Where to go on holiday



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195 months

Tuesday 9th June 2009
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For the past few years we have always gone to France either camping or renting cheap hotels and the like. The past two years we have been spoilt due to the fact that a friend has a house in S.France in the Langue a Doc region closest city being Montpellier. But alas he has upped his roots in the UK and moved over on a permanent basis.

Anyhow myself and the g/f are looking for something different this year, and the initial plan was to head to the lake district, somewhere I have not been since a kid. My ideal holiday is driving to picturesque places and taking in different places/photography. I hate anything that implies sitting on a crowded beach, so a beach holiday is out of the question despite loving the ruggedness of the 'Jurassic Coast' but I need to be doing something active.

Anyway dependant on the weather we maybe off to the lake district next week, but as a contigency may do lastminute.com. Browsing yesterday Prague took my interest for a 5 nighter, but having investigated further June -> August seems to have high precipitation aka over 50%, so this blows this out of the window just as well goto the lake district.

So I'm a bit stumped, where can I go with a budget of about £300 each to include flights and accomadation ideally on a B&B basis?

And should the weather be nice, we will be heading to the Lakes around Windermere. I will be taking our tent, can anyone recommend a places to pitch up and also where to go etc as it's been 15 or so years since I've been! What places can I stop at on the way up from London on route?

Many thanks smile