Center Parcs discount code?

Center Parcs discount code?


Miss Pitstop

Original Poster:

4,289 posts

212 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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Does anyone know of a discount code for Center Parcs that would be valid for a stay in November? I know these things usually crop up in the sunday papers from time to time but I don't usually buy them.

I'd be really grateful if anyone can post a code or link if possible, or just let me know if a particular paper is doing them.




6,941 posts

204 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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We booked a massively discounted break for October, I think it's like 200 quid between 4 of us, but I imagine that ship has sailed already, check


11,666 posts

219 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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Try... 'PPPZ'

Miss Pitstop

Original Poster:

4,289 posts

212 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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Thanks for that, just tried it but it doesn't seem to work.

On the moneysavingexpert forums it says all discount codes have been withdrawn frown I guess lots of people are having holidays in the UK this year so they don't need to discount it.

Cheers anyway.