f said:
is it worth going all inclusive in the maldives? are drinks and snacks expensive if we just go half board?
For the wife and me, it is the soft drinks that can add up to a few hundred pounds over the course of a week or two.

We go AI 80% of the time because of this.


48,923 posts

258 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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Definitely worth it if you like a G+T or 2 in the evening and you'll need plenty of bottled water too. Everything (except Coca-Cola products!) is imported, so they are expensive.


2,641 posts

247 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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When I went to the Maldives I went AI but still had to sign for every drink as usual and the hotel prepared a bill as usual, but obviously I didn't have to pay it.

When I saw the bill I was VERY pleased I was AI.

clive f

Original Poster:

7,250 posts

243 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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thanks for the info thumbup


924 posts

225 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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Depends if your careful with your money as some people are, it is expensive food and drinks. If you intend drinking quite a bit and like full board then yes its worth it. Your a captive ordiance in the Maldives, but it can be done on a budget.


15 posts

190 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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Defo go all inclusive!!

Like a cocktail? that'll be $15/$20 sir.., food's also expensive..